

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

I used to be a halberdier in Lord Ordo's army, i got made a lord and given a little hamlet for my years of good service.

Now i rule my own people, command my own army.

Life is good as a dwarf, life is good as a Lord


thank you!

Down in the deep
Where the dragon used to sleep
Glorious gold
Glimmers in our home of old
Dark as the night
Where the day has lost its light
When the hammer falls

When the hammer falls
And it sound through the halls
When the hammer falls
Freeing treasures from the walls
When the hammer strikes
And the kingdom comes to life
When the hammer pounds
Like the thunder underground
When the hammer falls
When the hammer falls!

Of legend and myth
Is the craft of the Smith
The molten metal poured
And pounded into sword
From the fire is made
Every dwarven axe and blade
When the hammer falls!

When the hammer falls
Forging weapons for all
When the hammer falls
Songs of battle fill the halls
When the hammer flies
Lines of armored dwarves arise
When the hammers roar
We go…
