

Elf Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Female Character Portrait
Eynridthrre's Island Profile last updated: 26-Nov-2020
  • I've petitioned the devs to name this island Eynridthrre's Island. This is in acknowledgement of the player Eynridthrre who had cities there at one time.
  • Eynridthrre's Island landmass border co-ordinates:
    • From the northwestern-most corner of 642|-2039 
    • to the northeastern-most corner of 662|-2038 
    • to the southwestern-most corner of 641|-2060 
    • to the southeastern-most corner of 663|-2060
  • Members of my alliance and people on my Friends List can hunt on Eynridth Island and gather their kill. Please don't gather other resources from there, though.
  • Everyone else is banned from the island.
  • Exception: In the event the Gremont tourney totem ever lands on Eynridthrre's Island, all players are welcome on the totem for the duration of that tournament.
Eynridthrre's Island


Harvesting Units
 Herbs Minerals Hides  Grapes  Cotter
 Hides Animal parts Salts Skinner
 Rare Minerals Miner
 Rare Herbs Herbalist


Justic Badstone has a good reference for the various rarities and what they are used for.

Places to Scout
Temple of Reason
Steamtastic Brewery
The Rift
Misted Lands
Heart of Corruption
Fortress of Shadows
Duraz Karag




Highest Pop Buildings
Archers Field 1796
Blacksmith 1497
Book Binder 1497
Cavalry Parade Grounds 1796
Carpentry 1497
Common Ground 1497
Consulate 1497
Fletcher 1497
Forge 1497
Foundry 1497
Kiln 1497
Mage Tower 1497
Paddock 1497
Saddle Maker 1497
Seige Workshop 1497
Spear Maker 1497
Stonemason 1497
Tannery 1497
Tavern 1497
Trade Office 2000
City Pop Requirements
City#  #Settlers Population
2 1 450
3 2 2,000
4 3 5,000
5 4 10,000
6 5 20,000
7 6 40,000
8 7 75,000
9 8 130,000
10 9 233,550
11 10 263,550
12 11 294,550
13 12 326,550
14 13 359,550
15 14 393,550
16 15 428,550
17 16 464,550
18 17 501,550
19 18 539,550
20 19 578,550


Beware the difference between a warehouse and a vault. Nobody seems to talk about vaults since apparently they're not highly valued. Lets talk about them here because they can trip you up.

There are three different storage buildings a town can have:

  • Storehouse
  • Warehouse
  • Vault

The Storehouse is one of the first buildings you get and is very important to have. Storage capacity determines how much of the various resources you can accumulate which determines how much buildng upgrading you can do. 

The Warehouse not only helps to increase storage capacity, it must be upgraded to level 20 in order to be able to research Exodus. Exodus allows you to move your city to a different location in Illyriad. The storehouse must be level 15 before you can build a warehouse.

The Vault can be built once the storehouse is level 12 and this is where the confusion comes in. Because no one talks about the vault some players will build a vault thinking they're building a warehouse. Leveling up a vault gets very expensive and gains you nothing when you are trying to reach Exodus. On the other hand, if you're trying to protect your resources from thieves it may be just what you need. To a point. Once you can sent your excess resources to a hub, you no longer really need a vault. I don't have the bandwidth to discuss that distinction here. 

Just know that if your goal is Exodus, which it is for most new players, you want a Warehouse and not a Vault.



The chronicles of DragonnSonng

I am named DragonnSonng and come from Lan Larosh in the heart of Elgea. While I am an elf,  I was named after the human Dracoriad and grew up hearing stories about Elgea. The elf Eynridthrre would pass through on her travels from time to time and visit, telling me tales of her adventures. She would tell me stories of the human Dracoriad and how she grew her enterprise across all of Elgea. Stories of her friendship with Dracoriad and how hard it was for Eynridthrre to eventually leave Elgea for the newly discovered Broken Lands.

How Eynridthrre met Dracoriad.

According to Eynridthrre, Dracoriad was born and raised in Elgea and her earliest memories were of her family home in Norweld. However, by the time she reached adulthood her people had moved south into Perrigor, into the region of Land Between Lakes.

Dracoriad already had trade set up in several well established cities when Eynridthrre came through Wyrmwood one day. Dracoriad's cities boasted many fine crafters but Wyrmwood, in Perrigor, boasted the finest nimble warhorses south of the Middle Kingdom. She spent much of her time in Ignis, one of the Circle of Five's trading hub, where those warhorses were in great demand.

Eynridthrre had come to Elgea seeking to sell her war spears and siege bows. Eynridthrre's people, who weren't originally from Elgea, specialized in crafting those weapons and she was looking for new markets. Over time Dracoriad and Eynridthrre developed a deep rapport and grew to trust each other completely.

Where Dracoriad and Eynridthrre went.

Dracoriad had several riverside cities which greatly facilitated trade. What she wanted was access to the Bitter sea and the many bays that marked the southern boundary of Elgea. Eynridthrre came from xxx region and her knowlege of the xxx Bay was the spur Dracoriad needed to join forces with her and open a southern trading route.

How Eynridthrre discovered terraforming.

When Eynridthrre and Dracoriad left Illyriad

How I yearned for Illyriad.

How I found Eynridthrre's island.

Years ago Eynridthrre used to tell me about her island in Gremont which boasted a couple of abandoned towns when she found it. She even drew me a picture of the island and surrounding area. One of her allies, wjbones, had cities nearby and was able to confirm for her that no one had lived there for quite some time.

The island was owned by an alliance she didn't have ties with so Eynridthrre went to the head of her own alliance and explained the situation. How the island was large enough to boast 2 towns, albiet abandoned, was incredibly rich in resources and wildlife, and was near friendly cities. Her alliance leader then contacted the alliance the island belonged to and effected a trade for that island. With wjbones' help, Eynridthrre sieged those two towns and moved her base of operations to that island in Gremont.

When I saw the island there were no towns there. I was chatting with some of my alliance friends one day, the talk turned to islands and someone showed me a map. I couldn't believe my eyes because there, in front of me, was Eynridthrre's island. I recognized it instantly. A scouting expedition showed no one living on the island and also confirmed the absence of towns.

Since wjbones still had cities nearby, I discussed the situation with him and with other members of our alliance. They were all for resettling the island. wjbones pointed out the island had supported 2 towns in the past and thought it just might be big enough to support 3 towns. With everyone's support I sent my own first settlers to Eynridthrre's island.

