
Nelsifer Muledwun

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait
I took a herb in Elgea

To show MicroMe I was cool

And when it was over I was six inches shorter

But WAUGH it, it was something to do



Battle Mules trained: 170,000 



Hail to the Dwarven Realm


Belargyle's Blessing #1 Sat July 2nd - Duran. Stunning success! 500 vans!?

#2 Sat 23rd of July - Duran

#3 Thurs Aug 18 - Jholly

#4 Fri Sept 24 - Goldy1

Future spots are open, check with me for booking and look to book 5+ days in advance so it can be announced 3 days in advance. Most usual time is Saturdays, in Yarr! they mention a usual final speed up time at 23:00

Multiple speed ups rounds are possible, in the first round Duran sped up early since so many were coming in and some players sent twice
