

Elf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Male Character Portrait

Land Claim

Please do not trespass within 10 squares of my cities without permission and do not relocate within 10 squares of my cities under any circumstances. The 10 squares surrounding my cities are concidered mine for collecting resources, and hunting grounds, All intentions are peaceful, but I will attack any that invade my territory.

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After many years of fighting in wars.. i decided to head to my homeland, but that was going to be a long trip. After many weeks of travel I stopped for a drink at a tavern... but as i was leaving i was attacked and was left for dead in the woods. After many hours of laying, and bleeding to death, and thinking i would never make it home, i felt a hand touch me and through the blood and sweat, i saw a little old lady standing over me looking, down at me and shaking her head. She took out a vail and held it up to my mouth, and said take a small sip. Afterwords i do not remember anything untill i woke up days later. I did not know where i was, or how i got there but i was alive. It was very dark, and all I could see was a faint candle light, and a small fire in a fireplace. As i look around, i could see no windows and only one vary small door. I was trying to get up when i heard a sound, and had to look hard to see what it was .. it was a vary small lady looking at my scrolls by the candle light,  and i said please be very carefull, those can be very dangerous. "Yes" she said, I know what they are, and i see your awake. Please, I have some food prepared for you, come and eat. It's not much, but it will keep you alive and will help you grow stronger. As I ate, I was looking at her, she was vary small and i asked "how i got here". She said I carried you here. I said "that impossible, your not big enough to carry me". She just looked at me and I saw something there that i've never seen before. I saw a power in her eyes that i will never forget! I asked her what her name was, and she said Sairane...I asked her where I was, and she just said that it doesn't matter, your here and your alive. Then she ask me where i got the scrolls and I told her I killed an evil warlock who was terrorizing villages, and he had them, so I really did not get any payment for killing the evil warlock. I was told about the scrolls and was told they was vary dangerous but, they were worth alot of gold, so I figured I'd sell them to the highest bidder. When i got back to my homeland, and she looked at me with amazement and said "you have no idea what you have here do you?" I said "not really" ... she said, "With these you could rule the world", and I just thought she was a batty old witch. Everyday, she would study the scrolls, and one day day she said "please come with me outside i want to show you something". She showed me a simple spell as she said some words i have never heard Before. She made a rock turn from brown to green to red. She said she would teach me all about the scrolls but, only if I did it to help people, and to never use them for evil and she looked into my eyes and she knows i could never be evil to anyone and from that day on, we help those in need, and help the helpless, and protect the weak. We started a small village, and its getting bigger all the time. Will are still learning the scrolls, and helping all who ask, and need our help. So, please feel free to ask for our help, join our small villages, and help us grow it into a mighty empire!

NPC Groups Sizes:

Size Min Max
Few 1 3
Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
Gathering 129 227
Horde 228 462
Throng 463 815
Host 816 2500
Legion 2501 9999
Myriad 10000 24999
Sea 25000 49999
Cornucopia 50000+  


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2. Commanders

With the research in the Military tree you can have up to 5 commanders alive per town (no limit on dead/retire ones).

Since we are all about attack power, T2 commanders are a must as they have the highest attack output. My hunting armies attack output comes mostly from the commanders (~90% of the total attack power), so we'll be focusing on them first.

When you kill NPCs or other player troops, your commanders earn experience points. The calculation is rather simple: each troop have a experience value attached to it, you multiply that by the number you killed and you got the total experience earnt. You then devide that by the number of commanders, and you'll get the experience each commander earnt. You can then assign those points to different traits in the commander page.

Note: Some people in GC mentioned that Division Bonus is better than Heroism for newer player. As show on that spreadsheet that is wrong for any reasonnable player, take heroism first (ALWAYS).



Let's start by mentioning the most important bonus for attack: Heroism. Each level your commander has, will add the attack of the troop he is based on 6 times.

Commander attack multiplier with 10 heroism:

(10 x 6) + 1 = 61

61 times the base attack. In the case of Human T2 cavalry , the attack is:

65 x 61 = 3,965

To activate the full power of heroism, you need at least the same power in troops in your army, so you'll need 61 knigts or 108 charioteers (3965/37= 107.1, the 37 is the base attack power of charioteers ).

You are free to distribute these troops along the different divisions of your army, but do not break the Elite bonus for your division. Also at least 1 troop need to be under each commander. I usually do:

5 commanders: 57/1/1/1/1 (57 in first division and 1 in each other)
4 commanders: 58/1/1/1
3 commanders: 59/1/1
2 commanders: 60/1


Division Attack Bonus

For pure attack bonus, the second important commander trait is the Division attack bonus.

Troop Type Division attack bonus
Spears Close Quarter Penetration:
increase the attack of spear commander & troops in the division by 10% (T1 com) or 15% (T2 com)
Infantry Bloodlust:
increase the attack of sword commander & troops in the division by 10% (T1 com) or 15% (T2 com)
Ranged Concentrated Fire:
increase the attack of bow commander & troops in the division by 10% (T1 com) or 15% (T2 com)
Cavalry Charge:
increase the attack of cavalry commander & troops in the division by 10% (T1 com) or 15% (T2 com)


Other Traits

For hunting the other bonuses are purely for convinience.

