
Jaywing II

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

Glokkanen Smc Strog G'dai - May Their Fattness Fry Our Bacon

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Heroic Human Statue Mystery Quest

Quest grants 20, non-mission, defensive diplomat spy units to each of your cities that completes the quest -- Scribes of Allembine.  Once awarded, each unit requires 2 gold per hour upkeep.  Each unit has 5 speed, 11 attack, 120 defense, and boosts your city's visual defensive radius.  Once all 20 scribes are collected the Allembine Research discovery is awarded, granting +5 research points hourly per Library level.

Either tier 1 or tier 2 spy units can be sent on these missions. The individual missions can be sent in any order and all are in Elgea, the northern lands.  Most missions are one-off, but 6 require two missions to have a scribe sent to the questing city.  These double missions must be done in sequence to have the scribe awarded.  Like all missions, take particular note of the minus signs to pin-point correct map coordinates.

1)  -312/717

2)  -608/-189

3)  910/-507

4)  -102/1 & 949/-379

5)  429/-931

6)  516/505

7)  -485/-736 & 669/794

8)  652/-265 & -843/-310

9)  -4/10

10) -377/-104

11) 356/498

12) -157/-298

13) 471/228 & -711/674

14) 232/345

15) 761/-892 & -39/-973

16) -194/-687

17) 719/365

18) 22/-85

19) -569/-91 & 136/855

20) 399/-431


Gnome-Brew Discovery Quest

The Gnome-Brew discovery quest reduces the cost of making beer by 5 food per unit. It applies to each city that makes the discovery, which means you are able to make the discovery for each settlement by attempting and completing the requirements. To do so: send a minimum of 125 Spies to Keppin -513/-96.  If you send fewer than the minimum of 125 spies, you will receive a message that the quest has failed, and you will need to try again.



Heart of Corruption Discovery Quest

(under construction)

Beating Heart of Corruption - aka 'Audrey':  -994/-824

Temple of Nameless: -990/-817

Temple of Outsider:  -985/-826

Temple of Shapeless:  -989/-817



NPC Encounter Group Sizes

Gives an approximation of the numbers you'll encounter when hunting.  Best to scout the target first if you're uncertain as to your probability of success.

Size Min Max
Few 1 3
Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
Gathering 129 227
Horde 228 462
Throng 463 815
Host 816 2,500
Legion 2,501 9,999
Myriad 10,000 24,999
Sea 25,000 49,999



What is the correct harvester to deploy?

