

Elf Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Female Character Portrait

Here are the locations for the Allembine Statues. Make sure you send to the 1st set of co-ordinates 1st where there are two sets. I done mine in a seperate Spreadsheet for each city. A couple of the Province names are missing in the list but they are nor crucial. Make sure you use Advanced Spy for the task. You only need to send 1 to a statue and you can only send the same ammount as your level of if your Consulate is Level 10 you can only have 10 Diplomatic missions going at one time.

Happy hunting

Statue Co-Ords Part 2 Name Scribe Province Visited
1 -312/717   Aldelbrecht Y Keppen *
2 -608/-189   Asmorn Y Windlost *
3 910/-507 No Bjander-Thegn Y Kal Tirikan *
4 -102/1 949/-379 Braynard Y Kul Tar */*
5 429/-931   Burkhardt Y Trome *
6 516/505   Ebereckt Y Eberekt *
7 -485/-736 669/794 Ferhonanth Y Elijal */*
8 652/-265 -843/-310 Fridholt Y Larn */*
9 -4/10   Gunthar Y   *
10 -377/-104   Haestin Y Trome *
11 356/498   Keldar Y Windlost *
12 -157/-298   Lambercht Y   *
13 471/228 -711/674 Lindricht Y Tallimar */*
14 232/345   Oddric Y Ragallon *
15 761/-892 -39/-973 Osgaut Y Middle Kingdom */*
16 -194/-687   Raedborth Y Toamist *
17 719/365   Regindalt Y Tor Carrock *
18 22/-85   Rikert Y Norweld *
19 -569/-91 136/855 Tormand Y Keshalia */*
20 399/-431   Ulvelaik Y The Western Realms *


Label Minimum Maximum
Few 1 3
Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
Gathering 129 227
Horde 228 462
Throng 463 815
Host 816 2,500
Legion 2,501 9,999
Myriad 10,000 24,999
Sea 25,000 49,999
Cornucopia 50,000 -



  Claristine Prestige Parchment 
  Deepsilver Prestige Page 
  Earthblood Prestige Tome
  Iceheart Light Sword, Spiked Sword, Iron-Banded Spear, Light Spear, Trident, Splintmail, Vanguard's Armour, Extra Light Chainmail, Light Chain Armour, Master-Crafted Chainmail, Reinforced Chainmail, Light Platemail, Reinforced Platemail
  Obsidian Obsidian Blade, Obsidian-Tipped Spear, Obsidian Platemail
  Pyrestone Prestige Scrap
  Rainbow Stone Prestige Scroll
  Silversteel Silversteel Sword, Silversteel Spear, Silversteel Chainmail, Dwarven Champion's, Silversteel Platemail
  Svelaugh Sand Prestige Book 
  Trove Prestige Codex
  Ancient Oak Boar Spear, Dragon Spear, Trident
  Brascan Seeds Extra Heavy Armour, Hardened Leather, Master-Crafted Chainmail
  Brownback Moss Prestige Scroll
  Ebony Wood Ebony-Hilt Sword, Ebony Bow, Ebony Spear
  Furzion Seedpod Prestige Page
  Giant Palm Leaves Desert Armour, Desert Chainmail, Master-Crafted Chainmail, Desert Platemail
  Ironstem Root Prestige Tome
  Larken Wood Elven Spirit Bow, Poacher's Bow 
  Lemonwood Bough Three-Wood Bow 
  Pale Cedar Wood Three-Wood Bow 
  Rahan Palm Desert Pike
  Queen's Hair Leaves Over-Padded Armour; Over-Padded Chainmail; Under-Padded Platemail 
  Sharproot Prestige Scrap
  Silverthorn Prestige Parchment 
  Spidertree Leaves Cloth-Backed Leather, Cloth-Backed Chainmail
  Suntree Haft Prestige Codex
  Vistrok Flowers Prestige Book
  Air Salt Chitin-Cored Bow, Ebony Bow, Hero's Bow, Composite Bow, Leopard Gut Bow, Mammoth Tusk Bow, Dragon Spear
  Earth Salt Extra Heavy Armour, Midnight Armour, Sun-Burnished Armour, Extra-Heavy Chainmail, Silversteel Chainmail, Ancient Pattern Armour, Dwarven Champion's Armour, Obsidian Platemail, Silversteel Platemail
  Fire Salt Obsidian Blade, Orc Marauder's Sword, Reinforced Sword, Silversteel Sword, Spiked Sword
  Water Salt Desert Pike, Harpoon-Spear, Iron-Banded Spear, Jungle Hunter's Spear, Obsidian-Tipped Spear, Silversteel Spear 
  Anaconda Skin Jungle Bow, Jungle Spear
  Arctic Wolf Fur Fur-Lined Chainmail
  Arctic Wolf Tooth Harpoon-Spear
  Baboon Fur Seaxe, Rapid-Draw Bow, Dueling Spear
  Black Bear Fur Mountain-Tribe's Sword, Hero's Bow
  Black Panther Fur Midnight Armour
  Brown Bear Fur High-power bow; Mountain Bow; Mountain Spear
  Brown Bear Heart Prestige Scroll
  Fire Salamander Skin Arctic Bow; Arctic Spear
  Gharial Tooth Fang-Barbed Sword; Fang-Barbed Spear; Spiked Platemail
  Giant Beetle Carapace Animal-Scale Armour; Highland Armour; Highland Chainmail; Highland Plate Mail
  Giant Rat Fur Short Sword; Hunter's Bow; Woodsman's Bow; Forrester's Spear
  Giant Rat Heart Prestige Scrap
  Giant Scorpion Exoskeleton Plainsman's Armour; Plainsman's Platemail
  Giant Scuttler Exoskeleton Razor-Edged Sword; Razor-Edged Spear
  Giant Scuttler Heart Prestige Codex
  Golden Monkey Fur Jungle Armour; Jungle Platemail; Jungle Chainmail
  Ice Salamander Skin Desert Bow; Desert Spear
  Jaguar Fur Longsword; Battle Spear
  Leopard Entrail  Leopard Gut Bow
  Mammoth Tusk Mammoth Tusk Bow
  Poisonous Crawler Exoskeleton Animal-Scale Armour; Upland Armour; Hillsman's Chainmail; Upland Platemail
  Poisonous Crawler Mandible Chitin-Crafted Shortsword
  Polar Bear Fur Fur-Lined Platemail
  Puma Fur Battle Sword; Marksman's Bow; Defender's Spear
  Salamander Fang Fang-Tipped Spear
  Scaled Charger Heart Prestige Tome
  Scaled Charger Scale Animal-Scale Armour; Forester's Armour; Plainsman's Chainmail; Woodsman's Chainmail; Forester's Platemail
  Scaled Charger Vertebra Barbarian Sword; Plains Bow; Plainsman's Spear
  Scritcher Carapace Chitin-Cored Bow
  Scritcher Heart Prestige Book
  Simien Wolf Fur Extra Light Armour; Light Leather
  Snow Leopard Fur Fur-Lined Armour
  Wild Dog Bone Bone Handled Sword; Machete; Scimitar
  Wild Dog Fur Adventurer's Sword; Hillsman's Bow; Hill-Tribe Spear; Jungle Hunter's Spear
  Wild Dog Heart Prestige Parchment
  Wolf Heart Prestige Page
  Wolf Tooth Orc Marauder's Sword
  Wolf Fur Sabre; Long-Draw Bow; Pike