

Elf Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Female Character Portrait


Previously known as #/Player/Profile/62583

intractable adj. [in-trak-tuh-buhl]: not easily controlled or directed; not docile or manageable; stubborn; obstinate

Everything I have ever known can be found on Illyriad Institute

[09 Apr 14:15]*Sa'Belle is an enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a quilt

[28 Jul 2013 14:45]<Thordor> "Warlord Sa'Belle the First, decapitator of men. Ruiner of the Waste" - was her old title, before snuggling.

[01:25]<Artefore> Sa'Belle, destroyer of worlds, mistress of the night

[00:03]<Sonorous> You know how everything in Australia can kill you? Sa'Belle is one of those things.

[20:15]<Smoking GNU> Sabelle owns us all
[20:15]<Smoking GNU> the Cookie Empress of Light
[20:15]<Ace> sa'belle rules illy
[20:15]<Smoking GNU> All shall Love her and Despair!

[14:03]<Picky Princess> Sa'Belle, second of her name, Empress of the East, the Dwarfbane, Mother of Excel Spreadsheets, The One Who Holds the Cookie Jar, the Unplatemailed, and the Fossil Collector 


[10:41]<Sa'Belle> If I give you cookies will you endorse my mischief?
[10:42]<Hastur> I always endorse your whims

[07:11]<Mooster> Noooooooooone bakes like Sa'Belle, makes great cakes like Sa'Belle, or piles cookies on everyone's plates like Sa'Belle
[07:11]<Mooster> For she likes her dwarfs so plump and roundy, perfect for firing to spaaaace
[07:12]<Mooster> And if any get too rude or rowdy, to the corner she banishes them in much disgraaaace

[03:55]<Nelsifer Muledwun> Empress Sa'Belle, Slay Queen of the Sunny Isle

[04:02]<Morrigan> Sounds R rated but I know Belle's armies are rated E for Everyone.

[06 May 17:55]<Hannibal> I like your stubbornness Sa'Belle

What it's like to be in eCrow... 

[01 Jul 12:15]<Pip> You don't have to be mad to be in eCrow but it helps :)

[06 Oct 13:17]<Bolism> Little anty menace is spreading to me
[06 Oct 13:17]<Bolism> I'm doomed ...
[6 Oct 13:18]<Sa'Belle> We're all doomed here
[06 Oct 13:19]<Bolism> I need to find an escape route ... And my sanity and dignity back 
[06 Oct 13:19]<Bolism> Wait dignity and awkwardness don't work well together
[06 Oct 13:19]<Bolism> So I'm home me guess ...
[06 Oct 13:20]<Bolism> Doomed but home
[6 Oct 13:21]<Sa'Belle> Yeah, pretty much
[6 Oct 13:21]<Sa'Belle> We're all a lost cause
[6 Oct 13:21]<Sa'Belle> But we're in good company 

[10 Oct 10:55]<Sa'Belle> eCrow is nothing but menaces all the way down, but they're the kindest menaces you'll find in the game

[02:41]<Angrim> if you're against chaos, what are you FOR?

[27 Oct 02:32]<Bolism> je raven, tu crow, elle dwarfbane, nous menaçons, vous pifflez, ils abandonnent

[04 Nov 09:03]<Bolism> hey !!!! no leaving before releasing our souls
[4 Nov 09:03]<Sa'Belle> Oh Boliboop, this account will never leave eCrow
[04 Nov 09:04]<Bolism> fine ...
[04 Nov 09:04]<Bolism> You can only kick players who are lower on this alliance's role heirarchy than you. Please contact one of your alliance leaders for more details.
[04 Nov 09:04]*Bolism whistles
[4 Nov 09:04]<Sa'Belle> Hahahahahaha
[4 Nov 09:04]<Sa'Belle> DID YOU TRY AND KICK ME
[04 Nov 09:05]<Bolism> maybe
[04 Nov 09:05]<Bolism> or maybe not

[00:51]<Bolism> [00:49]<Sa'Belle> Time is a man-made construct designed to oppress << same as naughty corner then

[09:29]<Bolism> I KNOW i can't manage to ... WAIT CONTEXT PEOPLE CONTEXT ... please that rook

[06:51]<Bolism> we really need to change the name of the alliance as Zoo
[06:52]<Sa'Belle> eZoo
[06:53]<Bolism> eZooTopiaLandOfTheWildAndCrazy
[06:53]<Sa'Belle> lol
[06:53]<Sa'Belle> I'm not sure that will fit
[06:53]<Bolism> we can fit a moose in an orc 

