

Dwarf Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Female Character Portrait

Exiled from their homeland, Raven joined Nife and took on his namesake and have been joined for over 80 years. Ravennife has sought out a quiet life with a humble yet stable home. She is the keeper of the famed Töhrdrim's Forge passed down from Lord Ironhand.






NPC Encounter Group Sizes

Size Min Max
A Few 1 3
A Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
A Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
A Gathering 129 227
A Horde 228 462
A Throng 463 815
A Host 816 2,500
A Legion 2,501 9,999
A Myriad 10,000 24,999
A Sea 25,000 49,999
A Cornucopia 50,000+  
Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -50 20 40 5
Large Forest -15 5 30 -20
Large Hill -15 0 10 10
Large Mountain -30 0 15 15
Plains 30 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 0 0 0
Small Mountain -20 0 5 10
Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -45 25 30 15
Large Forest -15 5 25 -20
Large Hill -10 10 5 15
Large Mountain -30 20 5 30
Plains 25 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 5 5 5
Small Mountain -15 15 5 15







Harvest up to 100 ea.

Cotter -w- Grape picking and/or Scavenging Researched


Harvest  1 ea.



Harvest 1ea.



Harvest 1 ea.





Amar Shards   
Elven Tears        
Night Diamond  
Svelaugh Sand  
Ancient Oak   
Berbane Leaves  
Brascan Seeds   
Brownback Moss  
Desert Flame  
Dyallom Gall  
Ebony Wood     
Furzion Seedpod  
Giant Palm Leaves    
Ironstem Root  
Larken Wood  
Lemonwood Bough  
Mabri Fruit    
Miner's Bane  
Pale Cedar Wood  
Queen's Hair Leaves   
Rahan Palm Wood  
Rockweed Root  
Snowbell Flowers  
Spidertree Leaves  
Suntree Haft   
Toadcap Fungus    
Vistrok Flower  
Warpwood Shoot  
Alligator Heart  
Alligator Skull  
Alligator Entrail  
Alligator Vertebra  
Anaconda Heart  
Anaconda Fang  
Anaconda Skin  
Arctic Wolf Heart  
Arctic Wolf Entrail  
Arctic Wolf Fur  
Arctic Wolf Tooth  
Baboon Heart  
Baboon Entrail  
Baboon Fur   
Black Bear Heart   
Black Bear Tooth  
Black Bear Fur  
Black Bear Vertebra  
Black Panther Heart  
Black Panther Vertebra  
Black Panther Fur  
Brown Bear Heart  
Brown Bear Fur   
Brown Bear Vertebra  
Cobra Heart  
Cobra Brain  
Coral Snake Heart  
Coral Snake Brain  
Cyclops Heart  
Cyclops Entrail  
Elephant Heart  
Elephant Hide  
Elephant Rib   
Elephant Vertebra  
Fire Salamander Heart  
Fire Salamander Entrail  
Fire Salamander Skin  
Gharial Heart  
Gharial Tooth   
Giant Beetle Heart  
Giant Beetle Carapace    
Giant Rat Heart  
Giant Rat Rib  
Giant Rat Fur    
Giant Scorpion Heart  
Giant Scorpion Exoskeleton  
Giant Scorpion Stinger  
Giant Scuttler Heart  
Giant Scuttler Exoskeleton  
Giant Snake Heart  
Giant Snake Vertebra  
Giant Snake Fang  
Giant Spider Heart  
Giant Spider Fangs  
Golden Monkey Heart   
Golden Monkey Entrail  
Golden Monkey Fur   
Ice Salamander Heart  
Ice Salamander Entrail    
Ice Salamander Skin  
Jaguar Heart  
Jaguar Fur  
Jaguar Vertebra  
Leopard Heart  
Leopard Entrail  
Leopard Vertebra  
Lion Heart   
Lion Skull  
Lion Tooth  
Lion Vertebra  
Mammoth Heart  
Mammoth Rib  
Mammoth Tusk  
Mammoth Vertebra  
Massive Scarab Heart     
Massive Scarab Carapace  
Poisonous Crawler Heart   
Poisonous Crawler Exoskeleton    
Poisonous Crawler Mandible  
Polar Bear Heart  
Polar Bear Fur  
Puma Heart  
Puma Rib  
Puma Vertebra  
Puma Fur   
Rhinoceros Heart  
Rhinoceros Rib  
Rhinoceros Hide  
Salamander Heart  
Salamander Entrail  
Salamander Fang  
Saurian Heart  
Saurian Entrail  
Saurian Rib  
Saurian Vertebra  
Scaled Charger Heart  
Scaled Charger Scale     
Scaled Charger Vertebra   
Scritcher Heart  
Scritcher Carapace  
Simien Wolf Heart  
Simien Wolf Fur  
Snow Leopard Heart  
Snow Leopard Fur  
Snow Leopard Vertebra  
Tiger Heart  
Tiger Tooth  
Tiger Skull  
White Tiger Heart  
White Tiger Vertebra  
Wild Dog Heart  
Wild Dog Bone    
Wild Dog Entrail  
Wild Dog Fur    
Wolf Heart  
Wolf Entrail  
Wolf Tooth   
Wolf Fur   
Air Salt             
Earth Salt                                 
Fire Salt             
Water Salt               






