
Grór Stonehand

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

 Craftman / Miner  




 Rules for Living in Peace with the Kingdom of Grûndirvad

  1. - Do not enter the lands of sovereignty of the Kingdom.

  2. - Respect the 10 sq. from Grûndirvad, do not gather do not hunt in.

  3. - Trade with the Kingdom. 

  4. - Respect its laws.

  5. - Do not belong to the green-skinned folk..  

 Trade Hubs:

Tor Dannu



                       Loyal and Faithful Vassal lord of the Dwarven Lords [Dlord] 


 My Old profiles..      



                                                          Morgrim Ironforge




Information on Faction Play:



Dwarf music




                            Grór Stonehand 


King Grór Stonehand, son of Drági, Lord of Grûndirvad.

He established his kingdom near the beginning of the Second Age of Illyria, with the founding of his home at Tor Carrock in -277 | -117. 

Gròr ruled with utter surety, and for many long years led his people and his family as best he could until he reached an old age full of great events and proud achievements. Firmly convinced in the abilities and tenacity of his Clan, King Grór led in great architectural works and daring expansionist enterprises throughout the domain of Grûndirvad. Thus building immense underground roads and infrastructure and expanding the mines and discovering cavernous new areas beneath the Gray Peaks and the fortress city itself.

He also succeeded in the geopolitical reality of the surface in making the Kingdom well known and esteemed by the neighbors so much that he made it join the Greatest dwarven Alliance that ever existed there, the Dwarven Lords. And the results of these actions were great that the Kingdom was invaded by an intense coming and going of caravans and merchants from all over the world and above all it made many friends near and far and established close commercial relations with them.

However, always maintaining a certain, and severe, level of secrecy with the rest of the outside world.

His fame also derives from the impetuous gift he has in forging, in fact he himself is a master of the art of metal and in his spare time, beyond his duties and tasks, he delights in the creation of magnificent artifacts and jewels made with top quality materials. He is also the only one able to enchant the objects he creates, and this brings with it the specter of mystery, which arises in his people, of stories and legends about the king of magical arts and his arcane lineage. 



 Clan Stonebreaker 


The clan, born in the dawn of the First Age of Illyria, was the congregation of several prominent dwarven families residing in Duraz Karag.

There were three families, each of which was represented by dwarves coming from and belonging to three of the great Guilds of the Ancestral homeland, the Agàlzî, wise blacksmiths, the Skrügí, skilled miners, and the Zâkravi, powerful warriors. All three reunited under a single Clan, which was demonized the Clan Stonebreaker and by it the three bloodlines were united in blood and iron until the end of their days. The Stonebreakers are admirers and appraisers of the Great Dwarven Clans of Illyria, once powerful leaders of the kingdom of Duraz Karag, and they served them in battle on many occasions, such as during the fall of Duraz Karag, albeit to a lesser extent given the size of the small clans in comparison and the massive casualties inflicted on them during the long war against the Orcs. The Clan therefore has a deep grudge against the Orc-folk and would never, ever find itself opening policies of any kind outside of war with the domains and peoples of that lineage.

And after the fall of the Ancestral homeland, the Clan made to migrate towards the West on the high hills of Tor Carrock and after a few centuries, between the end of the First Age and the beginning of the Second, they were convinced to move once again and this time founding a real kingdom built under the rock. Thus was born the great realm and the dwarf city of Grûndirvad, architectural and mining jewel of the Clan, as well as the one and only fortress residence of the Clan itself.

At the diplomatic level with other races, without counting the lineage of the Orcs of which enough has already been said, the dwarves of Grundirvâd and therefore the Clan Stonebreaker arrive on good terms with the lineages of men, even if not with all, and with these they open trade and military alliance. With the Elves, on the other hand, they more often open conflicts of interest and great competition on the market, thus leading the Clan to have a certain note of confidentiality much tighter than usual than with other races.

With other dwarven peoples, the Stonebreakers tend to have a certain balance, neither too good nor too bad, as much difference runs with other lineages of their race and theirs, and not all follow the traditional path that the dwarves of Grûndirvad extol.

Consequently, it is not difficult to make rival clans and families, as it is not difficult to make great friends and excellent allies.


Faction Play Races Rank

Faction Dwarfs Elves Orcs Humans
Dwarfs    +3    -1   -3      +3
Elves     -1   +3   -3      +2
Orcs     -3    -3  +3       -2
Humans    +3   +2   -2      +3








The Kingdom's domains  

The Kingdom consists of three major population centers including the Kingdom's capital city, Grûndirvad, the forge-city of Valgorod and the Zâkil'zarák's mining city. Each of them expands their underground domains along the sovereign territory they claim following the example of the capital city. Important production centers for the kingdom as well as for its territorial completion.