[20 Dec 09:18]<Bolism> so ... the french lesson of the week: je yurk, tu tikol, elle dwarfbane, nous ecol, vous RE, ils tiaras

[28 Jan 13:37]*Bolism makes a note
[28 Jan 13:37]<Bolism> [28 Jan 10:05]<Sa'Belle> Doesn't mean you have to stay with us forever
[28 Jan 13:37]*Bolism feels free and munches some bikkies
[28 Jan 13:38]<Sa'Belle> That doesn't apply to you

[02:18]<Justic Badstone> Je roll, tu cookiepults, kojak est nice, nous sommes eMus, Vous ne comprenez pas, elles sont elfettes

[16:28]*Mooster 's quokka finger guns Belle as he retreats into AC


[06:51]<Mooster> I'm masquerading as a fucking moose, but integrity is still important to me.


[14 Sep 06:13]<Mooster> Woooooaaaaaah you're halfway there
[14 Sep 06:13]<Mooster> Wooooaaaaah, I'm gonna eat that chair
[14 Sep 06:13]<Mooster> Move your ass or I'll kick it, I swear
[14 Sep 06:13]<Mooster> Woooaaaahh, Mooster ate your chair
[14 Sep 06:14]*Mooster 's Fred headbangs

[05:42]<Justic Badstone> Justic Baddoxxer 
[05:42]<Ordure> lol
[05:42]<Duran Shadowfist> Duran Shadowfister.
[05:42]<Sa'Belle> lol
[05:42]<Duran Shadowfist> Now that would raise some questions, eh?
[05:42]<Kojak> It's EDT, Cable
[05:42]<Okkudo> that name fits
[05:42]<DranZail Gildenfyre> Cable I amm 55 and I am now going to bed
[05:42]<Justic Badstone> That's a profession not a name 
[05:42]<DranZail Gildenfyre> so ther 
[05:42]*Duran Shadowfist dies.

[13:15]<Turgon> mom, I gotta go, if you could forward me any relevant info you have on him, I’ll get the ball rolling on my end
[13:15]<Turgon> *ok
[13:16]<Turgon> bit mom
[13:16]<Turgon> *not mom
[13:16]<Sa'Belle> lol
[13:16]<Turgon> goddamn

[22:38]*Smoking GNU vanishes in a puff of psychosis

[10:27]<Bolism> 2.5minutes of enjoyment before I sleep
[10:28]<Bolism> And I see you there belle: CONTEXT

[28 Sep 09:48]<Sa'Belle> I would like to say
[28 Sep 09:49]<Night Queen> even though i did nothing
[28 Sep 09:49]<Lola> ??
[28 Sep 09:48]<Sa'Belle> That I love you all very much
[28 Sep 09:49]<Bolism> I have a secret to confess belle
[28 Sep 09:49]<Sa'Belle> Even if you make me laugh so much I almost choke on my drink
[28 Sep 09:49]<Bolism> I love myself very much TOO
[28 Sep 09:49]<Sa'Belle> Hahahahaha
[28 Sep 09:49]*Bolism dances

[06 Oct 06:31]<Kaladin> gambolism... art of bolism running away gently and playfully..

[06 Oct 13:16]<Bolism> 2 arrows is how fast stalwart after a lunch of beans can go

[18 Oct 02:11]<Bolism> I'm not that level of menacing yet
[18 Oct 02:11]*Sa'Belle puts cat ears on Angrim
[18 Oct 02:11]<Bolism> to even think about that meanie-ness 
[18 Oct 02:12]<Angrim> it's good she knows me or i'd be taken far too seriously.
[18 Oct 02:12]<Sa'Belle> :D
[18 Oct 02:13]*Angrim grants Bolism a level of menace.
[18 Oct 02:13]<Angrim> go and do mischief.
[18 Oct 02:13]<Bolism> :O with the approval of the mighty legendary Angrim
[18 Oct 02:14]*Bolism dances

[20 Oct 09:06]<Bolism> I hate to be on top
[20 Oct 09:06]<Bolism> ...
[20 Oct 09:06]<Bolism> f***
[20 Oct 09:06]<Bolism> CONTEXT
[20 Oct 09:06]<Bolism> C
[20 Oct 09:06]<Bolism> O
[20 Oct 09:06]<Bolism> N
[20 Oct 09:06]<Bolism> T
[20 Oct 09:06]<Bolism> E
[20 Oct 09:06]<Bolism> X
[20 Oct 09:06]<Bolism> T
[20 Oct 09:06]<Sa'Belle> Hahahahaha
[20 Oct 09:06]<Bolism> dman it
[20 Oct 09:06]*Bolism stays in the corner quietly

