

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait



Attacking Percentage Modifiers:

Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -50 20 40 5
Large Forest -15 5 30 -20
Large Hill -15 0 10 10
Large Mountain -30 0 15 15
Plains 30 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 0 0 0
Small Mountain -20 0 5 10


Defending Percentage Modifiers:

Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -45 25 30 15
Large Forest -15 5 25 -20
Large Hill -10 10 5 15
Large Mountain -30 20 5 30
Plains 25 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 5 5 5
Small Mountain -15 15 5 15

Label Size (approx)
Few 1-3
Handful 4-8
Several 9-21
Pack 22-81
Many 82-128
Gathering 129-227
Horde 228-462
Throng 463-815
Host 816-2,500
Legion 2,501-9,999
Myriad 10,000-24,999
Sea 25,000-49,999
Cornucopia 50,000-Inf



01   -312|717
02   -608|-189
03   910|-507
04   -102|1 then 949|-379
05   429|-931
06   516|505
07   -485|-736 then 669|794
08   652|-265 then -843|-310
09   -4|10
10   -377|-104
11   356|498
12   -157|-298
13   471|228 then -711|674
14   232|345
15   761|-892 then -39|-973
16   -194|-687
17   719|365
18   22|-85
19   -569|-91 then 136|855
20   399|-431


Áed mac Síláin

3rd of the five commanders of the Huntsmen militia from Falconridge

Ælfric Foxwood

Orythia's third military commander. 

Aenghus mac Danaar

Chief of Inis Morac, overseer of the four masters.

Alphred Redmarsh

Son of Bradven, Khurns representative at Deaglanport.

Am Laochra

As is the case in most towns, there is a requirement at Ravenswood that all youths learn basic weaponry skills upon reaching their teenage years. Those who show good combat proficiency or are identified as having potential as military leaders are encouraged to sit their warrior trial and, if successful, join the Ravenguard. These trials have customarily been conducted at a field south of Ravenswood, where aspirants can be tested out of the gaze of over protective parents and away from the distractions of city life. As the quality of trainee from these trials increased, so did the reputation of those conducting the tests, and buildings were erected to establish a permanent training post at the location. Amongst the Erse speaking peoples of Inis Morac, Falconridge, Wynnford etc these trials were named the Am Laochra, the warrior time, and the Lords of these towns began to send their own sons to sit the trial and then return to share their new skills with their own kin - as a result the bond between these towns and the people of Ravenswood has been significantly strengthened. Over time the Erse translation for the trial was adopted as the name of the growing settlement and remains in place to this day. In times of need the warriors of Am Laochra, know as the Nuaclaiomh or "new swords", can be mobilised quickly but this is not a decision taken lightly. Only their commanders, the tutors, have earned the right to carry the sigil of Ravenswood - the students are easily identified by their plain shields and cloaks. 

Anax Taurion

One of the five commanders from Khurn's Sons of the Minotaur


Warrior from Ellaciðr and the closest the town has to a military tactician. Rumoured to commune with the ice spirit Rutgenn, who grants Aðulfr visions of events yet to occur. It is said that these visions have to be paid for with his own blood, with the length and clarity of the event determined by the amout of blood offered. Mistrusted by many outside of the warrior class due to the disturbing nature of this rumoured "gift", Aðulfr lives a comparatively solitary life and is the subject of cautionary bedtimes tales told to the towns children by old maids and superstitious parents. 

Athroc Mullen

3rd Commander of the Wolfkin, long term man at arms and servant of house Bracken. 

Axell Blackmore

Youngest son of Branthar, commander of the 5th legion Ravenguard. Played a pivotal role in the defence of Ravenswood during the unprovoked cavalry attack of 31st December '20 by Henry IV from the Paradox empire, in which he was one of the few survivors.

Beyren Mallock 

The Butcher of Northcroft ,1st Commander of Whitefýres Silent Legion.

Blake Foxwood

Youngest of the Foxwoods of Kethellan, commander of the Grey Wardens 4th legion.


Sieged and captured by the Grey Wardens of Kethellan on the 25/08/21 when the town had been known as Firnborough. Now under the leadership of Lord Caedric Bracken. The towns fighting force are known as the Wolfkin - so named for the use of wolf pelts, teeth and claws to adorn their armour. The towns sigil is a single, green bracken leaf on a white background. 

Bradven Redmarsh

One of the five protectors of Khurn. 

Bran mac Máel Udir

4th of the five commanders of the Huntsmen militia from Falconridge 

Branthar Blackmore

Lord of Ravenswood and defender of the Dark Marshes, commander of the Ravenguard 1st legion. Father to Maraxus, Luther and Axell. 

Breogán Ó Haodha

Warchief of clan Drugarin, one of the four masters of Inis Morac and holder of the named halberd dorchabás. 

Caedric Bracken

A once formidable warrior who's best fighting days are well behind him. Has spent his entire lifetime striving to further the fortunes of his house and has finally made ground in this regard in his latter years - awarded the Lordship of a newly captured town in recognition of his service to house Blackthorne and the Abraxian empire. Caedric immediately renamed this town Brackenham, to both promote and preserve his family name. 

Cathal Ó Broin

The swift raven, head of clan Aedha and one of the four masters of Inis Morac. Current holder of the named spear bánimeall (the white edge).

Cellach mac Máel Udir

First warrior and horse lord of the Sil Maeludir, one of the four masters of Inis Morac. Slew the Orc lord Olgrek son of Olgrek during the siege and subsequent razing of Kodraz Mazat 11th to 13th February '21. 

Connor Hlae

Member of the Ravenguard, Ravenswood's representative at Deaglanport. 

Cormack Hlae

Commander of the 4th legion Ravenguard. Acquired the nickname Cormack Clay when his assault on the Elf settlement of Frellinor, the first military assault of his own planning and execution, on the 21st January '21 saw his forces arrive unopposed and then return from the manoeuvre with nothing except a rather pitiful amount of clay - the whole endeavour being a far cry from the glorious undertaking that Cormack had envisaged.


Also known as Declan's Wharf. Main route for trade to Doloria. Defended by the protectorate, a military force made up of troops from Inis Morac, Khrugheim, Ravenswood and those on the payroll of the ports merchants. 

Derren Deyville

Derren "the Deville" Deyville, Orythian military leader. 

Edwen Brookford

Military commander from Khurn.

Elcmar Partholón

High Lord of the Crimthann clan, one of the four masters of Inis Morac, wielder of the famed bastard sword a'creltha.


Situated on the outskirts of Kethellen in Kal Tirikan, Ellaciðr (meaning Ice crop in the local tongue) is home to the Ráðmenn, known for their speed at building and ferocity in combat. Easily recognisable by their dark hair, which is worn long with shaven sides for both men and women, and their unusual green or purple eyes, the Ráðmenn are considered as little or no threat to those around them unless provoked. Those within the tribe who have fought in defence of Ellaciðr are identifiable by runic tattoos on their arms, chest and face (the size and extravagance of each awarded tattoo is directly proportionate to the warriors contribution in battle), and studded leather bands used to tie back their braids - signs of admission to the honoured warrior class, the "Hajdlrsønn" (fighting sons) . The tribal sigil is a gold half moon, above a golden khopesh on a black background.

Ethelmar Foxwood

Second commander in the Orythian guard. 

Fáelá mac Máel Tyrlánn

2nd of the five commanders of the Huntsmen militia from Falconridge

Falconridge (Fabhcún-holt)

Built on the site of a popular hunting lodge used by clan Sil Maeludir of Wolgast, the settlement has grown over the years and is now a thriving town. The towns military force is known as the Huntsmen in acknowledgement of the towns founding use.  Sigil of two silhouetted falcons looking outward on a sky blue background.

Fionn Caomhánach

Youngest of the military commanders from Wynnford.

Fynn Ó Haodha

Drugarin warrior, youngest son of Breogán. Commander in the Protectorate and representative of Inis Morac at Deaglanport.

Goll mac Morna

The one eyed, second sword of the Wyrmhunters.


One of the very few full time soldiers in Vorrenden. Responsbile for the towns defences.

Greggan Aster

The young bull, son of Titus, Lord of Khurn and one of the five Commanders of the Sons of the Minotaur

Haiden ap Allyk

Son of Allyk the merchant, former legion commander in the Ravenguard and now the most respected tutor at Am Laochra. A competant and experienced warrior, Haiden was captured by the Gorrushk Orc clan during the Urrenbridge campaign and mercilessly tortured over his 7 month imprisonment. During this time Haiden was brutalised by the greenskins, suffering the loss of fingers, toes and teeth alongside mulitple broken bones and the loss of sight in one eye. Upon his rescue Haiden could no longer effectively serve in military leadership, but pledged to continue serving house Blackthorne by training those that aspire to join the Ravenguard. 


Most feared warrior in Ellaciðr. Reckless in his pursuit of victory, Heðinn is known to attain the blood rage on the battlefield, a trance like fury that enables him to mow through enemies with maniacal ferocity whilst presenting almost as much risk to his own men around him. In near constant need of attention from the towns healers, Heðinn is held in the highest of esteem by some but seen as a dangerous liability by others. 

Inis Morac

Second city of the Abraxian Empire, founded by the four largest clans of the region (the Aedha, Crimthann, Drugarin and Sil Maeludir). The current sitting Chief, or Siochain, (a word that has been adopted to signify leadership but roughly translated to the common tongue means simply "peace") of Inis Morac is Aenghus mac Danaar, chosen by the heads of the four clans (known as the four masters) to lead as a single voice. The military force of the town is known as the "Marcra", and the diversity of its units and tactics are of no surprise when the origins of the town are considered. Every unit wears the bronze armour and green cloaks chosen as the common military colours of Inis Morac, but each man carries a shield bearing the sigil of their own clan. 

Jack "Squire" Oakham

Former squire to Branthar Blackmore, now head of the trials at Am Laochra and considered by many as the best sword of his generation. Known as the shield bearer due to his unwaivering loyalty to Branthar during his time as his attendant. Upon passing his own trial and gaining the title of knight, Jack was still known as "Squire" to many, not as a dismissive gesture but in recognition of his exemplary service to the head of house Blackmore. 

Jharben Khall

Commander of the military force protecting the interests of the merchants guild at Deaglanport. 


Situated on the cusp of the frozen plains in Kal Tirikan, Kethellan is the ancestral family home of house Foxwood. The military force of the town are known as the Grey Wardens, on the account of the thick, grey great cloaks they habitually wear to fend off the harsh weather. The sigil of house Foxwood is a simple square of half black, half white with crossed spiked mauls in the centre of the upper, white section. 


Sieged and captured by the Blackthornes of Ravenswood on the 15th April '21. Formerly ruled by the Dwarf lord Jalleck Ashmarr of the Stonecloak clan. Gifted to house Aster in recognition of the service Titus Aster had given to the Ravenguard, and ruled by Greggan Aster - eldest son of Titus. Protected by house Asterions military force, the Sons of the Minotaur.


3rd Commander of Whitefýre Keeps Silent Legion.

Luther Blackmore

Son of Branthar, commander of the 5th legion of Kethellans Grey Wardens.  

Maraxus Blackmore

Eldest son of Branthar, heir to Ravenswood, commander of the Ravenguard 3rd legion.

Marcus De Morgren 

Commander of the Brackenham Wolfkin, 4th legion. 

Martin Foxwood

Lord of Kethellan, commander of the Grey Wardens 1st legion.

Modris Jurgath 

New to the service of house Blackthorne. Due to his obvious combat skill and leadership potential, Modris has been added to the tutors at Am Laochra to both hone his skills and prove his loyalty. 

Morax Foraii

2nd Commander of Whitefýre Keeps Silent Legion.

Mogh Roith

The stormbringer, the stonemaker, 4th sword of the Wyrmhunters.


The silent bear, long term hunting partner of Oadhe. 

Nechtan mac Ándaen

The silver haired, 5th commander of the Huntsmen of Falconridge


Hunter, trapper and butcher from Vorrenden.


Son of Úlfviðr, youngest of the commanders in Ellaciðrs town guard, the Hajdlrsønn. A most capable warrior, Ølviðr yearns for the opportunity to be tested in all out warfare so he may earn his own legacy and escape the constant, and rather inevitable, comparisons to his father. 

Oisín Maol

The "young deer", first sword of the Wyrmhunters.

Orrin Asrabyth

The bloodknight, wielder of the named spear tyr-hastenn, Whitefýre military commander. 


Situated atop towering, snow capped Mount Orythia, the town is also known as Ironchurch due to absolute obediance of the populace to the teachings of the ancient War priest St Jalloth the reckoner. Former stronghold of Lord Edvin Rasseck before it's capture at the hands of the Grey Wardens from Kethellen on the 4th June '21. Now under control of the extended Foxwood family, lead by lord Osrik Foxwood. The towns military contingent, the Orythian Guard, march under house Foxwoods family sigil which has been marked with two white chevrons to distinguish them from their Kethellen brothers. 

Osrik Foxwood

Lord of Orythia, commander in the Orythian guard. 


Overseer of the protection of the brine evaporation works and salt trade convoys. One of the most important and wealthy men in Vorrenden.

Pœcc DeMaes

Jeuton knight, formerly a paid mercenary who entered permanent service of house Blackthorne following his pivotal actions in the defence of Ravenswood during the Duracc encounter. 


Home of House Blackmore lead by Branthar Blackmore and protected by the Ravenguard. First city of the Abraxian empire. House sigil - a black, two headed Raven rising from a field of thorns on a white background.

Rónán mac Áeda

First of the five commanders of the Huntsmen Militia from Falconridge. 

Ruairí Foxwood

Heir to the Lordship of Kethellan, commander of the Grey Wardens 2nd legion.

Silas Beck

The man of many names, Red Silas, the heartless, dawnkiller to name but a few. Long standing right hand man to Caedric Bracken and the most vicious and uncompromising of men. Rewarded for his long, and mostly unprofitable, loyalty to house Bracken by being named as 2nd commander in Brackenhams Wolfkin. 

Tadg mac Nuada

3rd sword of the Wyrmhunters.

Talon Aexus

The bloodied horseman, third Commander of the Sons of the Minotaur. 

Thannon Marr

Known amongst his peers as the young hammer, most junior of the commanders in Brackenham's military ranks. 

Titus Aster

The White Bull. Commander of the Ravenguard 2nd legion.

Tobias Foxwood

Commander of Kethellans Grey Wardens 3rd legion.


The most respected and decorated warrior in Ellaciðr and commander of the towns vanguard force, the førsthelte (first guard or first heroes). To serve under Úlfviðr in the vanguard is a position reserved for only the most promising or capable warriors, and is the dream of every fighting man in Ellaciðr. Many say that Úlfviðrs achievements are such that he is already guaranteed to join the golden lords upon his death. (The belief is that recently killed warriors who excelled in battle and defeated strong enemies have their souls weighed and, if the result is satisfactory, get taken into the service of the gods in their army, the golden lords). 

Ulli Masterson

Arrogant, gifted, untrusted by most, in his own mind the best sword in service of house Blackthorne. Sent to Am Laochra to act as thrall of Lord jack Squire, in the hope he may find humility and purpose. 

Valian Malaphor

4th commander of the silent legion from Whitefýre Keep

Vargus Craggen 

One of the 5 appointed defenders of mount Orythia


Situated on the ice plains in the north of Elgea, and south of the ice trench which prevents onward travel to the unknown far north, Vorrenden sits directly beneath Lake Tarren, and to the east of lake Korle. Town lore tells that the abundance of fish in Tarren and the salt rich water of Korle saw the land first settled by Vorren the traveller, twin of St. Jalloth the reckoner. Among themselves the people are simply known as the Vorren, though to outsiders they are more often known as Salters, the towns main trade being the export of salted fish. The professional soldiers ride under the town sigil of a gold trident on a white background. 

Whitefýre Keep

Formerly known as Northcroft whilst under the control of Lady Davorn of Meilla. Sieged on the 16th and captured on the 20th March '21 by the Grey Wardens of Kethellen and the, formerly itinerant, Silent Order in an episode that is considered a serious slight on the good name of House Foxwood. Whilst the Grey Wardens imposed the blockade and initiated the bombardment, the advance into the city was lead by Commander Beyren Mallock of the Silent Order who, in complete disregard of the instruction to take the town with minimum impact on the civillian population, ordered the slaughter of every man, woman and child within the city walls. Beyren became instantly known as the butcher of Northcroft, a title he seems to bask in rather than be ashamed of, and his actions have resulted in relations between Whitefýre and Kethellan being limited and tense from that day forward. The town is now garrissoned by the secretive Silent Order, who's soldiers ride under their sigil of the twin horned, robed and faceless devotee - it is known that this image represents the Silent Orders devotion to the powers or spirits of their religion, but what this higher power actually is or what their beliefs are based upon is unknown to outsiders.


A long established trading outpost, formerly used by those equipping themselves for a journey into the frozen plains but now a permanent and growing settlement. Rumoured to be the site where the white wyrm Sialenë was slain by the mythic Drugarin warrior Wynn mac Na Mhoir. The towns military force, the Wyrmhunters, wear white scale mail and dragon like helmets in honour of this tale, with the towns sigil of the cracked dragon skull embossed on their shields. 


Warrior from Ellaciðr, Þiðrandi is cursed with uncontrollable, unwanted and brutally violent visions which show a future invasion originating from uncharted lands to the north by a faceless foe in huge numbers. These visions all differ slightly, but all have the same end - the slaughter of all who live Elgea. Haunted by the predictions, Þiðrandi has devoted his life to the protection of his tribe and to the pursuit of the source and truth of the visions. 

