

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

Background to Ickarad

           Born to a family of Nobles, Ickarad is the proud Leader of the Kingdom of Rockia.  He spent his young days learning of the rigours of politics. Despite Not being the most athletic person, He was well trained for Hand-to-Hand combat. In his free time he studied ancient history and military tactics. In his early teen years He was sent off to war. During this time he learned of the great armies of the Underworld. 


           One day when he was 24, he and his company of 60 knights were camped somewhere in Tor Carrock when a Horde of Underworld demons ambushed him. He and 6 others escaped on horseback. They were pursued  for 3 days and nights by the horde until they took shelter in Namahchissinwi, where the leader of the town, Melanor,  told him that his kingdom was destroyed by a rival faction. Ickarad being the last remaining member of his royal bloodline.  Melanor granted him some land and the right of being a Principality. He took the grant and started work on building up the small village of Ickburg. When he was 26 he started expanding his Sovereignty, and to rebuild his family name.

            Soon Ickarad was able to found a group of city's within a territory he carved out for himself.  When the time came he was able to transform his kingdom with the support of his council.

             The administrative capital of the young kingdom was Harmelburg, and Ickburg becoming the royal capital with Ickarad's palace residing there.


The Beginnings of a new Vassalage

      Soon after a great feast a noble woman came to Ickarad claiming to be Queen Leela of the dwarven Kingdom of Geam, and Sister of Sir Fryish the Honorable. She told the tired King that her kingdom was attacked by elves. 

       In response King Ickarad Gathered his council of nobles and lords, to discuss the possibility of her lying.     So to see if she is telling the truth Ickarad summed Sir Fryish to the council chambers. Sir Fryish did in fact confirm that she was his sister, but also adding on that she was a witch that Practiced dark and forbidden magic arts. So the family had her sent west to a prestigious magic academy to get her back on track but stoped hearin from her three months after. 

      Ickarad wanting to know why she had dropped Fryish's radar, and became a Queen he had her servants and bodyguards detained and questioned and had Queen Leela sent in for more interrogation. Ickarad was able to attain the location of their castle, and sent rangers to investigate. He also was able attain a story of what Had happened.

     As Queen Leela sat in interrogation she recounted everything that occurred up to her arrival to Rockia.    

"It was a cold rainy night and the wind blew fiercely against the castle." She stated. " I was preparing to go to sleep when she stopped to see her husband & king, King Fleabait the Plump." She proclaimed proudly. "As I Approached his throne room. I heard the guards begin to panic and rush to alert the other guards" she then went on explaining how King Fleabait had vanished into thin air. She explained how the guards had explained to her that as he sat upon the throne. He began to panic as he started to rot and turn to dust at a rapid rate. She explained that even as a proficient witch of the dark arts, even she didn't know of the magic used or even if it was magic.

      She explained how her son Fleabait II took a group of guards to investigate the woods. There had always been story's of a benevolent spirit that kidnapped wealthy men and took them to the woods.

       She continued on how a few days after Fleabait II departed elves attacked and banished them from the lands.

        She said it took her 10 months to get to Rockia. She fought through storms and monsters to get here. She was sent to a small island north of Ickburg by Ickarad. She stayed there for two weeks when Fleabait II showed up with the rest of the dwarves from their lands. Ickarad held a grand feast for his arrival and named him a vassal of the kingdom of Rockia.


Battle of Markheart Wood

The Battle of  Markheart Wood occured on april 3, the was fought on the outskirts of the woods Between the crawlers and the combined forces of the Tri Cities. 320 men were lost that day.


Castle Kearn's undead Occupants 

     On the lands that Castle Kearn now stand, may appear wonderful at first glance but do to the area's troubled past a much darker secret lies there undisturbed. Castle Kearn was founded only a few years ago however the ghouls that now roam the halls of the castle at night do so unmolested. Inturn they serve as keepers and guards in the dead of night.



Gothlarm is a week of mischief caused by evil spirits exacting revenge on our people. This is caused by the Defeat of Kalor, a demon lord who ruled over the lands around Castle Kearn. 


