
Aussie Chick

Human Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Female Character Portrait

Icheart mining operation

I am mining Iceheart heavily in Jurgor.
I will try to stay out of the way of other mining operations but bumps do happen, with no bad intentions from either party.
The local Polar bears bite and I lost many a Miner when they were sent out unprotected, so I send miners and an army in occupy mode for 1 hour to cover them.
This should minimise third party miners blundering into my camps, but that can happen if our timing is bad.
If you let me know where and when your miners are going to hit, I will do my best to not have an army on that spot

NPC Groups size definitions

Few: Less than 4 units
Handful: 5 to 8
Several: 9 to 21
Pack: 22 to 81
Many: 82 to 128
Gathering: 129 to 227
Horde: 228 to 462
Throng: 463 to 815
Host: 816 to 2,500
Legion: 2,501 to 9,999
Myriad: 10,000 to 25,000
Sea: 25,001 to 49,999
Cornucopia: 50,000 or more