

Orc Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Orc Male Character Portrait

Land Claim

Please do not trespass within 10 squares of my cities without permission and do not relocate within 10 squares of my cities under any circumstances. The 10 squares surrounding my cities are concidered mine for collecting resources, and hunting grounds, All intentions are peaceful, but I will attack any that invade my territory.



From the depths of earth and fire, Rises a creature fierce and dire. With skin as tough as dragon's scale, And a thirst for battle that will never fail.

Tusks as sharp as razors gleam, In eyes that burn with warrior's dream. Mighty muscles ripple and flex, As this fearsome creature prepares for the next.

The Orc, a creature born to fight, With every breath, he seeks to ignite. The flames of war that burn within, A constant hunger that never grows thin.

Through valleys deep and mountains high, The Orc will fight until he dies. A warrior born with bloodlust strong, Who knows no fear, and fears no wrong.

So beware, oh mortal man, For when the Orcs come, you'll understand. That in this world of fantasy and lore, The Orcs will reign forevermore.