Items of Interest 


     Armour of the Unforgiven:  this set of armour was worn by Kenneth of Rivaria, brother to Marcus of Wabash the father of Prince Alexander. The armour now resides in the possession of the lords of Undavár's Peak as a sign of friendship.

      The lance of Prince Alexander: This lance was once wielded by Prince Alexander of Fryonia, this lance slayed many a demon. This weapon is now used by the warriors of the Underground Legion of Azâlgurmin.

       The axe of Disappointment:  wielded by Althgar the free, the dwarf who stopped the elves from following the people of Craven from there trek to the east. 

       The Heart of Kalor: this is the heart of Kalor the demon who once ruled the area around Castle Kearn.


Houses of Rockia 


House Corthia

House Corthia is the founding heart of Rockia. The House's leader Ickarad is the King of Rockia. The house uses the colors of Green and Black, with a blade crossed on to a shield for the crest.


House Thorgot

House Thorgot is the first dwarven house within the kingdom. The house with Prince Fleabait II at it's helm steams fourth to becoming one of the great houses. 

House Deneth

House Corside

House Larbarth

House Mn'Tuul

House Klupper

House Klupper is the oldest house in Rockia dating back to the days of old in the second age where they say prominent within a old kingdom. The kingdom soon calapsed do to civil war. House Klupper being the only remaining house until Ickarad led the houses of Corthia and Klupper to greatness.

Hero's and legendary Units


The Golden Guard

Coming from the Forge city of Fryonia, the Golden Guard are the most elite archers in the land. There said to train Every day. The wear simple leather armor, with a Golden circular plate on the chest. The plate has a etching unique to the wearer. They also wear green cloaks with gold embroidery. 

Sir Fry's Raiders

These gleaming knights are the best when it comes to a-symmetrical Calvary warfare. Lead by Sir Fry they are said to be well trained in both mounted and dismounted combat.

Prince Fleabait II:#/Player/Profile/411129


Lake Kantan: This lake is situated as on offshoot to a large river enveloping Tallimar. The lake is seperated from the river by the Kantan Strait. This strait is formed by two peninsula, to the north is Ikerian Peninsula and to the south is the Catar Peninsula. The lake it's self has many towns on it, (including Okachobee, Nixstead, Crahven,  La fontain, and the aptly named 4 ) Two of which are of the Kingdom of Rockia, these are Nixstead and Crahven.

*Species of Rockia
Humans: Humans of Rockia are a proud people. They are a Caucasian variant of humans, this is different from the local indigenous people who appear darker in contrast. They appear this way it is said because their ancestors came from a once proud kingdom to the north. 

Raccoon Folk: Raccoon Folk are short furry people. They appear to be little bit larger your commen raccoon and they stand erected upright. They are bipedal and usually live in small villages.

Rockian Dwarves: Dwarves of Rockia are new to the region and come from the west.



*Cities of Rockia 

Ickburg: The city of the King. This city is where the king resides and rules from.

Harmelburg: This city holds the parliament. This is where the lords and people of Rockia meet.

Fryonia: This city is a forge city and is the largest producer of equipment for Rockia.

Nixford: This backwater village is a minor player within Rockia.

Craven: Fleabait II's castle and main capital for the northernmost cities of Rockia proper.

Forgoth: A growing Settlement.

Castle Kearn: Founded from the ruins of an old fortress. Castle Kearn is to become the main line of defense into the Lake Kantan. 

The government of Rockia.

The Kingdom of Rockia is lead by King Ickarad. This doesn't mean he has all the power though. Tha parliament of Rockia is made up of two houses House of Lords and the House of Commons. These two houses have the ability to override any desisions made by King Ickarad as long as the is 95% in favour of overriding. 


Warning! I view laying claim to lands within 5 Squares as a threat and will be dealt with accordingly. Although I can't really Enforce this so this warning is completely useless. 

Reasons for not enforcing my 5 square rule.

  • My Neutral Demeanor.

  • My army is only a token force and is almost incapable of doing any damage to any real army.

  • I will probably be not paying attention.


So to cap this statement off, please just stay 5 Squares away.


