
Deaths Knight

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

Welcome. Welcome everyone to Fantas... chough, chough (clears throat)

My appologies as that was the wrong introduction. (Mrs DK and I have been overdosing on Fantasy Island recently.) What say we give that a try again.

Greetings and Salutations one and all!

I should be polite and introduce myself. I am Deaths Knight... been with Illy for years.
Unfortunately time and life has precipitated a few abandoned accounts.

Why then you ask do I throw out this unsolicited barrage of random information? Because as I return to this wonderfully chaotic and confusing mass of moving caravans and roaming hordes, I find comfort among the people and the comaraderie it provides.

And I know where home is...

Thanks all from DK and as always with hugs from Mrs DK


Ritter Von Tod - Larn

A Growing city well known for it's historical loud and tumultuous prewar gatherings of knights in drunken debauchery. Only in the early dawn lights are tales of thousands of knights screaming from the castle. The endless stream of hell bent warriors clad in Glowing Platemail mounted upon massive war horses that appear to be beating fire underneath their hooves and snorting flames from their nostrils.

As King, I must say... Glad their mine and not coming for me. 

Cotters' Grove - Larn

A simple and quaint little village dedicated to the relaxed life of farming and gathering. Do not blink, you may miss it.

Trader Joe's - Pirate Isle

This is my primary trading post supplying finely crafted and highly desired equipment for your next Magical castings and the latest in war time fashions. If you happen to be search for that perfect gift, seek no further. Drop an enquiry to me and I will make it happen... For a nominal fee.


January 2023 - GC

Just to remind myself that Illy constantly provides excellent continued oportunity to reseach, learn, and enjoy the game. 

<DK> ok. pop quiz, hotshot...

I am but a meager landholder with few in the employ of my kingdom. A gentle breeze blowing off the ocean into the castle(-ish). I sit down to a breakfast of leftover mutton and I see a single individual standing around doing... well nothing.

I inquire and question as to who this freeloader is in MY works. My inept advisor 'advises' "...but Sir, that is your miner." "Alas, I am absolutely baffled as to what he actually does for you m'Lord or even what motivates him." I look back at the miner who at this point has garnered someones flagon of beer and made it and the flagon somehow disappear.

The last I was informed there is a recent opening for an 'Advisor to the King'. Retirement benefits included... 

The long and short of the story is 'What's up with the Miners?' I dont seem to be able to send him/her and have them actually do anything accept look at me and burp. They never harvest anything even when I send them to mineral squares?

<P> you have to send them to the right place

<LW> lmao

<DK>  ty and bows

<DS> You need to contact the miner union rep first

<P> you have to send them to the red mineral spots (example: #/World/Map/-783/849)

<DK> LOL! I think he is around the corner having an Miner's Guild - OSHA 'Safety Meeting'

<DK> So red mineral as oppsed to a blue one?

<P> yes the blue ones are for cotters only

<DK> AH!


<DK> So that is what the lazy $#&'s waiting for? Hmm thats a perfect distance to stagger. poor bloke.

<HB> DK, is Geology researched?

<DK> Yes. I do Hobo. I simply do not see a lot of the non standard minerals around here. I may simply have to browse the nieghborhood a bit. Thank you all for the info. Going to go in search of. 

MORAL: Always room to learn and enjoy more.
