

Elf Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Female Character Portrait



NPC Encounter Group Sizes


Size              Min Max

A Few                1 3

A Handful           4 8

Several              9 21

A Pack              22 81

Many                82 128

A Gathering    129 227

A Horde          228 462

A Throng         463 815

A Host             816 2,500

A Legion         2,501 9,999

A Myriad        10,000 24,999

A Sea             25,000 49,999

A Cornucopia 50,000+





Population Average Pop per Town
2 450 450
3 2000 1,000
4 5000 1,667
5 10000 2,500
6 20000 4,000
7 40000 6,667
8 75000 10,715
9 130000 16,250
10 233,550 25,950
11 263,550 26,355
12 294,550 26,778
13 326,550 27,213
14 359,550 27,658
15 393,550 28,111
16 428,550 28,570
17 464,550 29,035
18 501,550 29,503
19 539,550 29,975
20 578,550 30,450
21 618,550 30,928
22 659,550 31,408
23 701,550 31,889
24 744,550 32,372
25 788,550 32,857
26 833,550 33,342
27 879,550 33,829
28 926,550 34,317
29 974,550 34,806
30 1,023,550 35,295
31 1,073,550 35,785
32 1,124,550 36,276
33 1,176,550 36,768
34 1,229,550 37,260
35 1,283,550 37,752
36 1,338,550 38,245
37 1,394,550 38,738
38 1,451,550 39,232
39 1,509,550 39,725
40 1,568,550 40,220
41 1,628,550 40,714
42 1,689,550 41,209



Terrain bonuses - attack

  Cavalry Infantry Ranged Spearmen
Plains 130% 100% 100% 85%
Small Hill 100% 100% 100% 100%
Large Hill 85% 100% 120% 105%
Small Forest 90% 130% 90% 110%
Large Forest 85% 125% 85% 105%
Small Mountain 80% 90% 100% 105%
Large Mountain 70% 80% 125% 110%
Buildings  70% 125% 120% 115%
Water + other 100% 100% 100% 100%

Terrain bonuses - defense

  Cavalry Infantry Ranged Spearmen
Plains 125% 100% 100% 85%
Small Hill 100% 105% 105% 105%
Large Hill 85% 100% 110% 110%
Small Forest 90% 130% 85% 110%
Large Forest 85% 125% 80% 105%
Small Mountain 85% 100% 115% 115%
Large Mountain 70% 100% 130% 120%
Buildings 70% 120% 115% 125%
Water + other 100% 100% 100% 100%



Heroic Human Statue


Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2 Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2
Aldelbrecht -312|717 - keldar 356|498 -
Asmorn -608|-189 - Lambercht -157|-298 -
Bjander-Thegn 910|-507 - Lindricht 471|228 -711|674
Braynard -102|1 949|-379 Oddric 232|345 -
Burkhardt 429|-931 - Osgaut 761|-892 -39|-973
Eberekt 516|505 - Raedborth -194|-687 -
Ferhonanth -485|-736 669|794 Regindalt 719|365 -
Fridholt 652|-265 -843|-310 Rich 22|-85 -
Gunthar -4|10 - Tormand -569|-91 136|855
Haestin -377|-104 - Ulvelaik 399|-431 -

Send spies to all locations above and you will receive as reward a Scribe of Allembine for each spied location .... Scribe of Allembine is a spy unit with low upkeep (2 gold p/h) but high defensive value (120) ..... When a town collect all 20 scribes, that town gain discovery Allembine Research Techniques, which grants +5 research points hourly per Library level.