[14:37]*Sa'Belle rearranges Gruumybear and curls up to sleep
[14:39]*Gruumsh has added a new honourific because of the current predicament
[14:39]<Gruumsh> Mighty Gruumsh, God, Warlord, Dishwasher, Foul Creature, Part Time Pet Sitter, despicable Orc, The Pestilence of Lan Larosh, A Strange Collection of Pillows and Blankets, Annoyance By Appointment Only.

[27 Oct 01:25]<Angrim> a lawnmower is an imprecise tool to use for a pedicure.

[16:02]<Sa'Belle> The last time I was banhammered, it was because my cat sat on the keyboard and spammed GC
[16:02]<Sa'Belle> My entire chat history was just a full stop on every line
[16:04]<GM Stormcrow> @Sa'Belle - lolol, I can see the log. 79 single full-stops.
[16:05]<GM Stormcrow> In the space of < 5 seconds 

[21 Nov 06:34]<Night Queen> i can do Bolism style you wanna see belle ?
[21 Nov 06:34]<Sa'Belle> lol sure
[21 Nov 06:34]<Night Queen> wood in the morning.....
[21 Nov 06:34]<Night Queen> pfff
[21 Nov 06:34]<Night Queen> lalaalalalalala
[21 Nov 06:34]<Night Queen> CONTEXT !!!
[21 Nov 06:35]<Bolism> not gonna comment ... I don't even have time for that

[04:44]<Duran Shadowfist> Good lord.

[05 Jan 13:18]<Bolism> Welcome to the feathered Nutz
[5 Jan 13:18]<Sa'Belle> lol
[05 Jan 13:18]*Bolism whistles
[05 Jan 13:19]<Bolism> Best welcome ever ...
[05 Jan 13:19]<Bolism> And I think context is still enjoying 2022 vacation break ...
[05 Jan 13:19]<Bolism> And I think context is still enjoying 2022 vacation break ...
[5 Jan 13:21]<Sa'Belle> lol
[05 Jan 13:23]<Bolism> Twice apparently
[05 Jan 13:23]<Bolism> Pfffff
[5 Jan 13:23]<Sa'Belle> Does that mean we get extra vacation?
[05 Jan 13:24]<Bolism> I doubt ...
[05 Jan 13:24]<Bolism> Potentially double space on your profile
[05 Jan 13:24]*Bolism eats bikkies
[5 Jan 13:24]<Sa'Belle> lol
[05 Jan 13:24]<Bolism> But I'll try to refrain
[05 Jan 13:24]<Bolism> Gonna be
[05 Jan 13:24]<Bolism> H
[05 Jan 13:24]<Bolism> A
[05 Jan 13:24]<Bolism> R
[05 Jan 13:24]<Bolism> D
[5 Jan 13:24]<Sa'Belle> 
[05 Jan 13:24]<Bolism> ... f**k
[5 Jan 13:24]<Sa'Belle> Hahahahaha
[05 Jan 13:25]*Bolism kicks pluto

[11:44]<Grombrindal> Oh lord. In anticipation of Hogwarts Legacy (and because I can't resist minor digital incentives), I made a Wizarding world account. They had the nerve to put me in Hufflepuff 

[00:28]<Picky Princess> I wanted to bring a flashlight, but duran is here
[00:28]<Duran Shadowfist> 
[00:28]<Picky Princess> A A A A A A A
[00:28]<Duran Shadowfist> Every time I see it, I just see an E

[02:31]<Sa'Belle> I have an entire profile of Duranadorf tears, I think you need to rethink your life choices
[02:31]<Duran Shadowfist> You do not. That is not real.
[02:31]<Duran Shadowfist> Sht. She does actually.
[02:31]<Sa'Belle> Yeah, she does
[02:32]<Duran Shadowfist> How massively inconvienent.

[02:34]<Picky Princess> there's no shame in adminitting defeat duran, you can't beat belle to 30
[02:35]<Picky Princess> admitting*
[02:35]<Duran Shadowfist> Oh I still could beat Belle to 30. It is known.
[02:35]<Sa'Belle> He's bailed at 24, because sov
[02:35]<Sa'Belle> Weakling
[02:35]<Duran Shadowfist> However, I have other things, MORE IMPORTANT to do.
[02:35]<Picky Princess> idk, cities or it didn't happen
[02:35]<Sa'Belle> lol
[02:35]<Duran Shadowfist> You two are complete menaces.

