

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

I am High King Stuebenus Stonehammer of The Colony, co-founded with Kale Weathers. In the times before the formation of this Alliance, my dwarves lived scattered amoungst the hills of lower Mal Motsha. We were a pleaceful but industrious people providing resources to our friends and nieghbors.

However soon a great war between the native tribes of Mal Motsha, known as The Mal Motshans, and the rest of civilized Illyriad erupted. Battles raged arcoss the land. The natives, who often fought against the increasing rise of new settlements appearing in their territory, fought well. But when their enemies banded together into a Great Alliance and intervened, it soon became clear that the Mal Motshans days were numbered.

The wars were taking a great toll. Many of our best lands ran red with blood. I led my people out of the mountains and into the lush plains of Southern Mal Motsha in hopes of starting a better life for the Kingdom of the Dwarves. Which is when I met the Human exiles Kale and Laura Weathers...

For now we continue our building resources to once again help our friends and make it harder for those who are against us.



