

Elf Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Female Character Portrait

NPC Encounter Group Sizes

Size Min Max
A Few 1 3
A Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
A Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
A Gathering 129 227
A Horde 228 462
A Throng 463 815
A Host 816 2,500
A Legion 2,501 9,999
A Myriad 10,000 24,999
A Sea 25,000 49,999
A Cornucopia 50,000+


Terrain Combat Multipliers

Offense Defense
Terrain Spear Bow Sword Cav Terrain Spear Bow Sword Cav
Buildings 20 5 40 -50 Buildings 25 15 30 -45
Plains -15 0 0 30 Plains -15 0 0 25
Small Forest 10 -10 30 -10 Small Forest 10 -10 30 -10
Large Forest 5 -20 30 -15 Large Forest 5 -20 25 -15
Small Hill 0 0 0 0 Small Hill 5 5 5 0
Large Hill 0 10 10 -15 Large Hill 10 15 5 -10
Small Mountain 0 10 5 -20 Small Mountain 15 15 5 -15
Large Mountain 0 15 15 -30

Large Mountain

20 30 5



Resource Upkeep at Lvl 20
Building Wood Clay Iron Stone
Archers' Field 2700   1100  
Assassins' Abode     3100 1900
Cavalry Parade Ground 1100 2700    
Foreign Office   400 800 1600
Geomancers' Retreat 700 2300   1500
Infantry Quarters     1100 2700
Runemasters' Grounding   900   1700
Saboteurs' Sanctuary 2700 1500    
Scouts' Lookout 700 1500    
Spearmen's Billets   2700 1100  
Spies Hideout 700 1100   1100
Thieves' Den 1700 1100 1700  
Trade Office 2800 690   1580

Chancery of Estates

800 3200   160













Action: Gather the names of 20 Royal Ancestors by sending a spy (doesn't matter which level) to each of the statues. Some statues require you to send a spy to them first, and then send a spy to a secondary location to actually get the name.
1. Aldelbrecht    = -312|717
2. Asmorn        = -608|-189
3. Bjandar-Thegn = 910|-507
4. Braynard       = -102|1 then 949|-379
5. Burkhardt      = 429|-931
6. Eberekt        = 516|505
7. Ferhonanth     = -485|-736 then 669|794
8. Fridholt       = 652|-265 then -843|-310
9. Gunthar        = -4|10
10. Haestin       = -377|-104
11. Keldar        = 356|498
12. Lambercht     = -157|-298
13. Lindricht     = 471|228 then -711|674
14. Oddric        = 232|345
15. Osgaut        = 761|-892 then -39|-973
16. Raedborth     = -194|-687
17. Regindalt     = 719|365
18. Rikert        = 22|-85
19. Tormand       = -569|-91 then 136|855
20. Ulvelaik      = 399|-431
Reward: +5 Research Points per hour, per library level.