Although the deep Abyss Roads fail, due to the long distance, to directly connect the cities to each other, the kingdom is therefore united by many roads and surface passages that make travel, albeit slow and in the open, safer and more peaceful. In fact the great coming and going, between the cities, settlements and the capital, of caravans and merchants, persists as of day even at night, thanks also to mountain passes very well guarded by outposts and lookout fields here and there between the mountain plateaus.

The mountainous region is therefore a well-guarded and controlled oasis, and the mountains are rich in deposits of minerals and metals as well as in fauna and flora, like any good territory in the central regions.



The Gray Peaks      

The mountains which the dwarfs of Grûndirvad call the "Grey Peaks" or "Khûrmín-Tal" are the range of mountains that fall within the possession of the Kingdom of Grûndirvad, and as such they are sacred and well guarded by the dwarves. Their chain is more or less counted by twelve peaks ([-277|-116] [-276|-116] [-278|-116] [-278|-118] [-277|-118] [-276|-118] [-276|-117] [-278|-117] [-277|-117] [-279|-117] [-275|-117] [-277|-115]), under which extends, and expands more and more, the subterranean network of tunnels, mines and forges of the kingdom. It is said that standing between those mountain passes and valleys, one can hear, with one's ear sharp, the hammers and picks of the dwarves digging and forging beneath those mountains. 

Although there is a large amount of snow on the peaks of the mountains all year round, down in the valley, during the spring and summer, the soil is fertile and rich enough to enchant even the darkest of souls, in fact they are rich of forests, rivers and cultivable areas.

To be found wandering those mountains claimed by Grûndirvad's sovereignty would be like declaring an act of defiance, if not war.  


   The eleven Gray Peaks are subject to the Sovereignty of the Realm of Grûndirvad - as well every mountain peak under the 10 sq. from the cities of the Realm.



There are 4 Seasons in Illyriad, and they run as follows:

SPRING (March, April, May)
The time of renewal, growth and soil loosened by the rains.
+1%    +5%    +1%    +3%      +1%

SUMMER (June, July, August)
Early crops ripen, and workers prefer escaping the heat, underground.
none     +1%    +5%    +1%      +3%

AUTUMN (September, October, November)
The crops are harvested and the balmy weather pleases most everyone.
+3%     +3%    none    +5%      +5%

WINTER (December, January, February)
Workers collect firewood whilst the ground is frozen.
+5%     none    +3%    none      none



                 The Great city of Grûndirvad     

              The ancient fortress, and home of the Clan Stonebreaker, was founded in the second century of the Second Age of Illyria and was dug and built under the mountains which the dwarves of the Clan call the "Grey Peaks", along the extreme northwestern range of Tor Carrock. So for a very long time now the great entrance gate of the fortress city has adorned the majestic valley that the dwarves of Grûndirvad call "Tol Zûra", that is "Green Valley", and the indigenous inhabitants of the surroundings, even if they fear it, aspire to explore and visit it. 

Their kingdom, dug under the rock, extends far and wide in the territory of their sovereignty, and they develop and expand in a constant search for the best quality ores and metals. The network of tunnels and caves where the inhabited and industrial centers are located is kilometers deep and the mines continue to deepen it. Hundreds of halls, miles of forges and over hundreds of thousands of tunnels and caves connecting everything from the city itself to all the Gray Peaks. The mines and forges, the refineries and steel mills work tirelessly to replenish the city's military and merchant supplies, especially the best iron, which is mined, and the best chainmail, which is crafted. And Those are among the most influential goods seen along the underground roads of the Kingdom. Carts and caravans full of goods and materials travel underground like rivers, along roads and tunnels from industrial areas to inhabited areas creating a continuous coming and going.

The heart of the city, the inhabited center par excellence, overflows with activity and liveliness, where commerce fills the streets and the great craftsmen make their hammers and chisels resound in the streets and halls. The city is also considered the cradle of numerous prestigious companies and blacksmithing activities, which greatly enrich the mercantile and military defense activity of the city itself.

Shops, markets, workshops fill the squares and terraces all around the cave, and a river of light from lamps warms the entire city centre, projecting onto the high cavernous ceiling.  

In the maentime on the upper levels, a little less than a few hundred meters from the summit of the mountain, stands the great residence of the king and the royal palace, where the diplomatic-political fulcrum gathers and the great decisions and policies of the Kingdom are then issued. 



