

Elf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Male Character Portrait

Live Fast, Eat Ass, and Die Last

My old profiles: #/Player/Profile/329080


[20:27]<Turgon> Stormcrow, where can I report that T3 tardigrade mounts aren’t in my inventory?

[20:29]<GM Stormcrow> lol @Turgon... it'll never happen

[20:29]<Ordo> those bears would even be too small to transport fairies

[20:29]<Ordo> let alone an elf soldier

[20:29]<GM Stormcrow> You can't get a tardigrade mount, you have to become the tardigrade

[20:30]<lonewolf2> hahahahahaha

[20:30]<Freyja> ha, good one, SC

[20:30]<Eoqan The Elf> new race confirmed?

[20:30]*GM Stormcrow transforms Turgon

[20:30]<lonewolf> Eo the waterbear

[20:31]<Ordo> and Turgy the waterbear, walk into a bar?

[20:31]<lonewolf> turgon the tardigrade

[20:31]<lonewolf> triple T

[20:31]<Ordo> Remy approves of this intended update

[20:32]<Eoqan The Elf> he has ascended!

[20:33]<Ka K Ching> lol

[20:33]*GM Stormcrow transforms Turgon back

[20:34]<Turgon> Nooooo!

[20:34]<Turgon> Change me back!

[20:34]<Ordo> He just did?

[20:35]<Turgon> No back to a tardigrade!

[20:35]<Ordo> and you came out unscathed?

[20:35]<Turgon> I have tasted perfection and thus have no appetite for the mundane existence I currently inhabit

[20:35]<Ordo> lol

[20:35]<Fiona> #DramaQueen

[20:36]<lonewolf> lol

[20:36]<Ordo> culteured one, too

[20:36]<Fiona> haha

[20:36]<Ordo> *cultured

[20:36]<GM Stormcrow> lol

21:04]Ordo> After Turgon turned waterbear and back

[21:06]<Turgon> Water bear is a culturally insensitive term that we Tardigrades view as an insult, please refrain from using that antiquated and inappropriate label

[21:06]<Smoking GNU> "Moist Ursine"

[21:06]<Ordo> lol

[21:06]<Smoking GNU> "Soggy Grizzly"

[21:07]<Smoking GNU> "Damp Kodiak"

[21:07]*GM Stormcrow warns Gnu for being Tardigradist

[21:07]<Turgon> Thank you SC

[21:07]<onewolf> lmao

[21:08]<Turgon> Good to see devs taking a stand against tardigradism

34]<Turgon> Oh, Emil, did you see the mind-goblins earlier?

[18:34]<Emil> mind-goblins?

[18:34]<Turgon> Mind goblins deez nuts?

[18:35]*Turgon runs


[03:19]<Gilsus> [03:17]<Turgon> by accepting my gold, you are contractually obligated to provide a favor of Turgon's choice at any time he may choose // then, I offer my services. I will shield your back, and keep your counsel, and give my life for yours if need be. I swear it by the old gods and the new. 

[03:22]<Turgon> Gilsus, and i vow you shall always have a place by hearth and meat and mead at my table and I pledge to ask no service of you that might bring you dishonor

[03:22]<Turgon> This I swear by the old gods and the new

[20:16]<BrianN> [20:15]*Kojak hops in her tanks and blows Turgy.....tsk tsk tsk

 [Nov 01:38]<Queen.Bikini> Sigh. Turgon is being hard not to like. 

[18:36]*Turgon steals solanar's rum

[18:36]*Turgon runs

[18:36]<Solanar> Turgon is pushing harder to have me declare war on Tcol than anyone else ever.

[19:30]*Turgon steals Ranalos's rum

[19:30]*Turgon runs


[19:31]<Kojak> rune is an old fart

[19:31]<Big La> Tackles Turgon straight from left field!!!

[19:31]*AJJ trips Turgeon

[19:31]*Ranalos fire cannons at Turgon

[19:31]<Turgon> HOLY CRAP

[19:31]<AJJ> lol

[19:31]<Kojak> Damn,'re screwed

[19:31]*Turgon disappears in a cloud of smoke

[19:31]<Turgon> shit

[19:31]<Turgon> * censored *

[01:15]<Dovahkiin> ty for the Turgon 

[01:15]<Turgon> Finally

[01:15]<Turgon> The appreciation I deserve

[00:19]<Turgon> whats ur opinion of dragn snaggs

[00:19]<Roland of Gilead> whats dragn?

[00:19]<Turgon> dragn deez nuts

[00:19]*Turgon runs

[00:19]<Duran Shadowfist> lol

[00:20]*Kojak smacks Turgy

[00:20]<Roland of Gilead> not funny mister

[03:18]*Ordo gives Turgon the name of Turgon I Dorfwasher, king of stolen laundry

[03:18]<Kojak> LOL

[03:18]<Turgon> bnevs 

[03:18]<Kojak> Hiya Krull

[03:18]<Turgon> I humbly accept this most prestigious title


[03:18]<Krull> hi turgon, kojak

[03:18]<Turgon> I want to thank my friends and family for pushing me so hard

[03:19]<Turgon> My coach, for always being there for me

[03:19]<Krull> hahaha

[03:19]<Ordo> lol


[03:19]<Turgon> and of course, my incredible dorf-watchers, who've prevented 13 escapes this month alone!

[03:20]<Ordo> Hmmm 

This is the message I got when I sieged GM Cerberus’s town:


Your army, Blugnug's Raiders N, has been teleportationally repatriated to its hometown, Fancy Mcfancyface because it was either "stuck" or was otherwise performing an "illegal operation" in terms of gameplay. 

"Illegal actions" include your army sieging a city from a square which is no longer neighbouring the target city, due to either Exodus or Tenaril's relocation. Don't worry! It's not anything that you did "wrong"; it's a gameplay bug that shouldn't occur, and one about which we're still trying to discover the root cause. 

If your army was stuck, then it should now be back home. We're looking into the root cause of what happened. 

Any orders that your army had that were incomplete have been rescinded, and your army is now at home under orders to defend. 

Please open or update your Petition if you have any further questions, and thank you for your patience.

And this is when I got banhammered for talking about shiitake mushrooms

Hey there! I was talking about cooking with some friends in GC, and I got chat banned for saying shitake mushrooms. Can you fix that, or at the very least unmute me? Thank you!

Petition Comments

Response from GM Stormcrow on 15/11/2020 19:33:01 
Hi Turgon Unfortunately, that's the automatic banhammer. It only lasts for an hour, so you should already be good to chat. I think we may have to revisit the auto-banhammer logic for "shitake", "scunthorpe" etc, and I've added it to the dev list for future prioritisation. Rest assured that I've removed the auto-ban from the record of your account, so it won't negatively affect any future petition priority. Will close this now. Kind regards GM Stormcrow


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