

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

NPC Encounter Group Sizes

Size Min Max
A Few 1 3
A Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
A Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
A Gathering 129 227
A Horde 228 462
A Throng 463 815
A Host 816 2,500
A Legion 2,501 9,999
A Myriad 10,000 24,999
A Sea 25,000 49,999
A Cornucopia 50,000+



Military City Development

All Cities:
7 farms 259 pop
18 basic plots 666 pop
warehouse 370 pop
library 37 pop
magetower 1497 pop
market 37 pop
barracks 37 pop
consulate 1497 pop
common ground 1497 pop
paddock 1497 pop
wall 20 pop
flourmill 16 pop
arch office 328 pop(destroy when all others built)
storehouse 37 pop(optional, may destroy towards end)
14(16) empty plots 7430(7795 pop)

Cavalry City:
3 cav parade 5388 pop
carpentry 1497 pop
kiln 1497 pop
spearmaker 1497 pop
blacksmith 1497 pop
forge 1497 pop(elf does not need)
saddlemaker 1497 pop
9 plots, 14370 pop, 3300 wood, 8100 clay

Infantry City
3 Inf lodge 5388 pop
foundry 1497 pop
stonemason 1497 pop
blacksmith 1497 pop
forge 1497 pop(elf does not need)
7 plots, 11376 pop, 3300 iron, 8100 stone

Ranged City
3 arch field 5388 pop
carpentry 1497 pop
foundry 1497 pop
fletcher 1497 pop
tannery 1497 pop
7 plots, 11376 pop, 8100 wood, 3300 iron

Spear City
3 spear billets 5388 pop
kiln 1497 pop
foundry 1497 pop
spearmaker 1497 pop
blacksmith 1497 pop
tannery 1497 pop(forge for dwarf)
8 plots, 12873 pop, 8100 clay, 3300 iron

Additional buildings you want spread out:
brewery 20 pop(may want multiple, depends on how much beer you go through and if you can sov it or not)

trade office/merch guild(2 plots, only need 1 city with these buildings, and they do not need to be lvled that high, upkeep in wood, clay, stone)

2 geomancers(2 plots, upkeep 1400 wood, 4600 clay, 3000 stone; need one city with these for every 6-7 in a cluster, alliancemates can cover for each other and make sure you add resource increase buildings as needed)

you may also want to build a runemaster temporarily, a lvl 20 runemaster will double the effectiveness of your runes and you can demolish the building after you cast the spell and keep the effectiveness


Heroic Human Statues - Send advanced spies to these locations and get rewards.....

Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2 Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2
Aldelbrecht -312|717 - Keldar 356|498 -
Asmorn -608|-189 - Lambercht -157|-298 -
Bjander-Thegn 910|-507 - Lindricht 471|228 -711|674
Braynard -102|1 949|-379 Oddric 232|345 -
Burkhardt 429|-931 - Osgaut 761|-892 -39|-973
Eberekt 516|505 - Raedborth -194|-687 -
Ferhonanth -485|-736 669|794 Regindalt 719|365 -
Fridholt 652|-265 -843|-310 Rikert 22|-85 -
Gunthar -4|10 - Tormand -569|-91 136|855
Haestin -377|-104 - Ulvelaik 399|-431 -

Send spies to all locations above and you will receive as reward a Scribe of Allembine for each spied location (6 Scribes are required to spy the 2nd set of coordinates at a location, do the first locations before the 2nd ones) .... Scribe of Allembine is a spy unit with low upkeep (2 gold p/h) but high defensive value (120) ..... When a town collects all 20 scribes, that town gains the discovery Allembine Research Techniques, which grants +5 research points hourly per Library level. e 

Quest Spots

Send diplomats to the following to gain points and special knowledge

Heart of Corruption (sent advanced scouts - they disappeared without a trace)

Misted Lands (sent advanced scouts - they could no tfind way in dense fog; returned with no new knowledge)

Rift (sent adv scouts - returned with no new info; send advanced spies)

Duraz Karag (sent adv scouts - got  little info; need to send advanced spies)

Steamtasic Brewery (sent adv scouts - interesting report; need to sent 120 adv spies)

Temple of Reason (sent adv scouts - interesting rpt; sent advanced spies - more detailed rpt but no new knowledge or items)

Fortress of Shadows (sent adv scouts - could not gain entrance; sent advanced spies -  got info that it is an assassins lair; send advanced assassins?)