If you plan on hunting often with the same Army, you can spend some points into Vitality & Accelerated Healing. That will help maintaining the commanders alive, and reduce the chance to have the troops coming back with their dead bodies.

If you hunt a bit far from your town, you can spend some points into Forced March (up to 50% bonus speed for commander and troops in the division).

Be aware that the higher level is your commander, the longer and more expensive it costs to revive it, affecting your capabilities of hunting in case of casualities.


Elite Divisions

In Illyriad their are 2 types of division: Normal Division and Elite Division. Commanders and troops in Elite division, receive a double bonus from the equipment they are wearing.

In general for hunting you want to have the maximum possible number of Elite Divisions, as that improve greatly the power of our Heroic Commanders.

A division becomes Elite when you put less than the maximum number of same type troop under a commander. Here are the numbers:

Troop Type Max Troop in Division for Elite
Spears 200
Infantry 150
Ranged 100
Cavalry 60

You can see if your divisions are elites here and check if the star light up (Elite: yellow , not Elite: grey).


Commanders & Gear

Now that we have our commanders operational with heroism activated, let's talk about equiping them. To simplify the explaination here, I'm gonna take the case of hunting with terrain specific gear. If you want to calculate with different equipment, just change the gear attack bonus in the following calculations.

Let's calculate our bonus with Plainsman's SpearPlainsman's Chainmail and Heavy Warhorse 

60% + 60% + 5% = 125%

Since we are hunting in elite division, the total bonus is

125% x 2 = 250% = 2.5

The attack bonus is therefore:

3,965 x 2.5 = 9,912.5

and the total attack:

3,965 + 9,912.5 = 13,877.5


Commanders, Terrain & other bonuses

Our commanders are now geared and with 10 points in Heroism, so let's calculate our final attack score by incorporating the remaining bonuses we can have: Terrain, Division attack, Biome & Prestige.

I put 15 point in charge, I'm attacking on plain, not using prestige and no biome bonus:

15% + 30% + 0% + 0% = 45% = 0.45

That correspond to:

13,877.5 x 0.45 = 6,244.875 attack

The grand total attack for our Elite commander is:

13,877.5 + 6,244.5 = 20,122.375


Commanders Summary

I went through the whole calculation previously but you can simplify it with this formula:

Elite: ([base atk] x 61) x (1 + 2 x ([equip bonus])) x (1 + [other bonuses])
Not Elite: ([base atk] x 61) x (1 + [equip bonus]) x (1 + [other bonuses])

You can verify that by plugging in the values used previously:

Elite: (65 x 61) x (1 + (2 x 1.25)) x (1 + 0.45) = 3,965 x 3.5 x 1.45 = 20,122.375
Not Elite: (65 x 61) x (1 + 1.25) x (1 + 0.45) = 3,965 x 2.25 x 1.45 = 12,935.81



3. Army Attack Score

Let's start by calculating our troops output, I'll take again the same example, 61 T2 human cavalry, no gear. We got:

61 x (65 x 1.45) = 61 x 94.25 = 5749.25 attack

So now we can calculate our total army attack output

5 commanders: (5 x 20122.375) + 5749.25 = 106,361.125 (94.5% from com)
4 commanders: (4 x 20122.375) + 5749.25 = 86,238.75 (93.3% from com)
3 commanders: (3 x 20122.375) + 5749.25 = 61,116.375 (91.3% from com)
2 commanders: (2 x 20122.375) + 5749.25 = 45,994 (87.5% from com)

As you can see, the large majority of the total army attack comes from the commanders alone, and equiping troops will not improve the total output by much, but considerably increase the cost of hunting.



4. NPCs Defense (against one type of attacking troops)

Now that we understand how the attack of our army is calculated, we can evaluate the defense of the army we are attacking. Most NPCs have 4 level of divisions (up to 8 for Underworlders).

We'll start by the simplest case: Commanders & Troops are of the same type for all the attacking army.

We calculate the defense for each division of the defensive army, and then add them together:

[nb of NPCs] x [base def against troop type] x (1 + [terrain def bonus])

Let's do it with an example:

Type: Unit: Quantity:
Army: Legion of Giant Rats    
Troops:  Ratlings


Troops:  Rats


Troops:  Diseased Rats


Troops:  Elder bucks


We get:

Division 1: 3000 x 6 x (1 + (-0.15)) = 15,300
Division 2: 2000 x 8 x (1 + (-0.15)) = 13,600
Division 3: 1000 x 12 x (1 + (-0.15)) = 10,200
Division 4: 500 x 16 x (1 + (-0.15)) = 6,800

Total: 15,300 + 13,600 + 10,200 + 6,800 = 45,900 defense against cavalry on plains

So 3 of our Elite T2 commanders properly geared should be enough to clear that group of NPCs.



5. Fight

Loss = Defense / Attack

Let's evaluate the loss for out previous army of 5 knights on plain (section 3.) against the legion of rats (section 4.) :

Defense = 45,900      Attack = 106,361.125
Loss = Def/Atck = 45,900/106,361.125 = 0.43 = 43%

The commanders will loose a fixed amount of health, independant of their max health:

Com: 100 x 0.43 = 43 points of health loss

The troop loss will then be calculated

61 knigths loss: 61 x 0.43 = 26.3 ~ 26
