

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

Long have I awaited the days to exact my revenge. The time draws near and my brothers will soon feel the full measure of wrath due for outcasting one of their finest. I mean to smite them all the way Father Aule was so easy to dispatch us and bring down his hammer of regret upon our heads. I do not care for other dwarves and their tireless pursuits. I long to see them destroyed and their blathery stories wiped from history like wind that wipes away everything in those accursed sand swept lands I came from.



I once called you brother, now I call you foe.

Now in these last days of Korimaril, this exiled desert dwarf begins the journey of moving the newly captured city closer to the realm he is envisioning while starting the forced labor camps that will beget his population by the thousands for that ever elusive next city. Only fate knows the timing of his strike against his brother but it is closer today than before. With gratitude, he waves beyond the plains the flag of his alliance brethren, for without them, this battle would have been long and perhaps unattainable. Thanks to all of you who helped me get this far. I am grateful.

