

Elf Female
Elf Female Character Portrait






To the stars that listen, and the dreams that are answered.

Sairane Naeleth was the princess of a land long forgotten, a kingdom nothing more than ash on the wind. Everything she knew has been destroyed. Rage and revenge are what fuel her now. Revenge for her people and revenge for her family. Everyone thought she was dead, killed in the raid on the castle. But she ran, and hid, and has now amassed a small following. The forgotten and abused flock to her, and she leads them with surprising gentleness. They are her family now, and she will fight tooth and nail to protect them.


I remember that night like it was yesterday. Well, most of it. Some parts are better left forgotten.

I woke up in a cold sweat. The night was warm, sweat was sticking to me like a second skin. The silence was deafening, but I could feel something was wrong. Very, very, very wrong, I felt it in my core. Warnings rang in my head with every beat of my heart, but still, I ran. Bodies littered the hallways, blood-smeared the walls, but still, I ran. The castle was burning. How they managed to burn the centuries-old stone walls, I will never know. I made it to the massive window at the end of the hallway and I almost fell to my knees. My city, the city my family had defended for hundreds of years, was a sea of flames. It was then I knew what was happening. I sprinted down the hallway, leaping over piles of dead guards and servants. The doors to my parents' suite were wide open and there was blood pooling on the floor. There my parents lay, covered in their own blood. Gone was the light from my mother's eyes, my father's smile lines. I heard screaming. It was probably me, everyone else was dead, or close enough to it.

I made my way to the furthest most wall in their room and clawed for the loose brick. My nails were ripped and my fingers bleeding as I pulled it from the wall and ran out of the secret door. Down and down I went through the tunnels, having memorized this escape route many years before. The night sky was red with the city I had sworn to defend. I stumbled to my horse as tears clouded my vision. My family was gone, my friends, my enemies, my city, everything was gone! As I rode through the forest, I saw a young rebel, no more than 12. I assumed he had been recruited into the "revolution" by force, likely threats to his family. He recognized me instantly and I brought a finger to my lips. He swallowed hard and nodded once. "Get on," I whispered. "As young as you are, they'll assume you died in the raid. Hurry, we haven't much time." I offered him my hand, and he considered for a moment before grabbing it and pulling himself to sit behind me. I urged my horse to go faster and off we went through the forest.

Days passed. Maybe more, maybe less, I had lost count of the sunrises and the sunsets. The boy had died. I don't know how. One day I woke up and he was just... dead. We had been just outside of a town when it happened. His name was Kellon. He had 3 sisters and his mother, who was sick. That's why he joined the rebellion, because they promised to heal her. I wiped my tears and stood from where I had buried him. I could see a tavern in the distance, so I made my way there. Maybe a drink would make it hurt less. Slumped there over the bar was a dwarf. He had a bottle of whisky in his hand, which I promptly snatched and poured myself a shot. I told him my story in a tipsy haze, and he told me his. I offered him a place in the new family I was going to build. And with that, a brand. Placing my hand over his, I spoke the words I had written by Kellon’s grave. “For the light they took, let me give you this. A promise, that you will get it back.” With that, my purple blaze vanished, and in its place on unmarred flesh was "Amartolos" ( He took it with a smile. And so there it was. The beginning of the Sinner's Crown. And if I might say so, it was one hell of a beginning.


The battlefield is my kingdom. The king can keep his throne.


Queen of the Castle









What happens in GC, stays in GC... Not.


[20:21]<Erista> Sairane? you are a well balanced person and for that I love you  //- Ily too :DD


[21:58]<Humanoid> I am proud


[18:10]<Sairane> God help us all if I had a cucumber


[01:44]<Skarr> my cousin was a helicopter


[23:35]<lonewolf> its a cup of coffee not a bomb



[02:18]<MicroMe> *cuts toes off the socks and puts them back on Belle*

[02:18]<MicroMe> these are the latest in foot care! UN-SOCKS!!! 


[22:20]*Sairane sets Noid on fire, for educational purposes


[22:29]<IKnights> The female didn't stab out her own eye with her hook hand.

[22:30]<lonewolf2> lol

[22:30]<Nubcake> well she shouldve


[01:03]*Sairane puts on her Crocs, grabs her spear, gets ready to go Orc hunting 


[21:32]<Sairane> *points at Nub* Behave, no crowning figures heads in my absense, capeesh?

[21:32]<Kojak> Nub? BEHAVE???

[21:32]<Kojak> What are you smoking???

[21:33]<Kojak> And why aren't you sharing?


[21:09]<Karma> yes but sometimes you have to purge to get to the true core and rebuild stronger


[23:06]<Ashka> Sairane why are you so small still?

[23:07]<Sairane> I dunno

[23:07]<Sairane> The forces that be put their hand on my head and said "no"


[23:14]<Eoqan The Elf> clara, are you secretly a hecatoncheire?

[23:14]<Clarabelle> On that farm he had a dog EoEo O.

[23:15]<Eoqan The Elf> 

[23:15]<Clarabelle> IDK what a honkeytonkiere is.


[23:46]<Kaun Dovah> Whenever you see little men in suits you mind your own business


[00:24]<Nubcake> thus me being the future cheese cult leader ....  //  -Nope guess I gotta kill you now, you know too much.


[02:13]<Unseated Ant> Pop is better than tear Sair, see no bone hear no bone speak no bone



[16:30]<Ashka> Mo Money = Mo tuna

[16:31]<Snagglepuss> Word 



[22:54]<Zelf> and ketchup

[22:55]<IKnights> No ketchup you heathen.