Rare Herb Tile Locations  
Ancient Forest:  Ironstem Root, Brascan Seeds
Wooded Glade:  Larken Wood, Brascan Seeds, Queen's Hair, Furizion Seedpods, Sharproot
Blessed Oak: Ancient Oak
Thick Forest:  Larken Wood, Vistrok Flowers
Dense Forest:  Larken Wood, Brascan Seeds, Suntree Haft, Vistrok Flowers, Furizion Seedpods, Sharproot, Brownback Moss
Light Woods:  Larken Wood, Brascan Seeds, Brownback Moss, Vistrok Flowers, Sharproot, Queen's Hair
Wooded Land:  Larken Wood, Brascan Seeds, Brownback Moss, Vistrok Flowers, Sharproot
Forested Hilltop:   Larken Wood, Brascan Seeds, Suntree Haft, Furizion Seedpods, Silverthorn, Rockweed Root
Swamp, Mire, March, Bog:  Toadcap Fungus
Abandoned Mineshaft:  Miner's Bane
Light Tropical Cover:  Queen's Hair,  |Jungle| Giant Palm Leaves
Tropical Foliage:  Giant Palm Leaves
Tropical Hilltop:  Queen's Hair
Dense Foliage:  Giant Palm Leaves, Dyallom Gall
Rainforest:  Giant Palm Leaves, Queen's Hair, Furizion Seedpods, Dyallom Gall
Fisherman's Hut:  Ancient Oak
Abundant Clay, Exposed Clay, Turned Clay, Plains:  Warpwood Shoot
Oasis:  Rahan Palm Wood, Spidertree Leaves
Weeping Willow:  Queen's Hair
Palm Trees:  Rahan Palm Wood, Giant Palm Leaves, Ebony Wood
Dark Forest:  Brascan Seeds
Forbidden:  Ancient Oak




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The following has been salvaged from Lord Ironhand's profile, I am the keeper of his legacy within theTöhrdrim's Forge:

                             The Azâlgï 




The Azâlgï, as they call themselves, are a dwarven people from the roots of the mountains of the Tor Carrock region.

Their lineage is intrinsically linked to that of the Clan Moedagh, some indigenous inhabitants of the central regions claim that these dwarves were in fact seen for the first time coming out of the north-western mountains of Tor Carrock, not far from the fortress of Tor Dannu, and that they were seen emigrate to the south of the region. 