[04:08]<Duran Shadowfist> I am Duran Shadowfist the Saint of Jorts.

[12 Apr 12:54]<Picky Princess> [12 Apr 12:53]<Bolism> Ranger what's you favorite boys band? // Power Rangers

[11:57]*Smoking GNU capture belle to graph 2 more arms onto her
[11:57]<Smoking GNU> now you can dual-weild bows!
[11:58]<Sa'Belle> Weeee
[11:59]<Smoking GNU> Belle the cookie Queen and Destroyer!
[11:59]<Smoking GNU> [11:58]<Sa'Belle>ALL SHALL LOVE ME AND DESPAIR!!!

[14:51]<Captain Kindly> hey, who is your bestest buddy?
[14:52]<Sa'Belle> Yeah Stuk, who *is* your bestest buddy?
[14:52]<Stukahh> If you wanna hang with me you are gonna have to do it in another game ;p
[14:52]<Stukahh> Belle of course you are ;p

[01:26]*Sa'Belle kicks Ant in the shins
[01:27]<System> chuckles.


GM Stormcrow vs the Banhammer

[04:57]<GM Stormcrow> @Marti - I actually have no idea whether the filter would banhammer me or not...
[04:57]<GM Stormcrow> It might be worth a try 
[04:57]<Fiona> try it
[04:57]<GM Stormcrow> * censored *
[04:57]<System> **** <GM Stormcrow> has been auto-silenced until 30JAN15 05:56. Please don't use profanity. You can block a player in chat by clicking on their name and choosing that option from the popup **
[04:57]<GM Stormcrow> Wow

[15:37]<GM Stormcrow> * censored *
[15:37]<System> **** <GM Stormcrow> has been auto-silenced until 10NOV22 16:36. Please don't use profanity. You can block a player in chat by clicking on their name and choosing that option from the popup **
[15:37]<Ranalos> Oh Belle, do you really?
[15:37]<Ranalos> I adore you.
[15:37]<Lola> oops
[15:37]<Lola> lol SC!
[15:37]<GM Stormcrow> lolol

[15:41]<System> I can't believe I banhammered myself. This is epic fail.

[15:57]<GM Stormcrow> * censored *
[15:57]<System> **** <GM Stormcrow> has been auto-silenced until 10NOV22 16:56. Please don't use profanity. You can block a player in chat by clicking on their name and choosing that option from the popup **
[15:57]<GM Stormcrow> Good lord.
[15:58]<GM Stormcrow> This banhammer is broken.

A lesson around in "muck around and find out"...

[12 Jul 01:26]<SupplyOrc> Also. You have a surprise coming in about 23 mins
[12 Jul 01:26]<Sa'Belle> ...
[12 Jul 01:26]<SupplyOrc> 
[12 Jul 01:26]<SupplyOrc> Let's play, NAME THAT DIPLO
[12 Jul 01:26]<Sa'Belle> What are you doing tiny menace
[12 Jul 01:27]<Sa'Belle> Just you wait mister
[12 Jul 01:27]<SupplyOrc> 
[12 Jul 01:27]<Unseated Ant> Are we playing the OCD game again??? 
[12 Jul 01:27]<SupplyOrc> No. We are not.
[12 Jul 01:27]<Sa'Belle> We're not NOT playing it
[12 Jul 01:28]<Sa'Belle> Now shh I'm trying to count

