

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

After the War of the Ring ended, for a time there was peace for the most part, freedom and progress for all those who embraced such ideals. 

The Fourth Age, the "Age of Men" began. The War of the Ring had changed everything about the known world. Magic started fading away from Middle Earth as well as many of the long lived species and wonders in the previous ages. Things which were once common became more rare and that which had once been known lapsed into legend, shrouded by mystery. Men started to take over. Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs which had once been numerous and had their own lands and stronghold cities were scattering and begining to go the way of the great, once dominant dragons. The scribe, J.R.R. Tolkien, told about the fate of orcs: “… so the creatures of Sauron, orc or troll or beast spell-enslaved, ran hither and thither mindless; and some slew themselves, or cast themselves in pits, or fled wailing back to hide in holes and dark lightless places far from hope.” 

Illyriad has richly benefitted from the end of the War. As all of Middle Earth was restored, the snow-capped peaks sloped down to the hills, plains and forests below, punctuated by settlements, ancient ruins, standing stones and long-forgotten barrows containing treasures galore but in some cases a few terrors as well. Still wild animals, undead claves and savage dread monstrosities roamed the land, preying on the unfortunate unless you chose to use your soldier's blades to practice on them. Quests are still to be had throughout the world, for those who wish to undertake them.

The King of Illyriad, continuing in the tradition of King Aragorn,  allowed his subjects free to pursue their own objectives without much interference from the crown.

With Sauron's demise we perceieved Ilúvatar had blessed us with a special Grace and the beginning of restoration. Even though "The Age of Men" brought with it a form of tameness to all of creation as the monstrosities of the previous ages wained, evil had not died, but merely adapted to it's willing accomplices of mankind. All the sacrifices of those who opposed the forces of bondage of the Third Age, while not vain, had only slowed down the spread of evil for a time. Now, we must be ever more vigilent and watchful. For though some of evil's greatest servants have died we must not fail to recognise what seemingly new forms it will surely take and identify it's cunning pawns before it's too late.


