

Elf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Male Character Portrait


Here are instructions on how to send timed, coordinated attacks:

Go to and input as follows to find out when to send your army.

Under From, enter the X and  Y coordinates of the city you are sending from.

Under To, enter the X and Y coordinates of the target.

Under timezone offset, enter – or + and a number until the Server Time equals the Server Time in your game interface (top right below the mail icon).

Under movement Speed, enter the Travel Speed of your army (click on the target in the map and choose Send Army, below the order you will see your army Travel Speed (do not sent the army at this time).

Under Target Time, set the date and time of the desired arrival to the target.

If you did all this correctly, below the Target time you will start to see a clock counting down. The clock must be in black, if it is in red – there is something wrong.

When the clock counts down to zero you send your army.

Different armies with different speeds require different timers. You can open several timers that run simultaneously.

 Remember to give your armies an occupy order with maximum time: 14 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes. (unless ordered otherwise).

Always make sure you have messengers in every city to recall the armies once an operation ends.
