

Orc Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Orc Male Character Portrait


Gruumsh needs to return home to find himself, he is probably on the sofa, but, it is not the journey, nor the friends that are made on the way, it is the snacks, always the snacks.

Yes, you can build a city on sov, as long as it is your sov.

Mighty Gruumsh, Gruumsh The Liberator, God, Warlord, Dishwasher, Foul Creature, Part Time Pet Sitter, Despicable Orc, The Pestilence of Lan Larosh, Lunatic, Bringer of Death, A Strange Collection of Pillows and Blankets, Retribution Fairy, Annoyance By Appointment Only.

Mighty Gruumsh is genre fluid


Always a Harmless? Orc

Chernoggar has risen, is it clear yet?





If Mighty Gruumsh ever should need return to Mal Motsha, there shall be a river of blood in his wake.


Mighty Gruumsh The Liberator


[27 Jan 16:02]<Starry> I love the long line of green

[27 Jan 16:06]<Starry> I really need to watch what I say when you are around

LLokylou You should also add lunatic to that list.

LLokylou Once again Gruums, you prove you deserve your titles of foul creature and despicable orc.


[14:54]<Jejune> Yes, you are known among the elves as the "pestilence of Lan Larosh."
