

Elf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Male Character Portrait


[03:05]<GM Cerberus> Congrats Dingo


The one and only time I won Trivia: 

[03:04]<GM Cerberus> Random trivia time!

[03:04]<GM Cerberus> The heart for 15 prestige:

[03:04]<GM Cerberus> Arrhythmia of the heart may be diagnosed by an EKG, short for one of these...

[03:04] <Honey Badger> Murmur

[03:05]<BillCipher> AGNI

[03:05]<Selebil> echo cardiogram

[03:05]<Dingo> ECG

[03:05]<Dingo> electrical cardiogram

[03:05]<Smooch> electro kardiogram

[03:05]<Paul> ek

[03:05]<BillCipher> heart disease?

[03:05]<Paul> g

[03:05]<GM Cerberus> Congrats Dingo

[03:05]<Dingo> dmana

[03:05]<Dingo> \

[03:05]<GM Cerberus> Got the closest first 

[03:05]<Dingo> mmmmmm!!!!

[03:05] <Honey Badger> lol. I will wait to do my next prestige build after trivia lol

[03:05]<Paul> echo cardia gram

[03:05]<Dingo> my god I did it.... I did it!!!!

[03:05]<Dingo> Eowan!!!!

[03:05]<Mog> kk hb

[03:06]<Dingo> look Eowan!!!

[03:06]<lonewolf> Hey Cerb

[03:06]<lonewolf> Hey GC

[03:06]<lonewolf> Grats dingo!

[03:06]<Kuldjargh> Funny time for trivia ... hi Cerb

[03:06]<Paul> crap, we will never hear the end of Dingo getting that one


(literally 15 minutes later) 

[03:22]<Dingo> man remeber like when I won that time at trivia? Smooch was all like elctrical Kardiogram and I was like nah it was Electrical Cardiogram

[03:23]<Smooch> like it was only minutes ago dingo

[03:23]<Paul> AHHHHH!!!!!

[03:23]<Mog> its actually electrocardiogram

[03:23] <Honey Badger> ^^^

[03:24]<Mog> I know i had one for over a week lol

[03:24]<Frog> Is that the same as licking an electrical outlet?

[03:24]<Paul> he already put this at the top of his profile: [03:05]<GM Cerberus> Congrats Dingo

















