
Buldroar Runeshield

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

Military City Development

All Cities:
7 farms 259 pop
18 basic plots 666 pop
warehouse 370 pop
library 37 pop
magetower 1497 pop
market 37 pop
barracks 37 pop
consulate 1497 pop
common ground 1497 pop
paddock 1497 pop
wall 20 pop
flourmill 16 pop
arch office 328 pop(destroy when all others built)
storehouse 37 pop(optional, may destroy towards end)
14(16) empty plots 7430(7795 pop)

Cavalry City:
3 cav parade 5388 pop
carpentry 1497 pop
kiln 1497 pop
spearmaker 1497 pop
blacksmith 1497 pop
forge 1497 pop(elf does not need)
saddlemaker 1497 pop
9 plots, 14370 pop, 3300 wood, 8100 clay

Infantry City
3 Inf lodge 5388 pop
foundry 1497 pop
stonemason 1497 pop
blacksmith 1497 pop
forge 1497 pop(elf does not need)
7 plots, 11376 pop, 3300 iron, 8100 stone

The Human statue Quest 

01  -312|717 / Aldlebrecht
02   -608|-189 / Asmorn
03   910|-507 / Bjandar- Teyan
04   -102|1 then 949|-379 /Branynard
05   429|-931 / Burkhardt
06   516|505 / Eberekt
07   -485|-736 then 669|794 / Ferhnanth
08   652|-265 then -843|-310 / Fridholt
09   -4|10 / Gunthar
10   -377|-104 / Hasten
11   356|498 / Keldar
12   -157|-298 / Lambereht
13   471|228 then -711|674 / Lindricht
14   232|345 / Oddric
15   761|-892 then -39|-973 / Osgout
16   -194|-687 / Tallimer
17   719|365  / Ragindolt
18   22|-85 / Rickert
19   -569|-91 then 136|855 / Tormand
20   399|-431 /  Vluelaik

Send 1- T2 spies to all locations above and you will receive as reward a Scribe of Allembine for each spied location (6 Scribes require to spied 2 locations, do the first locations before the 2nd ones) .... Scribe of Allembine is a spy unit with low upkeep (2 gold p/h) but high defensive value (120) ..... When a town collects all 20 scribes, that town gain discovery Allembine Research Techniques, which grants +5 research points hourly per Library level.


Advanced: (Non-PVP) 7-food Sovereignty Setups

Most sov setups you can find are focused on PVP, thus getting as much military sov as possible. These cities usually run low taxes and thus consume a lot of gold. Those players usually have a way to generate a lot of gold by e.g. "hiding" a gold farm in another non-PVP alliance.

For tournament players/traders/crafters/hunters a different approach is in my opinion better. Use a sov setup that can both run high taxes to generade gold and produce military at a decent rate. The advantage is that those cities require less work and you are more flexible - you have more medium-sized armies instead of a few huge ones.

This chapter contains some sov setups that are able to run high taxes with no/medium troop production.


The limiting factor of the following templates is research. More research means you can run more sov with high taxes and thus better food boost -> more population -> more gold income via taxes. Thus it is a good idea to save up some research whenever possible.

In the following setups there are links to the "Illyriad City Planner" to show the math behind the setups. You can copy the template sheet and play around with it.

Illyriad City Planner - Forum thread

City distance

Sov Setups

Gold farm setup

The goal of this setup is to produce as much gold with taxes as possible without going negative in research. We are going to run 100% taxes.

City population: ~20.3k (Food multiplier: -75% + 40% + 23.2% + 56%)

  • Inner I  : food sov lvl 5
  • Inner II : food sov lvl 5
  • Outer I : food sov lvl 4

Gold income: ~73k/h

Illyriad City Planner - Gold farm setup

Note: Running "Outer II" sov instead of some lvls of "Outer I" sov works too - it is a bit less efficient though. The upside is that it is easier to change to the following setups and you claim more land for you.

Advanced note: It is possible to run negative research and food with higher population to generate more gold. It is efficient but requires a lot of work and is quite risky (you forget to send food -> buildings get leveled down). Thus i do not run it and think it is not worth it (make gold with cotters/hunting instead) - but the option exists if you want to.

Basic military setup

The goal of the following setup is to run decent military sov while beeing able to run 2 cost reduction buildings and no negative resources. You should run high taxes and can support a medium sized army with that. It is enough to rebuild your army to a decent size between tournaments while not having a gold burn.