Rohk's Guides to Discoveries and Mysteries

Currently Active Discoveries:

Allembine Research
• This discovery is earned when you complete the Statue Mystery at a particular city. That city gains extra Research Points per hour equal 5 times the level of your Library.

Gnome Brew
• This discovery is earned by completing the Steamtastic Brewery Mystery at a particular city. At that city, the cost of brewing beer is reduced by 5 food.

Block and Tackle
• This discovery is earned by completing trade quests. There is a random chance each time you complete a trade quest that you will earn this discovery. It is unclear if the level of Tavern affects these chances but I have received this on the first trade quest at a city with a level 1 Tavern. This discovery increases the rate at which your caravans harvest resources on the world map by 20% in addition to any harvesting speed upgrades you have researched.

Inquisitive Populace
• This discovery is earned by completing diplomatic quests. There is a random chance each time you complete a diplomatic quest (or part of a diplomatic quest; most diplomatic quests are in multiple parts you have to complete) that you will earn this discovery. It is unclear if the level of Tavern affects these chances but I have received this on the first diplomatic quest at a city with a level 1 Tavern though in my experience it is less common than Block and Tackle. This discovery increases the diplomatic visibility range of your city by 2 squares.

Famine Management
• This discovery is earned by settling your 10th city. This discovery is earned at whichever city is designated your ‘Capital’ at the time of settling your 10th city. If your ‘Capital’ with this discovery exoduses later and loses it’s Capital designation, it keeps the discovery and the bonus. This discovery boosts all food production at the city that has it by 10%, cumulative with other bonuses such as from spells, sovereignty, prestige, etc.

Crafting Discoveries
• The Crafting Discoveries deserve special mention because they are both racial specific but the way to earn them is the same.

Race-Specific Mount
• This discovery is earned by researching 20 crafted items in a given town. Upon finishing the research on the 20th crafted item in a city, that city will then be able to produce the race-specific crafted mount for your race (you don't even need a Horse Trainer to get the discovery but you do to create any of the new mounts).

Race-Specific Sword
• This discovery is earned by building a swordsmith and either waiting ~6 hours or upgrading the swordsmith to level 20, whichever happens first.

Race-Specific Armour
• It is unknown how to unlock this discovery at this time.

There are also supposed other racial weapons to unlock, like an elven bow but I have no other information on that at this time.

Currently Inactive Discoveries or Discoveries whose precipitating events are unknown:

Tenaril’s Wards
Tenaril’s Torment
Source of Life
Thieves’ Cant
Exploiting Idealism
Sight of the Moon
Dwarven Fortifications
Amassing the Hordes

Solved Mysteries:

The Temple of Reason
• The goal of this mystery is to gain some knowledge from the Temple of Reason.
• To complete this mystery you need to send one or more advanced spies to the Temple of Reason found at 295|-165. You can use the link below to send your spies:
• To be able to complete this, you need to have a very low level library. A level 8 Library is too high; your spies will not be able to learn anything new. A library of level 6 or 7 has a chance of failure as well but it is possible to succeed at those levels. If your library is low enough you will received 25-50 research points per advanced spy.
• You do not gain a discovery or any long-term benefit for this mystery so a lot of players usually skip it because by the time you have advanced spies, usually your library is already too high level and the returns are not that good so depending on your distance from the Temple you may not want to bother.

Unsolved Mysteries:

The Heart of Corruption (a.k.a. Audrey II)
• The Heart of Corruption (HoC, or lovingly referred to on the forums as Audrey II; after the plant from Little Shop of Horrors) is an abomination on the landscape of Illyria. It is located at -994|-824 on the World Map. You can see that there are several tentacles branching out from it.
• Any units sent to the HoC are killed and never heard from again including caravans, armies, diplomats and commanders. Commanders lost to Audrey II will not be able to be resurrected. These units serve to ‘feed’ the HoC. As it gets fed more and more, the tentacles expand until they are eventually covering three named Ancient Temples. Once this happens, the heart starts beating. When this happens, the tentacles glow and the heart is animated to beat. At this time the Ancient Temples change their names as follows:
o Temple of the Shapeless (-989|-817)
o Temple of the Outsider (-985|-826)
o Temple of the Nameless (-990|-817)
Any units (diplomatic, military or otherwise) that are sent to these temples when the heart is beating will be killed and corrupted units numbering the same as the units you sent will be sent back to the city you sent the original units from. For example, if you send 300 basic infantry and 200 basic spies in the same army from your Town XYZ to a temple, they will die and 500 corrupted (insert your race here) units will be sent to attack XYZ.When they arrive, if you defeat them with your defending army, you may receive a tentacle which, based on the recent Herald story about it, may have a use in magic later. The corrupted units that return are immune to defensive runes. The HoC stops beating after a period of time and at that point the tentacles reset and it will only start growing once people begin to feed it again.
• Harvesting from the HoC causes the caravans to disappear as well as sending sacrifices and goods to the HoC.
• For a look at the ongoing discussion around this mystery, please check here:

The Fortress of Shadows
• The Fortress of Shadows is a building owned by the Hashashin faction found at 599|-342.
• The Herald story related to this mystery can be found here:
• Since the Hashashin are a group of assassins, many people have sent assassins, spies and other diplomats to the Fortress. The messages you receive for each group are slightly different but they all say something along the lines of “Only allies of the Hashashin are permitted to enter here”. Because of that phrasing, many people (including myself) believe that you have to be friendly with the faction before that mystery can proceed. If that is the case, we will have to wait for Faction AI and Faction Quests to be active, which may be a while yet.
• The message received when sending spies to the Fortress of Shadows is as follows:

"Your Spies cannot gain entry to the silent fortress. The doors remain barred to them; none will speak to them; they can find no other way in.

However, asking a few subtle questions in the surrounding area, they hear rumours of cloaked assassins riding out from the fortress, carrying death in the name of the god Ten Kulch. They also hear of a few select people being granted admission.

How does one get in? "Only the closest allies of the Hashashin may enter. If you are not amongst their allies, you should be pleased: to be allies of the Hasashin is to lose your souls to Ten Kulch!"

Unable to glean any further information, your diplomatic mission is now heading home."

The Misted Lands
• The Misted Lands is a selection of land ranging from -645|747 to -664|765 that are covered by a thick mist. There are mountains that can be seen poking through the mist. Spies sent to these mountains or any of the notable squares (like a plains square with 14 clay plots) yield nothing but a message that the spies could not see through the heavy fog.
• There is a current discussion going on about the Misted Lands in the community forums here including a map that Mafra has made of the area without the mist:

The Fortune Teller
• The Fortune-Teller is an NPC square that replaces a normal NPC square for 24 hours. She moves every day at 0:00 Server Time.
• You can tell the Fortune-Teller from the regular NPC Gypsy Camps by the colour of the laundry hanging between the wagons. The regular gypsy camps have a red piece of laundry in the middle while the Fortune Teller has a yellow piece of laundry in the middle. Please see this link if you would like to see a picture of the difference: (7th post)
• If visited with different diplomats, she gives them different messages depending on the type of diplomat.

- Scouts: The gypsy fortune-teller tells your Scouts: "You will go on a long journey, and meet many new people. You should look to stone for secrets, and you should never trust tall, dark strangers, especially in dark alleys."

Your diplomatic mission is heading home, alternately pondering and dismissing these words of wisdom.

- Spies: The gypsy fortune-teller tells your Spies: "You are clearly intelligent, witty, and insightful. In the past, you have not been used to your full potential. In the future, your wits could be put to a wider variety of uses."

Your diplomatic mission is heading home, alternately pondering and dismissing these words of wisdom.

- Thieves: The gypsy fortune-teller tells your Thieves: "Beware what lurks beneath the desert sands, for though there is treasure there it is also well guarded."

Your diplomatic mission is heading home, alternately pondering and dismissing these words of wisdom.

- Saboteurs: The gypsy fortune-teller tells your Saboteurs: "Though you are a master of destruction, I foresee few threats to you, personally. While your fellows will face many dangers in many places across the land, you have much less to fear."

Your diplomatic mission is heading home, alternately pondering and dismissing these words of wisdom.

- Assassins: The gypsy fortune-teller tells your Assassins: "I often tell my clients that they will meet a tall dark stranger.

I hope that isn’t you. I wouldn’t want them to have to meet you in a dark alleyway.

In any case… I see that a long journey might beckon you, but you should not expect it to succeed; there is much to be learned from the servants of an old man, but I foresee that his followers will not yet teach you their secrets."

Your diplomatic mission is heading home, alternately pondering and dismissing these words of wisdom.

- Messengers: There is no message for messengers.

• To see current discussions about the meaning of these cryptic phrases, please use this link:
• Some believe that the Assassin message refers to the Fortress of Shadows mystery
• Others believe that you cannot do any of the steps related to these prophecies without visiting the Fortune-Teller with the appropriate units first.
