
Cowboy Sr

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

I am a peaceful player who is foused on exploration, diplomacy, crafting and trading.  I have traders in the Council of Illyria Hub at Tundale (391|437) and Centium (0|0). As I grow I plan to have additional traders in other hubs.

I claim rights to 5 square radius around my cities and my soveriegn lands. I ask that you do not place, without permission, any armies, gatherers or harvestors within that 5 square radius of any of my cities or sovergn lands. If you do place units twithin these squares,without permission, I may attack your units without warning and without compensation. If you ask first, then I may negiotiate a harvesting agreement with you within the 5 squares from my cities and my sovergn squares but you must ask before placing the units.