[01:35]<Duran Shadowfist> GOD DAMN IT BELLE
[01:35]<Duran Shadowfist> TO MY CAPITAL>?!
[01:35]<Sa'Belle> Mm
[01:35]*Sa'Belle waits patiently
[01:35]<Kojak> What did you do?
[01:35]*Duran Shadowfist explodes
[01:35]<Klaus> Anatomies for sale. PM me for deets
[01:36]<Sa'Belle> Gosh you're so messy
[01:36]<Lemon Grenade> No offense Rose you are always lovely.
[01:36]<Duran Shadowfist> My OCD is literally going to explode.
[01:36]<Klaus> Duran what you do?
[01:36]<Kojak> Stuff your OCD
[01:37]<Duran Shadowfist> I literally did nothing.
[01:37]<Kojak> I know. Belle did
[01:37]<Duran Shadowfist> Now I can't get to my things like i usually do, i'm hitting where the blue buttons are.
[01:37]<Lemon Grenade> ??
[01:37]<Duran Shadowfist> RAGE
[01:37]<Duran Shadowfist> There will be vengeance for this transgression.
[01:38]<Kojak> WHat did she do???
[01:38]<Sa'Belle> Stop distracting me
[01:38]<Duran Shadowfist> She sent a random assortment of 1 of damn neverything, to all of my towns.
[01:38]<Duran Shadowfist> STAHPPPPP
[01:38]<Kojak> OH! Still at it
[01:38]<Unseated Ant> I'm mostly innocent!!
[01:38]<Unseated Ant> This time 
[01:38]<Kojak> ROFL
[01:39]<Lemon Grenade> ??
[01:39]<Kojak> Oh! That's PRICELESS, Belle!!!
[01:39]<Lemon Grenade> I think i want a piece of that...
[01:39]<Duran Shadowfist> You do realize, I can't even use these damn horses?
[01:40]<Duran Shadowfist> MY LEGS DON'T REACH DAMNIT
[01:40]<Ordo> I wish my nemesis did that
[01:40]*Kojak gives Druan some drywall stilts
[01:40]<Ordo> Oops did I say that out loud
[01:40]<Sa'Belle> Hehehehehe
[01:41]<Duran Shadowfist> You do, until you get an PC from out of nowhere that says, "You see it yet?"
[01:41]<Sa'Belle> That'll teach you for sending diplos, little bugger
[01:41]<Duran Shadowfist> And then you scour for 10 minutes.
[01:41]<Duran Shadowfist> And you know what? SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING
[01:42]*SupplyOrc rattles the cage
[01:42]*Sa'Belle pats Sporc
[01:42]*Kojak makes sure the cage reamins locked
[01:42]<SupplyOrc> This house is a prison.
[01:42]<Okkudo> sporc
[01:42]<Sa'Belle> I mean, I could have sent the same volume of caravans to your two tiny towns
[01:43]<Lemon Grenade> Sent my piece ! ??
[01:43]<Sa'Belle> lol
[01:44]<SupplyOrc> mhm.
[01:45]*Duran Shadowfist stabilizes his breathing.
[01:45]<Lemon Grenade> Paper sacks work wonders ??
[01:45]*Sa'Belle grins and pats Duran
[01:46]*Duran Shadowfist sighs.
[01:46]<Sa'Belle> I mean, I got more
[01:46]<Lemon Grenade> Roflmao!
[01:46]<Lemon Grenade> She is invested...
[01:47]<Lemon Grenade> Your in trouble Duran ??
[01:47]<Duran Shadowfist> Please, no.
[01:48]<Sa'Belle> Next time keep your diplos at home
[01:48]<Kojak> You messed with the wrong elf, Duran
[01:48]<Duran Shadowfist> She started it. And finished it.
[01:48]<Duran Shadowfist> 
[01:49]<Kojak> And you fell for it, ya cheeky dorf!
[01:49]<SupplyOrc> Mission Report: Your diplomatic mission was detected and failed to complete the objective. Your mission has not returned.
[01:49]<SupplyOrc> She killed them.
[01:49]<SupplyOrc> My scouties.
[01:49]<Sa'Belle> After a period of cunning, careful and diligent questioning by your interrogators, you discover that these agents were working for SupplyOrc [eCrow].
[01:50]<Kojak> No, you killed them
[01:50]<SupplyOrc> Awh man.
[01:50]<Sa'Belle> Even your scouts gave you up as a lost cause
[01:50]<SupplyOrc> They didn't believe in me!

[03:49]<Sa'Belle> Send Duran some vans. The notifications make him feel loved, so I like to spread things out and send 1 item per van
[03:49]<Duran Shadowfist> You can do it 

Purple, belonging to Eoqan The Elf which was located at 1|-43 has been razed by Sa'Belle.

The Unforgiven, belonging to Kili (Abandoned) which was located at -115|-2525 has been captured by Sa'Belle.

Mordor, belonging to Kili (Abandoned) which was located at -109|-2534 has been captured by Sa'Belle.

07. Karak Jholly, belonging to Panduran Shadowfist (Abandoned) which was located at 500|-341 has been razed by Sa'Belle.

06. Karak Jack Aubrey, belonging to Panduran Shadowfist (Abandoned) which was located at 505|-346 has been razed by Sa'Belle.

05. Karak Arlord, belonging to Panduran Shadowfist (Abandoned) which was located at 510|-346 has been razed by Sa'Belle.