Resource Upkeep at Lvl 20
Building Wood Clay Iron Stone
Archers' Field 2700   1100  
Assassins' Abode     3100 1900
Cavalry Parade Ground 1100 2700    
Foreign Office   400 800 1600
Geomancers' Retreat 700 2300   1500
Infantry Quarters     1100 2700
Runemasters' Grounding   900   1700
Saboteurs' Sanctuary 2700 1500    
Scouts' Lookout 700 1500    
Spearmen's Billets   2700 1100  
Spies Hideout 700 1100   1100
Thieves' Den 1700 1100 1700  
Trade Office 2800 690   1580
Chancery of Estates 800 3200   1600




The Smiths of Grûndirvad        

There are many great and prestigious master blacksmiths who live in Grûndirvad and the guild of blacksmiths of the city brings together at its top the best and ancestral lords of the forge that the Kingdom can boast. Among the blacksmiths are many age-old masters who impart the ancient arts and practices that were once used and known, during the glory days of the Great Clans of Illyria. Great known and renowned names of the kingdom are: Brudín, secular master of iron, Frará Ironhammer, master swordsmith and King Gròr Stonehand himself, enchanter lord of the forge. Thousands are the blacksmiths and just as many thousands are the hammers that break the silence of the stone and return a "harmonic" song of steel and wrought iron. Moreover, the vast majority of blacksmiths are large chainsmiths, and consequently very skilled creators and producers of the best chainmails that exist, from the most common standard ones to the most particular and specialized ones.

So industrious are they that the forges great and small of the Kingdom are never stop to forge and never closed and steel and iron are quenched and gold and ores mix and melt into an alloy, and one after another are created great works and famous goods placed at the service of the kingdom and its wealth.


 Items avaliable at Grûndirvad's forge

[@c=9] - 500 gold per item
[@c=3] - 400 gold per item
[@c=10] - 150 gold per item
[@c=5] - 120 gold per item
[@c=45] - 1.500 gold per item  




The Mining Guild    

There are not many mining guilds in the city, indeed, there is at least one, and it is known in the language of the Clan as "Grathol-zâr" or "The Red Guild", and it brings together the most qualified and respected miners in the Kingdom. Second but not least are the Guilds of the mining city of Zâkil'zarák, The Iron Guilds, who hold the mining of the much coveted Arterium.

Very important for the economy of the entire realm, as well as for all its armed forces. 

The guild leader is a well-known and faithful close friend of the king, Rodâg is his name, and he is a renowned gemologist and scholar of precious stones, so much so that in the city the nobles turn to him for many kinds of business, and often to get in touch with the king himself , thus bypassing the great court of lords and diplomats following him.

Were it not for the Guild, the city's trade in precious stones and minerals would be non-existent and consequently the economy would suffer greatly. 

Without the Guild, even the subterranean expansion of the kingdom would not have been possible, in fact the myriad of roads and tunnels under the hard rock are owned by the Red Guild, and it is responsible for their maintenance.

And under the Gray Peaks thousands of pickaxes dig and dig deeper mines and tunnels in search of minerals and precious metals, and after years and years the Guild established the "Abyss Roads", or commonly known as the underground highways of the kingdom, essential for heavy transport of materials and production goods. 


Items available at Grûndirvad's mines

[@c=195] - 900 gold per item
[@c=199] - 3.000 gold per item
[@c=204] - 5.000 gold per item
[@c=198] - 1.000 gold per item
[@c=197] - 800 gold per item 



   The main cities of the Kingdom, After Grûndirvad 



Also known as Iron Peak, the city holds the title of Forge City of the realm of Grûndirvad.
The settlement, less than 6 hours' walk from the capital in the mountains, has its roots in a vast and deep deposit of iron and steel from where its blacksmiths collect and forge the materials for the manufacture and mass production of armaments , for the armed forces of the realm.
Above all chain mail, which production, even if it exceeds that of the capital city, is of a lower quality and variety.
Like all other settlements in the realm, it maintains its neutrality in the market, exporting its products only to the capital city, where they will then be sold in the market, or shipped to the shops in the realm, in the Hubs.
Its garrison is well prepared and equipped, the warriors who make up its ranks, in fact, are among the best, after those of the Grûndirvad garrison.


