

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

The Republic

The Republic of Free Cities (RoFC), or customarily known as the Unification, was a state originating from disperse communities in the Illyriad world, comprising a vast array of orc, dwarf, elf and human cities. It exists from the late 5th year AD. Although it has a long history of war and struggle, the Republic's modern reputation is chiefly based on its status as an economic and trading power.

The republic is technically a confederation of its different cities, which have their completely independent and autonomous governments. Every member of the Republic has a seat at the Grand Assembly, which elects the legislative power (Senate of the Republic) and the executive power (Chancellor of the Republic), for a term of six months.

A peaceful alliance, the Republic will try to solve any problem in a diplomatic way. Nonetheless, we fully understand the armed way to be the last resort, when defending our cities and wealth.   

Player! First and foremost, you’re here to have fun. Never forget that. To make your cities grow. To lead your armies to victory. To fill your chests with gold. To enjoy the sweet triumph and to stand the bitter defeat. To relish the ovation from your peers. To help and to be helped!  Overall, to write a glorious page of history.

We offer all our help in that. We ask for your help in return.

Join today the Republic of Free Cities!


The Policies

Land Standards: RoFC has a strict policy of 10 squares between a member city and any other city, and only closer if the owner of the other city grants a member's request to settle closer. This enables each player to claim sovereignty on the 5 sqs radius around their cities. We respectfully request that if you want to move into the 10 square claimed area around any member's city that you extend us the same courtesy.

Harvesting Standards: Herbs, minerals, hides and animals parts within 5 squares of any RoFC member's city are hereby claimed by the owner of said city, whether there is an army marking it or not. If you want to harvest within this limits, ask the member for the right to harvest. Do not take advantage of an standing army guarding a square if you are a member of an Alliance with a None Aggression Pact.
