

Elf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Male Character Portrait

I was born in the ninth year of the second age to a Vanyar father who came to Middle Earth to aid in Morgoth's defeat, and to a Noldor mother who survived the fall of Gondolin. My mother named me after the story of Beleg and Turin, which was her favorite. I was raised in the Mouths of Sirion where my father taught me what he knew of battle and hunting. But not being from Middle Earth, I learned most of what I know from other elves rather than my father.

I fought under Gil-galad's banner in the battle of Dagorlad. I have since roamed the earth, always exploring and learning more of the land and that which dwells in it. I have learned much in my travels, and though I do not rival the skills possesed by those I was named for, I shall always remember what made them great, and what made them weak. In this way I have lived and survived these last 6,000 years.



Good overall guides: #/Player/Profile/388480

New player guide: #/Player/Profile/356085
