

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

I am a Proud Member of the Artisan's Sydicate and Dedicated Wine Merchant I also dabble in crafting and am a proficient hunter and gatherer

Towns Named After

Mineral Map

  • A mineral map of Illyriad indicating the location, type, and quantity of minerals present.
  • Project started Aug 2021 and completed March 2022


  1. Illyriad Institute
  2. Kimmyeo
  3. Ubluntu

Nibaa if you said something after i cant see now it are chat dissapeard for some reason lol

[08:48]<Tubman> It now*

[08:50]<Nibaa> just dracula poetry

[08:51]<Tubman> Oh good the poetry of the gods

[08:51]<Azeral the Orc> dracula poetry???

[08:52]<Nibaa> The Vatican wants to wet me up with silver bullets, but I'm on a samurai pill.

[08:52]<Tubman> Shorty chose to be with a demon, sounds like her problem to me...haha

[08:53]<Nibaa> Azeral must have amnesia, he forgot im him

[08:54]<Azeral the Orc> what now? ??

[08:54]<Tubman> I dont give a s*** if i go blind...i dont need to see the price tag anyways

[08:56]<Azeral the Orc> nah, i cant do this anymore, you two confuse me more then how tax works

[08:56]<Nibaa> My money long, my pockets deep. No pocket watching in these parts

[08:57]<Tubman> Quick do the splitts and shut your eyes....for mass confusion

[08:58]<Nibaa> I'm on the Ivory Coast eating vermillion snapper, class warfare is all think about
