

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

#/Alliance/Alliance/1452  for general information

 [03:07]<GM Stormcrow> SirCarl?

SirCarl> wow um yes

Heroic Human Statue

Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2 Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2
Aldelbrecht -312|717 - Keldar 356|498 -
Asmorn -608|-189 - Lambercht -157|-298 -
Bjander-Thegn 910|-507 - Lindricht 471|228 -711|674
Braynard -102|1 949|-379 Oddric 232|345 -
Burkhardt 429|-931 - Osgaut 761|-892 -39|-973
Eberekt 516|505 - Raedborth -194|-687 -
Ferhonanth -485|-736 669|794 Regindalt 719|365 -
Fridholt 652|-265 -843|-310 Rikert 22|-85 -
Gunthar -4|10 - Tormand -569|-91 136|855
Haestin -377|-104 - Ulvelaik 399|-431 -

Send spies to all locations above and you will receive as reward a Scribe of Allembine for each spied location (6 Scribes require to spied 2 locations, do the first locations before the 2nd ones) .... Scribe of Allembine is a spy unit with low upkeep (2 gold p/h) but high defensive value (120) ..... When a town collect all 20 scribes, that town gain discovery Allembine Research Techniques, which grants +5 research points hourly per Library level.

  • "Few": Less than 4 units
  • "Handful": 5 to 8
  • "Several": 9 to 21
  • "Pack": 22 to 81
  • "Many": 82 to 128
  • "Gathering": 129 to 227
  • "Horde": 228 to 462
  • "Throng": 463 to 815
  • "Host": 816 to 2,500
  • "Legion": 2,501 to 9,999
  • "Myriad": 10,000 to 25,000
  • "Sea": 25,001 to 49,999
  • "Cornucopia": 50,000 or more
    Highest Population Buildings:

    Blacksmith - 1497
    Book Binder - 1497
    Carpentry - 1497
    Common Ground - 1497
    Consulate - 1497
    Fletcher - 1497
    Forge - 1497
    Foundry - 1497
    Kiln - 1497
    Mage Tower - 1497
    Paddock - 1497
    Saddle Maker - 1497
    Siege Workshop - 1497
    Spearmaker - 1497
    Stonemason - 1497
    Tannery - 1497
    Tavern - 1497
    Archers Field - 1796
    Calvary Parade Grounds - 1796
    Trade Office - 2000
    City # - Pop Required

    2 - 450
    3 - 2,000
    4 - 5,000
    5 - 10,000
    6 - 20,000
    7 - 40,000
    8 - 75,000
    9 - 130,000
    10 - 233,550
    11 - 263,550
    12 - 294,550
    13 - 326,550
    14 - 359,550
    15 - 393,550
    16 - 428,550
    17 - 464,550
    18 - 501,550
    19 - 539,550
    20 - 578,550
    21 - 618,550
    22 - 659,550
    23 - 701,550
    24 - 744,550
    25 - 788,550
    26 - 833,550
    27 - 879,550
    28 - 926,550
    29 - 974,550
    30 - 1,023,550
    31 - 1,073,550
    32 - 1,124,550
    33 - 1,176,550
    34 - 1,229,550
    35 - 1,283,550
    36 - 1,338,550
    37 - 1,394,550
    38 - 1,451,550
    39 - 1,509,550
    40 - 1,568,550
    41 - 1,628,550
    42 - 1,689,550




    Harvest up to 100 ea.

      Cotter -w- Grape picking and/or Scavenging Researched


    Harvest  1 ea.


    Harvest 1ea.


    Harvest 1 ea.
