

Elf Female
Elf Female Character Portrait





Bolism's Hunting Guide

Bolism's Battle Calculator (spreadsheet)

Justic Badstone's Guide to Harvested Items and Crafted Equipment



Attack Commanders and Troops

Commander Skill Troops Notes
t2 cavalry Charge t1 or t2 cavalry Standard cavalry attack army
t2 infantry Bloodlust t1 or t2 infantry Standard infantry attack army.
t2 bow Concentrated Fire t1 or t2 bow Standard bow attack army.


Defense Commanders and Troops

Commander Skill Troops Notes
t1 cavalry Square Formation t1 and t2 spears Classic anti-cavalry defense combination.
t1 bow Tortoise Formation t1 and t2 bows Maximizes the high ranged defense of archers. Typically used as the bow defense component of a larger siege camp.
t1 sword Interlocked Shields t1 and t2 bows
t1 and t2 spears
Used in forest and building battles where enemy infantry attacks are highly effective. Also used when the enemy favors dwarf stalwarts.
t1 sword Interlocked Shields t1 and t2 swords Useful in forests, very powerful in buildings. Helpful against stalwarts. Typically used for the sword defense component of a larger siege camp.


  • Nobody attacks with spears.
  • Spears have terrible bow defense.
  • Bows defend better than they attack.
  • Infantry is a flexible attacker.
  • Nothing beats attacking [with] cavalry on plains.
  • Cavalry sucks at defense.
  • Most unit types are equivalent across the races.
  • t2 spears are superior to t1 spears for production.
  • t2 infantry is superior to t1 infantry for production.
  • t1 bows are mostly equivalent to t2 bows for production.
  • t2 cavalry is superior to t1 cavalry for production, BUT...
  • Elven marshals are the best cavalry in the game.
  • Sentinels are just as good as trueshots.
  • t2 infantry is the best attacker on all terrains except plains.
  • t2 infantry beats bows on all terrains.
  • Most spear units are lame at infantry defense.
  • Stalwarts and fangs are particularly vicious.
  • Infantry is only adequate at defending buildings and forests.
  • Kobolds are little monsters.
  • The backbone of any proper siege camp is kobolds and sentinels.



Crafted Equipment Guide

Useful Crafting Materials

Basic Hunting Guide



Resource Upkeep at Lvl 20

Building Wood Clay Iron Stone
Archers' Field 2700   1100  
Assassins' Abode     3100 1900
Cavalry Parade Ground 1100 2700    
Foreign Office   400 800 1600
Geomancers' Retreat 700 2300   1500
Infantry Quarters     1100 2700
Runemasters' Grounding   900   1700
Saboteurs' Sanctuary 2700 1500    
Scouts' Lookout 700 1500    
Spearmen's Billets   2700 1100  
Spies Hideout 700 1100   1100
Thieves' Den 1700 1100 1700  
Trade Office 2800 690   1580
Chancery of Estates 800 3200   1600

Resource Management

Food Plots Wood Plots Clay Plots Iron Plots Stone Plots What To Build At This Location
7 5 5 3 5 cavalry, scout, spy, trade, geomancer, runemaster
7 5 5 5 3 cavalry, archers, spearmen, scout, thief
7 5 3 5 5 archers, infantry, assassin
7 3 5 5 5 spearmen, infantry, assassin, runemaster