  • "Few": Less than 4 units 
  • "Handful": 5 to 8 
  • "Several": 9 to 21 
  • "Pack": 22 to 81 
  • "Many": 82 to 128 
  • "Gathering": 129 to 227 
  • "Horde": 228 to 462 
  • "Throng": 463 to 815 
  • "Host": 816 to 2,500 
  • "Legion": 2,501 to 9,999 
  • "Myriad": 10,000 to 25,000 
  • "Sea": 25,001 to 49,999 
  • "Cornucopia": 50,000 or more 


SPRING (March, April, May) 
The time of renewal, growth and soil loosened by the rains.
+1%    +5%    +1%    +3%      +1%

SUMMER (June, July, August)
Early crops ripen, and workers prefer escaping the heat, underground.
none     +1%    +5%    +1%      +3%

AUTUMN (September, October, November)
The crops are harvested and the balmy weather pleases most everyone.
+3%     +3%    none    +5%      +5%

WINTER (December, January, February)
Workers collect firewood whilst the ground is frozen.
+5%     none    +3%    none      none




Heart of Corruption

The Heart of Corruption, affectionately known as Audrey, is a somewhat demonic plant mass found in Kumala. Repeated military and diplomatic sacrifices have shown that she thrives on these offerings, and when she reaches her fill, she will start visibly beating. Any further sacrifices to her temples during this time result in them converting to corrupted units belonging to the Melders faction, and these units will return home to attack. If you are (un)lucky, when these corrupted units die, they will leave behind tentacles.

Audrey has been linked to the quest for blueprints to create race-specific crafted armour, specifically that the tentacles left by corrupted units are required to progress in the quest.

Misted Lands


Duraz Karag

Steamtasic Brewery 

This quest gives you the discovery “Gnome Brew”, which provides a 5 food per hour reduction to beer production in that town. This discovery can be obtained in each town. To succeed, send 125 Advanced Spie.

Fortress of Shadows

The Human statue Quest 

01  -312|717 / Aldlebrecht

02   -608|-189 / Asmorn

03   910|-507 / Bjandar- Teyan

04   -102|1 then 949|-379 /Branynard

05   429|-931 / Burkhardt

06   516|505 / Eberekt

07   -485|-736 then 669|794 / Ferhnanth

08   652|-265 then -843|-310 / Fridholt

09   -4|10 / Gunthar

10   -377|-104 / Hasten

11   356|498 / Keldar

12   -157|-298 / Lambereht

13   471|228 then -711|674 / Lindricht

14   232|345 / Oddric

15   761|-892 then -39|-973 / Osgout

16   -194|-687 / Tallimer

17   719|365  / Ragindolt

18   22|-85 / Rickert

19   -569|-91 then 136|855 / Tormand

20   399|-431 /  Vluelaik

Send 1- T2 spies to all locations above and you will receive as reward a Scribe of Allembine for each spied location (6 Scribes required to spied 2 locations, do the first locations before the 2nd ones) .... Scribe of Allembine is a spy unit with low upkeep (2 gold p/h) but high defensive value (120) ..... When a town collects all 20 scribes, that town gain discovery Allembine Research Techniques, which grants +5 research points hourly per Library level.


The Quest from the Fortune Teller


The rewards for the quest are dependent on a player's own race

  • Elven Spirit Bow   

  • Orc Marauder Sword  

  • Dwarven Champion Armour 

  • Master-crafted Chainmail (human) 

To start this quest

  • Complete all crafting research in a single city

  • Send advanced spies to the Fortune Teller until the fortune received is that you wish to learn the secret of one of the above mentioned crafted items.

  • 2 NPC visits will occur at the city from the Old Crone

    • the 1st will say to await further instructions

    • the 2nd will say to obtain 5 of each race's corrupted tentacles, and then send a messenger to Duraz Karag

  • After sending the messenger to Duraz Karag, the message says that the city must endure an attack in order to progress to the final task.

    • In 2014, players who had cities doing the quest, who sent messengers to Duraz Karag while the Heart of Corruption was beating, received messages from the Captain of the Guard that were problems in the area

    • Villagers disappeared in the night.

    • The corrupted tentacles broke free from the jars they were being kept in and escaped from the towns.

