
Fleabait II

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

                                                         The Great Eastern Migration 

       Fleabait II is the son of Fleabait the Plump and Queen Leela, The Human Witch of the River Geam. On one fateful night Fleabait the Plump mysteriously disappeared from the keep without a trace. The next day Fleabait II took the guard on a search for his father, but was unable to locate even a slightest trace his father.

        Upon returning to the village he found it had been taken by a larger nearby kingdom to be used a a pawn in a large war nearby. Finding out he was not allowed into his keep he snuck into the village for answers on the location of his mother, Queen leela, Witch of the river Geam. Upon finding the village elder, he informed Fleabait II his mother escaped with her servants to a town to the east, where her Brother Sir Fryish of Ickburg, Serves as a Knight to King Ickarad of Rockia in their army.

        During the story he was being told, ten heavily armed elven men burst through the door of the small building.
Fleabait II grabbed his axe and ordered his three guards to to brace. At that moment a extravagantly dressed elf stepped through the smashed door and demanded the 4 dwarven warriors tell him what their business in is village. Meanwhile the Village Elder was furious that the elf had the audacity to break his door. Visibly displeased with the elderly dwarf, The Bratish elven officer he had one of his men kill him.

      Seeing this Fleabait II attacked the elves, witnessing this his three guards jumped in to assist Fleabait II. Together they slaughtered the 11 elves. Wanting to exact revenge on the elves for stealing his family keep the four dwarves snuck into the elvish camp and burned it to the ground. The guards rushing to stop the fire one of the elves spotted the dwarves. He alerted his friends to the dwarves presence. They charged at the dwarves with their weapons Fleabait II ordering a retreat one of the elves launched an arrow in to th back of Captain scmett, Fleabait II's long time friend. Seeing that made Fleabait furious, but knowing he was defeated the three dwarves ran to the nearby caves and hid for the night.

       At day break the following day Fleabait emerged from the caves to see a Phoenix, Fleabait II took as a sign to rebuild their kingdom from the ashes of the old. Fleabait II road in to the village and gathered the remaining villagers and marched them east to talimar upon arrival he received information on the whereabouts of his mother from some fishermen. They told Fleabait II that there're some dwarves lead by a human witch who set up a encampment on a small tidal island in the Sea of Kanata north of the Kingdom of Rockia.

      Fleabait II sailed to the Island with the guidance of one of the fishermen. Upon arrival Fleabait II was greeted by his mother, Queen Leela, who was pleased  with the arrival of the dwarves. They then started to build a new Keep and Village which they named Craven.

      Once King Ickarad Heard of the Arrival of Fleabait II he set up a Royal banquet and had Fleabait II Crowed Prince of the Principality of Kantana and made the Principality a semi-autonomous Vassal to the Kingdom of Rockia, And founding House Thorgot.


King Ickarad: #/Player/Profile/388059