Their appearance is very intimidating and with cavernous features, moreover they are not all the same, there are smaller and larger ones, each of a different lineage, gathered under a single people. Their culture is consequently very varied, ancient and secret, from religion to their traditions, which they characterized in the time of exile. They, emerged from the mountains, dig great halls and masions to the remote bowels of the earth, tireless builders and miners as well as peerless blacksmiths, are extremely reserved and rarely leave their caves and exhibit their arts and abodes to strangers.

Very few have seen the cities of these and even the merchants of other remote realms have never had the opportunity to scrutinize even a meter of those houses, as foreign caravans are made to wait outside the gates of the fortress cities, as well as the diplomats and guests of their lord.
Their relations with the outside world, consequently, are feeble and rare, they go out from time to time for trade and or war, the latter, should any other people dare to go against them.
Their culture binds them to the more than mere veneration of the forge and, tirelessly, of the latter they do not hesitate to build immense and incomparable ones to any other there exists.
Furthermore, the fire of these furnaces, prudently and secretly built in the most remote depths of their homes, is so strong and imposing that only their blacksmiths are able to resist their heat. In these they forge and forge relentlessly creating objects of incomparable beauty. Workmanship, unmistakable to the naked eye with the works of other peoples and races.  


The specialty of the Azâlgïs is therefore crafting, consequently to satisfy the incensing demand of the guilds of blacksmiths, swordsmiths, Plate Armourers, etc. the kingdom has opened up to great works of extraction and excavation all around the territory of their fortresses and beyond, thus intensifying the mining of gems, minerals, stone and iron.
Furthermore, in the lands claimed by the cities, great works have begun in the subsoil, developing an impinent and deep industrial network, where the extracted materials are then processed from raw materials and subsequently sent to the guilds, within the city themselves, ready to be processed again.
It is no coincidence that the whole mountain range between the regions of Turalia and Arran is beaten by mining companies of the Azâlgï, as well as in the north-western mountainous areas of Tor Carrock, in the old kingdom of the dwarves of those lands. 


• Azâlgï • Azâl / gï = Children of the Stone

• Azâlgurmìn • Azâl / gurmìn = Stone Kingdom

• Azâlg • Azâl / gh* = Folk of the Stone  



The Azâlg Kingdom 


For centuries the fortress cities of the Kingdom have expanded their dominion underground, throughout the claimed territory, building and excavating an endless network of tunnels and galleries, mines and forges, caves and palaces that are unparalleled.
Between housing, mining and industrial areas, among many important roads and streets, it would be possible to visit a single city in the Kingdom without spending at least a month of exploration, and at most as the population grows, the expansion of the city center will also increase and industrial.
Usually the peripheral areas of the cities of the Azâlgï can expand to under the lands claimed by the city, thus also reaching the productive and mining areas, and consequently also the natural tunnels and caves that line up with the excavated and worked passages of the streets of the metropolis. .
Therefore you can begin to see, on the roads that have now become paths, even completely unexplored areas and some even closed and collapsed, in addition to those fortified and guarded, since the threats from the subsoil are no less than those on the surface, and where a road ends a dirt path begins and ends in the darkest darkness of the earth.


- Land claim 

The Azâlg fortress cities claim all territory within the 11 squares that surround the cities.
Any stranger found encamped or intent on gathering resources in the territory will be chased away and repelled by the Azâlgï forces without warning.   

May the Stone welcome you.   



Also known among the dwarf folks as King Ulvárr Ironhand, Lord of Azâlgurmìn and Sovereign of the Azâlg Kingdom, he is a dwarf lord to say the least cold with foreign peoples and without any restraint for those who are not of his lineage.
He lives in the capital city of Azâlgurmìn and there he rules and directs the Azâlg Kingdom and all its settlements.
King Ulvárr reigns with authority and firmness, thus determining and characterizing a iron politics and to say the least closed to the surface world, in fact his contempt and distrust of the surface inhabitants leads him to spend much more time in internal politics, linked to the underground realm of the Azâlgï. 
He is also a skilled master of the forge and his ability to work precious and non-precious metals credits him as one of the best craftsmen in existence, even as a charmer of objects with shards and essences.
His dexterity with the mallet of the forge also defines a strong physical resistance and without any doubt he also masters heavy battle weapons with great skill, in fact he holds the title of supreme commander of the armed forces of the fortress city, something not by all the sovereigns of Illyria. 



