

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

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Heroic Human Statue Spots (Allembine Research Discovery)
Send a spy to each loaction; T2 spies are faster.
01 Aldelbrecht KalTirikan -312|717
02 Asmorn The Western Realms -608|-189
03 Bjander-Thegn Elijal 910|-507
04 Braynard Middle Kingdom -102|1 then Kul Tar 949|-379
05 Burkhardt Trome 429|-931
06 Eberekt Windlost 516|505
07 Ferhonanth Azura -485|-736 then Qarosslan 669|794
08 Fridholt Keshalia 652|-265 then Lan Larosh -843|-310
09 Gunthar Middle Kingdom -4|10
10 Haestin Tor Carrock -377|-104
11 Keldar Windlost 356|498
12 Lambercht Tor Carrock -157|-298
13 Lindricht Ragallon 471|228 then Fremorn -711|674
14 Oddric Norweld 232|345
15 Osgaut Larn 761|-892 then Stromstone Island -39|-973
16 Raedborth Tallimar -194|-687
17 Regindalt Taomist 719|365
18 Rikert Middle Kingdom 22|-85
19 Tormand Keppen -569|-91 then Wolgast 136|855
20 Ulvelaik Turalia 399|-431

Steamtastic Brewery -513|-96 Gnome Brew Discovery
Send 125 T2 spies


Attack Defence Modifiers by Unit and Terrain
Terrain Att/Def Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Plains Attack 30 -15 0 0
Defence 25 -15 0 0
Large Hills Attack -15 0 10 10
Defence -10 10 5 15
Small Hills Attack 0 0 0 0
Defence 0 5 5 5
Large Forests Attack -15 5 30 -20
Defence -15 5 25 -20
Small Forests Attack -10 10 30 -10
Defence -10 10 30 -10
Large Mountains Attack -30 0 15 15
Defence -30 20 5 30
Small Mountains Attack -20 0 5 10
Defence -15 15 5 15
Buildings Attack -50 20 40 5
Defence -45 25 30 15

metahawk in AD2460