Important note: The following setups only works if the main and secondary resource upkeep cost of your cost rection building is NOT your 3 plot! 

Option 1: Troop production version

City population: ~21k (Food multiplier: -55% + 40% + 23.2% + 40%)

  • Inner I   : food sov lvl 5
  • Inner II  : food sov lvl 5
  • Outer I  : military sov lvl 2/3
  • Outer II : military sov lvl 2

Gold income: ~55k/h with 75-80% taxes

Troop production increase: 120-140% with 2 cost reduction buildings

I run this setup most of the time.

Illyriad City Planner - Military setup (troop production)

Option 2: Troop sustain version

City population: ~21k (Food multiplier: -55% + 40% + 23.2% + 48%)

  • Inner I   : food sov lvl 5
  • Inner II  : food sov lvl 5
  • Outer I  : food sov lvl 2/3
  • Outer II : military sov lvl 2

Gold income: ~64k/h with 90% taxes

Troop production increase: 80% with 2 cost reduction buildings

I change to this setup when a city is starting to run negative gold. You can build a few levels of a third military cost reduction building to reduce troop cost a bit.

Illyriad City Planner - Military setup (troop sustain)

Option 3: Temporary max troop sustain version with negative research

Important note: This setup runs negative research and is not sustainable for a long time!

City population: ~21k (Food multiplier: -55% + 40% + 23.2% + 64%)

  • Inner I   : food sov lvl 5
  • Inner II  : food sov lvl 5
  • Outer I  : food sov lvl 2/3
  • Outer II : food sov lvl 2

Gold income: Up to ~75k/h with 100% taxes - it is not sustainable in the long run though! (and thus not better than the gold farm setup)

Troop production increase: none

This setup can run a third cost reduction building. It is a bit of work to get too thus i try to avoid it as much as possible and instead accept some gold burn.

Illyriad City Planner - Military setup (max troop sustain)


High military setup

This setup allows you to run higher military Sov compared to the basic military setup (+40%) but produces less gold income (-10k/h). For tournament players having a good gold income and sustain later on is helpful - thus i personally prefer the basic military setup.

City population: ~19k (Food multiplier: -55% + 40% + 23.2% + 20%)

  • Inner I   : food sov lvl 5
  • Inner II  : military sov sov lvl 3
  • Outer I  : military sov lvl 2
  • Outer II : military sov lvl 2

Gold income: ~45k/h with 70% taxes

Troop production increase: 180% with 2 cost reduction buildings

Note: Similar to the above setup you can scale down military sov and replace it with food sov for better gold production. It is not as easy/efficient though - as Inner II  Sov is only lvl 3 Sov.

Illyriad City Planner - High Military setup


Higher military setup (experts)

Only experienced Illyriad players should use this setup and need to know what they are doing!

The focus of this setup is to run a lot of military. You are not going to make much gold. Thus you either need a gold farm as a second account or sell Prestige to finance it.

City population: ~19k (Food multiplier: -55% + 40% + 23.2% + 0%)

  • Inner I   : military sov sov lvl 3
  • Inner II  : military sov sov lvl 3
  • Outer I  : military sov lvl 2
  • Outer II : military sov lvl 2

Gold income: ~30k/h with 50% taxes

Troop production increase: 240% with 2 cost reduction buildings

Illyriad City Planner - Higher Military setup


Pure military setup (experts)

Only experienced Illyriad players should use this setup and need to know what they are doing!

The focus of this setup is to run as much military sov as possible. You are not going to make any gold. Thus you either need a gold farm as a second account or sell Prestige to finance it.

City population: Up to ~26k (Note: You are not running taxes - thus population is not important)

  • Inner I   : military sov sov lvl 3
  • Inner II  : military sov sov lvl 3
  • Outer I  : military sov lvl 3
  • Outer II : military sov lvl 3

Gold income: ~0k/h with 0% taxes

Troop production increase: 300% with 2 cost reduction buildings

Illyriad City Planner - Pure Military setup



Name Mil Sov Gold (k/h) Sents per h Sents per month (k) Sustaining (d)
Gold farm 0 73 9.6 7.2 316.9
Basic (sust) 80 64 17.28 12.9 154.4
Basic (prod) 140 55 23.04 17.2 99.5
High 180 45 26.88 20 69.8
Higher 240 30 32.64 24.3 38.3
Pure 300 0 38.4 28.6 0