                  Strongholds of the Azâlgï 


Azâlgurmìn -

From the beginning the fathers of the Azâlgï founded their first settlement under high iron hills on the banks of the river they called Fhûr, bordering the deep south of Tor Carrock (-290|-411).
After several decades of settlement there were then various exoduses, between the hills and mountains of Tor Carrock (-290|-123), which then led the Azâlgï to move their settlement, which has now become the capital city, beyond the region, on the mountain ranges on the border between the regions of Arran and Turalia, in the heart of the dwarf realms of the Dwarven Lords (370| -361).
There they found many allies and precious friends with whom to trade and build together, and on the large mountains the capital began to grow and enrich itself enormously, surpassing itself in depth and breadth, thus creating a large and intricate fortress city under the mountains of Turalia.
The city, cradle of the kingdom of the Azâlgï, is the temple of a large and important number of merchant guilds, which therefore makes it a populated pivotal point of trade with the other countless kingdoms of illyria, now boasting a dozen shops scattered among the Dwarven hubs of Tor Carrock and The Circle of Five in Perrigor. 


Töhrdrim's Forge -

(To be continue) 



The Armies of the Azâlg Kingdom  


- The Underground Legion army.  

Main army of the fortress city of Azâlgurmìn, jewel of the elite armed forces of the Azâlg Kingdom, led by King Ulvárr Ironhand himself, together with his kinsmen.
The army born in ancient times boasts among the best warriors and commanders of the Kingdom and forges its image thanks to a series of great and important battles and events that have taken place in the history of the Kingdom.
Its origins are secret but its job is well known and of great prestige.
Usually, in times of peace on the surface, the Legion goes into the neanders of the subsoil, in the deepest points of the fortress city, for the safeguarding and defense of the tunnels and caves that are lost in paths and natural areas inhabited by underground creatures.
For long periods, in fact, the Legion is engaged in battles and explorations underground, which are good exercise for the army's recruits and territorial advancement for the city itself.
Its legionaries are skilled warriors and experienced explorers who form the legion's elite force, gathered under the dreaded divisions of the Dephts Figthers.

                                                                                     Depths Fighters legionaries -


- The Blacksmiths army 

(To be continue)





- Elite divisions of the Vanguard armies -


- Ironfaces
They are among the most feared and respected veterans in an Azâlgï vanguard army.  The name suggests that the warriors complement their equipment with a personal addition, an iron mask held firmly on the helmet.  These iron masks are embossed and engraved and usually show intimidating war faces.  A warrior enters this division only if the latter brings hundreds and hundreds of enemy deaths into service


- Ironheaters
The division, usually made up of veterans, brings together the most cruel and savage warriors to survive a Pyrrhic victory on the battlefield.  The troops within earn the title of the most aggressive warriors that the entire army can boast of having.


- Elite divisions of hunting armies -


Young beards
The warriors belonging to this Division, whose members are exclusively non-veterans, are mainly young dwarves who have just been enlisted and who for the first time assist in assaults outside the cities, as hunters.

Their doctrine is simple, hunt and gather.


It, composed only of veterans, brings together the most experienced hunters of the Young-beards divisions who, once formed from years of hunting various beasts and monstrosities, become veterans, giving them in all respects the title of hunting masters.

- Siege Weapons Divisions -


This is the only division where siege engines can be housed within a regular army or a Vanguard army. 
Ballistae and Battery-Towers come to the fore, along with the engineers, as the Wallbreakers Division and, as such, destroy every single stone and brick wall they find in sight.