    • Corrupted squares (similar to the ones surrounding the Heart of Corruption) began growing around the cities.

    • Noxious spores (at the time, called "mist") appeared on the city squares.

    • No more is known about how to finish the quest or how to progress to the final task.

  • Players who send messengers to Duraz Karag when the Heart of Corruption is not beating will not progress forward in the quest. The HoC must be beating.

Tracking Movement

Stationary Unit = No arrows

1 arrow = 1-7 squares per hour

2 arrows = 8-16 squares per hour

3 arrows = 17-25 squares per hour

4 arrows = 26-41 squares per hour

5 arrows = 41+ squares per hour

Population Requirements

Town Total Avg Additional
2 450 450  
3 2,000 1,000 1,550
4 5,000 1,667 3,000
5 10,000 2,500 5,000
6 20,000 4,000 10,000
7 40,000 6,667 20,000
8 75,000 10,715 35,000
9 130,000 16,250 55,000
10 233,550 25,950 103,550
11 263,550 26,355 30,000
12 294,550 26,778 31,000
13 326,550 27,213 32,000
14 359,550 27,658 33,000
15 393,550 28,111 34,000
16 428,550 28,570 35,000
17 464,550 29,035 36,000
18 501,550 29,503 37,000
19 539,550 29,975 38,000
20 578,550 30,450 39,000
21 618,550 30,928 40,000
22 659,550 31,408 41,000
23 701,550 31,889 42,000
24 744,550 32,372 43,000
25 788,550 32,857 44,000
26 833,550 33,342 45,000
27 879,550 33,829 46,000
28 926,550 34,317 47,000
29 974,550 34,806 48,000
30 1,023,550 35,295 49,000


Highest population Buildings:

Archers Field 1796
Blacksmith 1497
Book Binder 1497
Cavalry Parade Grounds 1796
Carpentry 1497
Common Ground 1497
Consulate 1497
Fletcher 1497
Forge 1497
Foundry 1497
Kiln 1497
Mage Tower 1497
Paddock 1497
Saddle Maker 1497
Siege Workshop 1497
Spearmaker 1497
Stonemason 1497
Tannery 1497
Tavern 1497

Trade Office 2000





Time Lvl 20 Barracks

Gold Cost P/H



Spear Protectors 5.17 1
Spear Phalanxes 7.67 2
Swords Wardens 6.58 2
Swords Wardancers 7.5 3
Archers Sentinels 6.25 2
Archers Trueshots 10 3
Cavalry Swiftsteeds 11.67 3
Cavalry Marshals 13.33 4


Spear Militiaman 5 1
Spear Pikeman 7.5 2
Swords Swordsman 6.42 2
Swords Man-at-Arms 7.5 3
Archers Archer 6.25 2
Archers Longbowman 10 3
Cavalry Charioteer 11.67 3
Cavalry Knight 13.33 4


Spear Yeoman 5.67 1
Spear Halbardier 7.33 2
Swords Axman 6.5 2
Swords Stalwart 8 3
Archers Slinger 6.5 2
Archers Crossbowman 10 3
Cavalry Packsman 11.67 3
Cavalry Runerider 13.33 4


Spear Kobold Cohort 3.08 1
Spear Clan Guardsman 7.42 2
Swords Fang 4.25 2
Swords Fist 7 3
Archers Clanguard 6.33 2
Archers Death Dealer 10 3
Cavalry Wolfrider 11.67 3
Cavalry Death Pack 13.33 4



[16:39]<Byter> You learn to stop worrying about it.

[16:39]<Ickarad> Yeah, the same can’t be said about all stress sadly.

[16:40]<Byter> I will live a life, my way. It's very liberating to have nothing to lose. 

[16:40]<Byter> My give a damn has been busted for years now.hehe

[16:41]<Ickarad> That’s good to hear, I guess.

[16:41]<Byter> Eh, there's ALWAYS two sides to that discussion. 

[16:42]<Ickarad> Yep, and both aren’t good. You just need to choose the best for you.

[16:43]<Byter> Yeah, you too. Life is an uncertain thing. Gotta live it your way.

