

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

I believe in RESPECT. So I am pledging that, unless specified otherwise in your profile or your alliance profile, I will respect a 10 square radius around your cities when I am settling and I will respect a 5 square hunting and harvesting zone around your cities when I hunt or harvest. I will likely respect your sovereigncy, even if it extends beyond the 5 square radius to your city.

I expect the same RESPECT from you. Unless you are one of my alliance mates, I will not let you settle within 10 squares of one of my cities without my permission. I will gladly let your hunters and harvesters intrude on my property or sovereignty, AFTER you ask for it. If you don't, ... well your hunters / harvesters' life expectancy might be short if I am around. 



The veteran had fought many wars and taken the life of  many warriors.

Young men, strong and brave had felt under his axe. Their blood had soaked the battle grounds and their flesh had fertilized the soil.

He served the Crimson King and his Court, loyal to all, yet confident in no one. His actions provided him with fame and the King gave him domains but  never honored Veteris with the once promised Knight  title.

Veteris loved many women and married one, only to lose her to the plague with no child in his wake. He had no strings to anything or anyone.

And tough, Veteris had grown old, he had also grown wiser His steps may be shorter now but his arms are still strong and quick. When he left the Court of the Crimson King as a free man, he walked a long road south. In new and plush lands he finally found a tribe where dwarfs, elves, orcs and human were treated equal as per their valor. Veteris had just found a new home.

"We're building it up
To break it back down
We're building it up
To burn it down
We can't wait
To burn it to the ground"...


NPC Encounter Group Sizes

Size Min Max
A Few 1 3
A Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
A Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
A Gathering 129 227
A Horde 228 462
A Throng 463 815
A Host 816 2,500
A Legion 2,501 9,999
A Myriad 10,000 24,999
A Sea 25,000 49,999
A Cornucopia 50,000+


OFFENSE Spearman Ranged Infantry Cavalry
Plains -15 0 0 30
Small Forest 10 -10 30 -10
Large Forest 5 -15 25 -15
Buildings 15 20 25 -30
Small Hill 0 0 0 0
Large Hill 5 20 0 -15
Small Mountain 5 0 -10 -20
Large Mountain  10 25 -20 -30


DEFENSE Spearman Ranged Infantry Cavalry
Plains -15 0 0 25
Small Forest 10 -15 30 -10
Large Forest 5 -20 25 -15
Buildings 25 15 20 -30
Small Hill 5 5 5 0
Large Hill 10 10 0 -15
Small Mountain 15 15 0 -15
Large Mountain  20 30 0 -30



Best ress. distribution for: Wood  Clay Iron Stone  Food
Infantry, Spears 3 5 5 5 7
Infantry, Archers 5 3 5 5 7
Cavalry 5 5 3 5 7
Spears, Archers and Cavalry 5 5 5 3 7

Population Requirements

Town Total Avg Additional
2 450 450  
3 2,000 1,000 1,550
4 5,000 1,667 3,000
5 10,000 2,500 5,000
6 20,000 4,000 10,000
7 40,000 6,667 20,000
8 75,000 10,715 35,000
9 130,000 16,250 55,000
10 233,550 25,950 103,550
11 263,550 26,355 30,000
12 294,550 26,778 31,000
13 326,550 27,213 32,000
14 359,550 27,658 33,000
15 393,550 28,111 34,000
16 428,550 28,570 35,000
17 464,550 29,035 36,000
18 501,550 29,503 37,000
19 539,550 29,975 38,000
20 578,550 30,450 39,000
21 618,550 30,928 40,000
22 659,550 31,408 41,000
23 701,550 31,889 42,000
24 744,550 32,372 43,000
25 788,550 32,857 44,000
26 833,550 33,342 45,000
27 879,550 33,829 46,000
28 926,550 34,317 47,000
29 974,550 34,806 48,000
30 1,023,550 35,295 49,000


Distinguishing Speed by Arrow 

1 Arrow= 1-7 squares/hr     Siege                         

2 Arrow = 8-16 Squares/hr    T2 Infantry or T2 Archer

3 Arrow = 17-25 squares/hr    Cavalry or Diplo

4 Arrow = 26-41 Squares/hr    Scouts or Spies

5 Arrows  41+ squares/hr    Messengers















Key Code





























Thumbs Down



Thumbs Up


















Beer emot  = 

 [ @i=3|12] without the space 


Links to interesting guides and tools  (source = Artimes profile)

In game tools and utilities.. a must have:

