

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

 PLEASE....a little space  Please allow 10 squares between my cities and any new settlement.   I consider that land mine and will protect it....and I reserve the right to claim at least 5 squares in any direction around my own cities as my not harvest there.

Spring 2000:   #/World/TournamentSquares

Thorough hunting infoBolism's profile

Crafting overviewJustic Badstone's profile

Sir Carl profile: #/Player/Profile/353645

Ellania Profile: #/Player/Profile/380410


Craftable Items #/Player/Profile/66699  - NPC's attack/defence stats

Guides Blog made by Fiona

Most informative profile out there: INFO

Ten Kulch:  #/Player/Profile/231435  Crafted Equipment Guide


Fall 2021 #/World/TournamentSquares


Pres build dates:


  • Cattle Rancher               – Bonus to Livestock
  • Bladesmith                     – Bonus to Swords
  • Renderer                       – Bonus to Leather Armour
  • Farrier                           – Bonus to Horses
  • Bowyer                          – Bonus to Bows
  • Poleturner                     – Bonus to Spears
  • Bridlemaker                  – Bonus to Saddles
  • Plate Forger                 – Bonus to Plate Armour
  • Armourer                     – Bonus to Chainmail Armour
  • Engineering Yard         – Bonus to Siege Blocks
  • Papermill                     – Bonus to Books
  • Brewers’ Yard              – Bonus to Beer
  • Finishing School          – Bonus to Diplomatic Units
  • Training Ground          – Bonus to Spearmen Units
  • Target Range              – Bonus to Ranged Units
  • Military Academy        – Bonus to Infantry Units
  • Jousting Yard              – Bonus to Cavalry Units
  • Assembly Yard            – Bonus to Siege Units

Resource Management

Food Plots Wood Plots Clay Plots Iron Plots Stone Plots What To Build At This Location
7 5 5 3 5 cavalry, scout, spy, trade, geomancer, runemaster
7 5 5 5 3 cavalry, archers, spearmen, scout, thief
7 5 3 5 5 archers, infantry, assassin
7 3 5 5 5 spearmen, infantry, assassin, runemaster


3 clay is archers or infantry, 3 stone is good for everything *except* infantry, 3 wood is infantry or spears, 3 iron is cav or geomancer


Terrain Combat Multipliers

Offense Defense
Terrain Spear Bow Sword Cav Terrain Spear Bow Sword Cav
Buildings 20 5 40 -50 Buildings 25 15 30 -45
Plains -15 0 0 30 Plains -15 0 0 25
Small Forest 10 -10 30 -10 Small Forest 10 -10 30 -10
Large Forest 5 -20 30 -15 Large Forest 5 -20 25 -15
Small Hill 0 0 0 0 Small Hill 5 5 5 0
Large Hill 0 10 10 -15 Large Hill 10 15 5 -10
Small Mountain 0 10 5 -20 Small Mountain 15 15 5 -15
Large Mountain 0 15 15 -30 Large Mountain 20 30 5 -30


  • "Few": Less than 4 units
  • "Handful": 5 to 8
  • "Several": 9 to 21
  • "Pack": 22 to 81
  • "Many": 82 to 128
  • "Gathering": 129 to 227
  • "Horde": 228 to 462
  • "Throng": 463 to 815
  • "Host": 816 to 2,500
  • "Legion": 2,501 to 9,999
  • "Myriad": 10,000 to 25,000
  • "Sea": 25,001 to 49,999
  • "Cornucopia": 50,000 or more



Emoticon   NPC Amounts   Population Requirements for Cities



Key Code Label Min Max # Settlers Population
Flag F== Few 1 3      
Wink ;) Handful 4 10 2 1 450
Grin :D Several 9 23 3 2 2,000
Smile :) Pack 22 83 4 3 5,000
Straight :| Many 77 128 5 4 10,000
Frown :( Gathering 140 235 6 5 20,000
Tounge :P Horde 205 481 7 6 40,000
Pirate :ar! Throng 561 823 8 7 75,000
Thumbs Down :-q Host 822 2.5k 9 8 130,000
Thumbs Up :-b Legion 3k 9.9k 10 9 233,550


10k 24.9k   Just build
    Sea 25k 49.9k   the Damn
    Cornucopia 50k+     Frickin towns


Weapons and Armor:



Crafted Horses

Horse Type Cost Stats
 Draught Horse 1   5 5 10 1 (+25% Move Speed) for Siege Engines
 Riding Horse 1 10 1 5 1   (+25% Move Speed) for Swordsmen, Archers and Spearmen
 Heavy Warhorse 1 20 1 1 3   (+5% Attack, -5% Move Speed, +10% Carry, -5% on Hills, -5% on Mountains, -5% in Forests, -5% in Arctic, -5% in Desert, -5% in Jungle) for Cavalry
Steady Warhorse 1 20 3 1 1   (+5% Magic Res)
Nimble Warhorse 1 20 1 3  1 (-8% Attack, +24% Cav Def, +24% Spear Def, +24% Bow Def, +24% Sword Def) for Cavalry
Elven Thoroughbred 1 20 5 (+15% Move Speed, -20% for Dwarves, -20% for Humans, -20% for Orcs)
Battlebred 1 20 5
(+20% Cav Def, +20% Spear Def, +20% Bow Def, +20% Sword Def, -5% on Hills, -15% on Mountains, -10% in Forests, -5% in Arctic, -5% in Desert, -5% in Jungle, -20% for Dwarves, -20% for Elves, -20% for Orcs)
 Dwarven Battle Mule 1 20 5 (-5% Attack, -10% Move Speed, +20% on Hills, +20% on Mountains, -20% for Elves, -20% for Humans, -20% for Orcs)
War Wolf 1 20 5 (+10% Move Speed, +20% Carry, +20% on Hills, -20% for Dwarves, -20% for Elves, -20% for Humans)


Crafted Spears

Spear Type Cost Stats
Arctic Spear 1 10 1 1 (+30% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
Battle Spear 1 10 1 1 (-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, +80% Sword Def)
Boar Spear 1 5 10 10 1  1 (-16% Attack, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +120% vs Animals)
Defender's Spear 1 10 1 1 -16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, +80% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Desert Pike 1 10 1 1 1 (+20% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def, +40% in Desert, -16% in Jungle)
Desert Spear 1 10 1 1 (-8% in Arctic, +30% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
Dragon Spear 1 10 1 1  1 (-16% Attack, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +150% vs Monsterous)
Dueling Spear 1 10 1 1 (-16% Cav Def, +80% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Ebony Spear 1 10 1  1 1
(-4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +60% vs Undead)
Fang-Barbed Spear 1 5 10 1 1 (+10% Attack, -8% Cav Def, +60% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -32% Sword Def)
Fang-Tipped Spear 1 10 1 1 (-24% Cav Def, +40% Spear Def, +20% Bow Def, -24% Sword Def, +5% Move Speed, +40% vs Animals)
Forester's Spear 1 10 1 1 (+20% on Hills, -24% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, +60% in Forests)
Harpoon-Spear 1 10 1 1 1 (-8% Attack, -16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def, +5% Move Speed, +20% in Arctic, -4% in Desert, -4% in Jungle, +100% vs Animals)
Hill-Tribe Spear 1 10 1 1 (+60% on Hills, +20% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
Iron-Banded Spear 1 5 10 1  1  1 (-4% Attack, +40% Cav Def, +40% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +10% for Orcs, +60% vs Monsterous)
Jungle Hunter's Spear 1 10 1 1 1 (-4% Attack, -12% Cav Def, -12% Spear Def, -12% Bow Def, -12% Sword Def, +10% Move Speed, -4% in Arctic, -4% in Desert, +20% in Jungle, +90% vs Animals)
Jungle Spear 1 10 1 1 (-8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, +30% in Jungle)
Light Spear 1 10 1 1 (-16% Attack, +10% Move Speed)
Mountain Spear 1 10 1 1 (-24% on Hills, -24% on Plains, +60% on Mountains, +20% in Forests)
Obsidian-Tipped Spear 1 10 1 1  1 (-8% Sword Def, +50% Magic Res, -8% vs Monsterous, +20% vs Undead)
Pike 1 10  1 1 (+80% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Plainman's Spear 1 10 1 1 (-24% on Hills, +60% on Plains, +20% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
Razor-Edged Spear 1 10 1 (+10% Attack, +10% Cav Def, +10% Spear Def, +10% Bow Def, +10% Sword Def)
Silversteel Spear 1 10 1  1  1 (+50% Attack, +25% Cav Def, +25% Sword Def)
Trident 1 10 1 1  1 (-4% Attack, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, +60% Sword Def, -2% in Arctic, -2% in Desert, +10% in Jungle)
War Spear 1 10  2 1   2

(+6% Attack, -15% Move Speed)


Crafted Swords

Sword Type Cost Stats
Adventurer's Sword 1 10 1 1 (+60% on Hills, +20% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
Barbarian Sword 1 10 1 1 (-24% on Hills, +60% on Plains, +20% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
Battle Sword 1 10 1 1 (-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, +80% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Bone Handled Sword 1 10 1 1 (+30% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
Chitin-Crafted Shortsword 1 10 1 1  (-12% Attack, -14% Cav Def, -14% Spear Def, -14% Bow Def, -14% Sword Def, +15% Move Speed, +40% on Mountains, +50% in Forests, -8% for Dwarves, +10% for Orcs)
Dwarven Battle Axe 1 5 5 1 (-4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, -4% on Hills, -2% on Plains, -4% in Forests, +6% for Dwarves)
Ebony-Hilt Sword 1 10 1 25 1 (-4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +120% vs Undead)
Elven Sword 1 5 1 (-2% Attack, -4% on Hills, -2% on Plains, -2% on Mountains, +6% for Elves)
Fang-Barbed Sword 1 10 1 1 (+20% Attack, -12% Cav Def, +90% Spear Def, -12% Bow Def, -48% Sword Def)
Light Swords 1 10 1 1  (-16% Attack, +10% Move Speed)
LongSword 1 10 1 1 (-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, +80% Sword Def)
Machete 1 10 1 1 (-8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, +30% in Jungle)
Mountain-Tribe Sword 1 10 1 1 (-24% on Hills, -24% on Plains, +60% on Mountains, +20% in Forests)
Obsidian Blade 1 10 1 1 1 (-8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Sword Def, +125% Magic Res, +50% vs Undead)
Orc Marauder's Sword 1 10 1 1 1 (+80% Attack, -40% Cav Def, -24% Spear Def, -28% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, -24% for Dwarves, -32% for Elves, -24% for Humans, +60% for Orcs)
Orcish Sword 1 5 1 (-2% Cav Def, -2% Spear Def, -2% Bow Def, -2% Sword Def, -4% on Plains, -2% on Mountains, -2% in Forests, +6% for Orcs)
Razor-Edged Sword 1 10 1 (+10% Attack, +10% Cav Def, +10% Spear Def, +10% Bow Def, +10% Sword Def)
Reinforced Sword 1 10 1 1 1 (+10% Attack, -8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def, +140% vs Monsterous)
Sabre 1 10 1 1 (+80% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Scimitar 1 10 1 1 (-8% in Arctic, +30% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
Seaxe 1 10 1 1 (-16% Cav Def, +80% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Short Sword 1 10 1 1 (+20% on Hills, -24% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, +60% in Forests)
Silversteel 1 10 1 1 1 (+150% Attack, +50% Cav Def, +25% Spear Def, +75% Sword Def)
Spiked Sword 1 10 1 1 1  (+40% Attack, -16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Traditional Sword 1 5 1 (-2% Attack, -2% on Hills, -4% on Mountains, -2% in Forests, +6% for Humans)
War Axe 1  5 10 1 1 (+30% Attack, -8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +30% for Dwarves, -8% for Elves, -4% for Humans, +10% for Orcs)


Terrain Types and Sovereignty Bonuses are: 

Terrain Type                            - Structure                               - Production Bonus 

Rocky outcrop                            - Farrier                            - Horses +3% per lvl
Fertile ground                             - Farrier                           - Horses +1% per lvl
Bountiful land                             - Cattle Rancher             - Cattle +3% per lvl
Alluvial plain                               - Cattle Rancher             - Cattle +1% per lvl
Abundant crops                         - Brewer's Yard               - Beer +3% per lvl
Treacherous mountains          - Brewer's Yard               - Beer +2% per lvl
Fertile orchard                            - Brewer's Yard               - Beer +1% per lvl
Rich Clay Seam                         - Papermill                      - Books +3% per lvl
Abundant Clay                            - Papermill                      - Books +2% per lvl
Wooded land                              - Poleturner                     - Spears +3% per lvl
Light woods                                - Poleturner                     - Spears +1% per lvl
Sharp crags                                - Bladesmith                   - Swords +3% per lvl
Mountains                                   - Bladesmith                   - Swords +1% per lvl
Thick Forest                                - Bowyer                           - Bows +3% per lvl
Forested hilltop                          - Bowyer                           - Bows +1% per lvl
Turned Clay                                - Bridlemaker                  - Saddles +2% per lvl
Heavy Clay Seam                      - Bridlemaker                  - Saddles +1% per lvl
Clay seam                                   - Renderer                      - Leather Armour +3%
Exposed Clay                              - Renderer                      - Leather Armour +1%
Craggy peaks                             - Armourer                       - Chainmail +3% per lvl
Stony ground                               - Armourer                      - Chainmail +1% per lvl
Abundant Quarry                         - Plate Forger                 - Plate Armour +3%
Lonely peaks                               - Plate Forger                 - Plate Armour +1%
Bleak mountains                        - Finishing School         - Diplomats +2% per lvl
Scrubland                                    - Finishing School         - Diplomats +1% per lvl
Wooded Glade                           - Training Ground           - Spearmen +2% per lvl
Tundra                                         - Training Ground           - Spearmen +1% per lvl
Dense Forest                             - Target Range                - Archers +2% per lvl
Clearing                                      - Target Range                - Archers +1% per lvl
Moor                                              - Military Academy          - Swordsmen +1% per lvl
Rich quarry                                  - Military Academy          - Swordsmen +2% per lvl
Fertile pasture                            - Jousting Yard                - Cavalry +2% per lvl
Open Plains                                - Jousting Yard                - Cavalry +1% per lvl
Landslip                                      - Assembly Yard              - Seige Engines +2%
Wooded Quarry                          - Assembly Yard              - Seige Engines +1%


Hourly upkeep cost for structures that decrease the production time of an advanced resource or diplomatic unit or army unit:

Lv   I:   150 wood,    150 clay,     150 iron,    150 stone,    

Lv  II:   300 wood,    300 clay,     300 iron,    300 stone,    

Lv III:   600 wood,    600 clay,     600 iron,    600 stone,    

Lv IV: 1,200 wood, 1,200 clay, 1,200 iron, 1,200 stone, 

Lv  V: 2,400 wood, 2,400 clay, 2,400 iron, 2,400 stone,  


Hourly sov cost : 1 Research Point = distance x Sov Level x 10 RP

                            2 Gold = distance x Sov level x 100 gold

Max            Pop Buildings
2000         Trade Office
1796 Archers' Field, Cavalry Parade Ground,  Infantry Quarters, Spearmen's Billets
1510 Merchant's Guild
1497 Blacksmith, Book Binder, Carpentry, Common Ground, Consulate, Forge, Foundry, Herbalist's Guild, Horse Trainer,  Kiln, Mage Tower, Paddock, Miner's Guild, Siege Workshop, Skinner's Guild, Spearmaker, Stonemason, Tannery, Tavern
898 Assassins' Abode, Foreign Office, Geomancers' Retreat, Runemasters' Grounding, Saboteurs' Sanctuary, Scouts' Lookout, Spies' Hideout, Thieves' Den
449 Chancery of Estates
370 Warehouse
40 Brewery, Jungle Warfare College, Desert Warfare College
37 Barracks, Clay Pit, Farmyard, Iron Mine, Library, Lumberjack, Marketplace
Quarry, Storehouse, Vault
16 Flourmill
4 Cottage


Town Total Avg Additional
2 450 450  
3 2,000 1,000 1,550
4 5,000 1,667 3,000
5 10,000 2,500 5,000
6 20,000 4,000 10,000
7 40,000 6,667 20,000
8 75,000 10,715 35,000
9 130,000 16,250 55,000
10 233,550 25,950 103,550
11 263,550 26,355 30,000
12 294,550 26,778 31,000
13 326,550 27,213 32,000
14 359,550 27,658 33,000
15 393,550 28,111 34,000
16 428,550 28,570 35,000
17 464,550 29,035 36,000
18 501,550 29,503 37,000
19 539,550 29,975 38,000
20 578,550 30,450 39,000
21 618,550 30,928 40,000
22 659,550 31,408 41,000
23 701,550 31,889 42,000
24 744,550 32,372 43,000
25 788,550 32,857 44,000
26 833,550 33,342 45,000
27 879,550 33,829 46,000
28 926,550 34,317 47,000
29 974,550 34,806 48,000
30 1,023,550   35,295    49,000 

Food Consumed For Each Building At Max Level:


Building (Level 20) Food Cost Per Hour
Trade Office 2000
Archers' Field 1796
Cavalry Parade Ground 1796
Infantry Quarters 1796
Spearmens' Billets 1796
Merchant's Guild 1510
Blacksmith 1497
Book Binder 1497
Bowyer 1497
Carpentry 1497
Chain Armourer 1497
Common Ground 1497
Consulate 1497
Fletcher 1497
Forge 1497
Foundry 1497
Herbalist's Guild 1497
Horse Trainer 1497
Kiln 1497
Leather Armourer 1497
Mage Tower 1497
Miner's Guild 1497
Paddock 1497
Plate Armourer 1497
Saddlemaker 1497
Siege Workshop 1497
Skinner's Guild 1497
Spearmaker 1497
Spearsmith 1497
Stonemason 1497
Tannery 1497
Tavern 1497
Assassins' Abode 898
Geomancers' Retreat 898
Runemasters' Grounding 898
Saboteurs' Sanctuary 898
Scouts' Lookout 898
Spies' Hideout 898
Chancery Estates 449
Architect's Office 328
Arctic Warfare College 40
Brewery 40
Desert Warfare College 40
Jungle Warfare College 40
Barracks 37
Food/Wood/Clay/Iron/Stone Plots 37
Library 37
Marketplace 37
Storehouse 37
Vault 37
City Wall 20
Flourmill 16

For more information on spells and their ranges, refer to this useful chart:

Building Chart -

Illyriad Tips Series -

Sene's Hunting Guide -
