

Elf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Male Character Portrait




Rare Herb 

Terrain Type Harvest Time
Ancient Oak Blessed Oak, Fisherman’s Hut, Forbidden 3 hours
Berbane Leaves   10 hours
Brascan Seeds Ancient Forest, Dark Forest, Dense Forest, Forested Hilltop, Light Woods, Wooded Land  
Brownback Moss Dense Forest, Light Woods, Wooded Land  
Dyallom Gall Dense Foliage, Rainforest 12 hours
Ebony Wood Palm Trees  
Furzion Seedpods Dense Forest, Forested Hilltop, Rainforest, Wooded Glade  
Giant Palm Leaves Dense Foliage, Light Tropical Cover (Jungle), Palm Trees, Rainforest, Tropical Foliage  
Ironstem Root Ancient Forest 10 hours
Larken Wood Dense Forest, Forested Hilltop, Light Woods, Thick Forest, Wooded Glade, Wooded Land  
Lemonwood Bough    
Mabri Fruit    
Miner’s Bane Abandoned Mineshaft 10 hours
Pale Cedar Wood    
Queen’s Hair Leaves Light Woods, Light Tropical Cover, Rainforest, Tropical Hilltop, Weeping Willow, Wooded Glade  
Rahan Palm Wood Oasis, Palm Trees  
Rockweed Root Forested Hilltop 10 hours
Sharproot Dense Forest, Light Woods, Wooded Glade, Wooded Land 10 hours
Silverthorn Forested Hilltop  
Snowbell Flower Frozen Heath, Icy Moss, Lichen 10 hours
Spidertree Leaves Oasis  
Suntree Haft Dense Forest, Forested Hilltop  
Toadcap Fungus Bog, Marsh, Swamp  
Vistrok Flowers Dense Forest, Light Forest, Thick Forest, Wooded Land 10 hours
Warpwood Shoot Abundant Clay, Exposed Clay, Plains, Turned Clay  

Hunting Underworld/Undead

  [@c=120]    (Underworld classified as Undead according to TooFarGone and Tensmoor)  / Use after midnight:    [ @c=440]       [@c=489]     [@c=463]   Lady Velindre: [@c=508]   [@c=523]    [@c=541] / Don't use after midnight:   Greatsword of Dawn, etc.  Illyriad day/night cycle:Day is 7 to 19hrs server time

[@c=464]   [@c=471]   [@c=441]   [@c=448] [@c=490]     [@c=494] [@c=509]   [@c=512]   [@c=524]   [@c=530]

  [@c=542]   [@c=548]

Hunting animals

[@c=133]     [@c=120]  

Hunting Monstrous


  [@c=464]   [@c=471]   [@c=441]   [@c=448]   [@c=490]   

[@c=494]   [@c=509] [@c=512]   [@c=524]   [@c=530]

[@c=542]   [@c=548]

Hunting Magical Creatures and hostile wielders of magic


Night use in general (hunting, and well timed hits I suppose) : [@c=132] 

