
drunken dragon

Human Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Female Character Portrait

Returning player :- previously know as rumple /dragon of mirth was the ALT

0:00]<Kinesis> don't be offended, Vah. I'll deny this in public, but you're Vahbulous. <3

[19:59]<Pippette Of Glitch> does reseasrching close quarter penetration boost my populaton??


-203 -122 for duraz karag is ancient dwarven ruins

Copied from Midas's   profile so as not to be lost               

   Troop's cost, attack & defense Per Hour by Hiei

                                             Production at 20 Barracks

Race Troop



 Base Time




Defense p/h
Spear Bow Sword Cav
Human Militiamen 1 12.00 p/h 84 132 48 132 156
Pikemen 2   8.00 p/h 128 136 88 136 232
Swordsmen 2   9.35 p/h 205.7 121.55 93.5 140.5 130.9
Men-at-Arms 3   8.00 p/h 280 160 144 168 152
Archer 2   9.60 p/h 153.6 201.6 211.2 192 124.8
Longbowmen 3   6.00 p/h 144 198 192 192 120
Charioteer 3   5.14 p/h 190.18 77.1 82.24 102.8 107.94
Knights 4   4.50 p/h 292.5 90 85.5 126 126
Elf Protectors 1 11.61 p/h 69.66 127.71 46.44 116.1 150.93
Phalanxes 2   7.83 p/h 117.45 117.45 78.3 117.45 234.9
Wardens 2   9.11 p/h 191.31 127.54 109.32 127.54 127.54
Wardancers 3   8.00 p/h 264 152 152 160 160
Sentinels 2   9.60 p/h 192 220.8 230.4 220.8 152.6
Trueshots 3   6.00 p/h 192 216 216 204 150
Swiftsteeds 3   5.14 p/h 185.04 66.82 66.82 102.8 107.94
Marshals 4   4.50 p/h 265.5 85.5 81 121.5 126

Kobold Cohorts


19.46 p/h

175.14 233.52 116.76 233.52 225.98
Clan Guardsmen 2   8.09 p/h  153.71 145.62 88.99 145.62 266.97
Fangs 2 14.12 p/h 310.64 197.68 156.2 211.8 197.68
Fists 3   8.57 p/h   308.52 154.26 145.69 154.26 162.83
Clanguards 2   9.47 p/h 160.99 179.93 198.87 189.4 113.64
Death Dealers 3   6.00 p/h 156 186 180 180 120
Wolfriders 3   5.14 p/h 174.76 71.96 71.96 102.8 123.36
Death Packs 4   4.50 p/h 265.5 94.5 85.5 126 130.5
Dwarf Yeomen 1 10.59 p/h 74.13 127.08 42.36 137.67 137.67
Halbardiers 2 8.18 p/h 130.88 139.06 106.34 130.88 237.22
Axmen 2 9.23 p/h 267.67 129.22 101.53 156.91 129.22
Stalwarts 3 7.50 p/h 337.5 150 135 157.5 127.5
Slingers 2 9.23 p/h 138.45 193.83 203.06 184.6 119.99
Crossbowmen 3 6.00 p/h 156 192 186 180 126
Packsmen 3 5.14 p/h 164.48 77.1 77.1 51.4 118.22
Runeriders 4 4.50 p/h 256.5 94.5 90 117 130.5


                                               Terrain Combat Multipliers

Offense Defense
Terrain Spear Bow Sword Cav Terrain Spear Bow Sword Cav
Buildings 20% 5% 40% -50% Buildings 25% 15% 30% -45%
Plains -15% 0% 0% 30% Plains -15% 0% 0% 25%
Small Forest 10% -10% 30% -10% Small Forest 10% -10% 30% -10%
Large Forest 5% -20% 30% -15% Large Forest 5% -20% 25% -15%
Small Hill 0% 0% 0% 0% Small Hill 5% 5% 5% 0%
Large Hill 0% 10% 10% -15% Large Hill 10% 15% 5% -10%
Small Mountain 0% 10% 5% -20% Small Mountain 15% 15% 5% -15%
Large Mountain 0% 15% 15% -30% Large Mountain 20% 30% 5% -30%