The city founded on the ruins of the old Undavâr's Peak, ancient stronghold of King Ulvárr Ironhand, (also known only as "Ironhand"), opens its activity around the mining sector, in fact it is no coincidence that its gates overlook the deep and ancient mines of Arterium of Duraz Karag, as well as the road leading to it.
In fact, the mining city is less than an hour's walk from the imposing ruins of Duraz Karag, so much so that from the terraces and watchtowers of the mountain fortress you can admire the ruins of the ancient ancestral home in the distance, held sacred up on the dwarven clans and families.
The underground network of the mining city is so deep and intricate, already consecrated by the old mining network of the city of Undavâr, that it is said to touch the ancient underground highways of the ancestral dwarven kingdom of Karag.
The subterranean domain is therefore an agglomeration of mines and forges, given its mono-sectoral nature in the field of mining.
Given the rarity and preciousness of the kind of mineral extracted, the Mining Guilds of the city therefore have a very high esteem and respect from many other lords of the dwarves and consider them perhaps among the luckiest dwarves in the world, as well as having a very high preparation for the sacred task of mining.
So much so that they are known and known among many dwarven realms.




   [@i=5|51] Armies and Commanders of the Stonebreaker Clan [@i=5|61]




Role playing - Clan Stonebreaker armies Skill

  • The Army in possession of a Battery-tower  (outside of a Siege Block or Siege Train action) is believed to be moving underground, in full swing excavation, therefore with extremely slow movement speed from normal (Moviment Speed: 5). 

Used very often, if used, outside the kingdom domains, therefore in the absence of underground roads.

  • The Army with a commander equipped with a Riding Horse, only and exclusively within the territory of Grûndirvad (11sq.), is considered to be moving along the underground network of roads, and therefore benefited from a less steep and difficult path than those on the surface, with an +25% of movement.

Both, this unit and the equipment, are considered objects that define the movement of the armies that use them as a different kind of physical movement of the latter.

Battery-Tower = Excavator (free movement even beyond the domains of the realm, underground).
Riding Horses = underground roads (presence and transparency of travel only via underground roads, maximum travel within 10sq from Grûndirvad). 

  • Another recognition of whether armies are using underground phats, to shift slow march into surface terrain, is through the Tracking Movement. If an army (not cavalry, the dwarfs of Grûndirvad don't use it regardless) moves on the map, within the 11sqfrom the Capital City, with 1/Arrows, it means that the army uses the Underground roads.


Faction Play Max Troop by Type

 Troop Unit   T1   T2 
 Spear  5,000   2,500 
 Bow  2,500   1,667 
 Infantry  2,500   1,667 
 Cavalry  1,667   1,250 



The Iron Guard Legion      

  (Legion banner)   

The Legion is the main army of the kingdom and is the jewel of the entire military branch of the Clan.
It is among the proudest and most powerful armies that exist there, formed mostly by veterans, the legion is often active in actions to defend and secure the mining and peripheral network of the underground kingdom of Grûndirvad.
The legion is therefore in continuous action against the dangers that threaten the underground domains and consequently keeps it and its legionaries always ready and trained in the best possible way, through experience in the field.
Moreover, they know how to move underground and are equipped to do so thanks to excavation machines and a division entirely dedicated to them and their teams.
The army also engages in military action above ground, albeit more rarely, and their experience in mountain warfare is a pride and secret that the dwarves of the Clan closely guard from all, dead or alive. 
The warriors that make up its ranks are known for their great resilience and experience on surface siege fields, in fact the army often accompanies war machines such as ballistae or battery-towers, always ready to give their contribution in the defense of their siege engines.



Terrain Combat Multipliers

Offense Defense
Terrain Spear Bow Sword Cav Terrain Spear Bow Sword Cav
Buildings +20% +5% +40% -50% Buildings +25% +15% +30% -45%
Plains -15% 0% 0% +30% Plains -15% 0% 0% +25%
Small Forest +10% -10% +30% -10% Small Forest +10% -10% +30% -10%
Large Forest +5% -20% +30% -15% Large Forest +5% -20% +25% -15%
Small Hill 0% 0% 0% 0% Small Hill +5% +5% +5% 0%
Large Hill 0% +10% +10% -15% Large Hill +10% +15% +5% -10%
Small Mountain 5% 0% -10% -20% Small Mountain +15% +15% +5% -15%
Large Mountain 0% +10% +5% -20% Large Mountain +20% +30% +5%



Tracking Movement 

Stationary Unit = No arrows

1 arrow = 1-7 squares per hour 

2 arrows = 8-16 squares per hour

3 arrows = 17-25 squares per hour

4 arrows = 26-41 squares per hour

5 arrows = 41+ squares per hour 


To be continue

                                             Lord Fúrnin




