
kind davey

Elf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Male Character Portrait

hello all; i have played illyriad for 12 years, before brokenlands was added to the game. i started in toothless alliance, then calaquendi, harmless, and now ITG. i am a peaceful person and will not trouble others, if i am left in peace. i live by, and support the illyriad norms of play that has been part of the game for all these years. that is basicly i will not settle within 10 tiles of any others cities, and i will not harvest within 5 tiles of others cities, and i don´t allow this same distance to any of my cities. i wish you all well. Jesus cares for you all. davey the kind :)                                                 many 82-128 gather 129-227 horde 228- 462
