

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

I am just a simple dwarf, focused on his crafting. My hammer and my forge, that is all I need. And beer. My hammer, forge and beer, that is all I need.  And rare crafting materials, for sure. My hammer, forge, beer and rare crafting materials and that is all I need. Scotch whisky, I need that. My hammer, forge, beer, rare crafting materials and scotch, and that is all I need.


Dwarven Lord of Hunting - #/Player/Profile/371157


Terrain Combat Multipliers Overview

 Offense    Defense
 Spear   Bow   Inf   Cav   Terrain Type  Spear   Bow   Inf   Cav 
 20  5  40  -50  Buildings  25  15  30  -45
 5  -20  30  -15  Large Forest  5  -20  25 -15
 0  10  10  -15  Large Hill  10  15  5  -10
 0  15  15  -30  Large Mountain   20  30  5  -30
 -15  0  0  30  Plains  -15  0  0  25
 10  -10  30  -10  Small Forest  10  -10  30  -10
 0  0  0  0  Small Hill  5  5  5  0
 0  10  5  -20  Small Mountain  15  15  5  -15


City Site Selection

 Food   Wood   Clay   Iron   Stone   What To Build
7 5 5 3 5 cavalry, scout, spy, trade, geomancer, runemaster
7 5 5 5 3 cavalry, archers, spearmen, scout, thief
7 5 3 5 5 archers, infantry, assassin
7 3 5 5 5 spearmen, infantry, assassin, runemaster


Faction Play Max Troop by Type

 Troop Unit   T1   T2 
 Spear  5,000   2,500 
 Bow  2,500   1,667 
 Infantry  2,500   1,667 
 Cavalry  1,667   1,250 

