

Human Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Female Character Portrait


NPC Sizes
Few 1 4
Handful 5 8
Several 9 21
Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
Gathering 129 227
Horde 228 462
Throng 463 815
Host 816 2,500
Legion 2,501 9,999
Myriad 10,000 25,000
Sea 25,001 49,999
Cornucopia 50,000+ or more



Spearman Ranged Infantry Cavalry
Plains -15 0 0 30
Small Forest 10 -10 30 -10
Large Forest 5 -15 25 -15
Buildings 15 20 25 -30
Small Hill 0 0 0 0
Large Hill 5 20 0 -15
Small Mountain 5 0 -10 -20
Large Mountain  10 25 -20 -30


Spearman Ranged Infantry Cavalry
Plains -15 0 0 25
Small Forest 10 -15 30 -10
Large Forest 5 -20 25 -15
Buildings 25 15 20 -30
Small Hill 5 5 5 0
Large Hill 10 10 0 -15
Small Mountain 15 15 0 -15
Large Mountain  20 30 0 -30






Population Sizes for next city

Town Total Pop Avg Pop per Town
2 450 450
3 2,000 1,000
4 5,000 1,667
5 10,000 2,500
6 20,000 4,000
7 40,000 6,667
8 75,000 10,715
9 130,000 16,250
10 233,550 25,950
11 263,550  26,355
12 294,550 26,778
13 326,550 27,213
14 359,550 27,658
15 393,550 28,111
16 428,550 28,570
17 464,550 29,035
18 501,550 29,503
19 539,550 29,975
20 578,550 30,450
21 618,550 30,928
22 659,550 31,408
23 701,550 31,889
24 744,550 32,372
25 788,550 32,857
26 833,550 33,342
27 879,550 33,829
28 926,550 34,317
29 974,550 34,806
30 1,023,550 35,295
31 1,073,550 35,785
32 1,124,550 36,276
33 1,176,550 36,768
34 1,229,550 37,260
35 1,283,550 37,752
36 1,338,550 38,245
37 1,394,550 38,738
38 1,451,550 39,232
39 1,509,550 39,725
40 1,568,550 40,220
41 1,628,550 40,714
42 1,689,550 41,209

Heroic Human Statue

Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2 Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2
Aldelbrecht -312|717 - Keldar 356|498 -
Asmorn -608|-189 - Lambercht -157|-298 -
Bjander-Thegn 910|-507 - Lindricht 471|228 -711|674
Braynard -102|1 949|-379 Oddric 232|345 -
Burkhardt 429|-931 - Osgaut 761|-892 -39|-973
Eberekt 516|505 - Raedborth -194|-687 -
Ferhonanth -485|-736 669|794 Regindalt 719|365 -
Fridholt 652|-265 -843|-310 Rikert 22|-85 -
Gunthar -4|10 - Tormand -569|-91 136|855
Haestin -377|-104 - Ulvelaik 399|-431 -

Send spies to all locations above and you will receive as reward a Scribe of Allembine for each spied location (6 Scribes require to spied 2 locations, do the first locations before the 2nd ones) .... Scribe of Allembine is a spy unit with low upkeep (2 gold p/h) but high defensive value (120) ..... When a town collect all 20 scribes, that town gain discovery Allembine Research Techniques, which grants +5 research points hourly per Library level.


Food Cost/Hour for Level 20 Buildings

Tier 1
Barracks – 37/hr
Blacksmith – 1497/hr
Book Binder – 1497/hr
Brewery – 40/hr
Carpentry – 1497/hr
Clay Pit – 37/hr
City Wall – 20/hr
Common Ground – 1497/hr
Consulate – 1497/hr
Farmyard – 37/hr
Flour Mill – 16/hr
Fletcher – 1497/hr
Forge – 1497/hr
Foundry – 1497/hr
Iron Mine – 37/hr
Kiln – 1497/hr
Library – 37/hr
Lumberjack – 37/hr
Mage Tower – 1497/hr
Marketplace – 37/hr
Paddock – 1497/hr
Quarry – 37/hr
Saddlemaker – 1497/hr
Siege Workshop – 1497/hr
Spearmaker – 1497/hr
Stonemason – 1497/hr
Storage – 37/hr
Tannery – 1497/hr
Tavern – 1497/hr
Vault – 37/hr
Warehouse – 370/hr

Tier 2
Archers’ Field – 1796/hr
Architect’s Office – 328/hr
Arctic Warfare College – 40/hr
Assassin’s Abode – 898/hr
Cavalry Parade Ground – 1796/hr
Chancery of Estates – 449/hr
Desert Warfare College – 40/hr
Foreign Office – 898/hr
Geomancer’s Retreat – 898/hr
Infantry Quarters – 1796/hr
Jungle Warfare College – 40/hr
Mansion of Misfortune – 898/hr
Runemaster’s Grounding – 898/hr
Saboteur’s Sanctuary – 898/hr
Scouts’ Lookout – 898/hr
Spearmen’s Billets – 1796/hr
Spies’ Hideout – 898/hr
Thieves’ Den – 898/hr

                 Please respect the 5 square rule in farming near a city, respect the 10 square rule of any city being moved in. I like to farm in a certain area, it's called the world map. If I farm something of your's away from your city, please boot my farmers or kill them. I will. ty

Nature Unit Statistics

    Move Speed Carrying Capacity Attack Spear Defense Sword Defense Bow Defense Cavalry Defense  
Adolescent Wild Dog 16 0 3 3 3 4 3 Spearunit
Wild Dog 17 0 5 5 5 6 5 Spearunit
Rabid Hound 18 0 9 7 7 8 7 Infantry
Pack Leader 18 0 11 10 10 11 10 Infantry
Bear Cub 12 0 7 7 7 7 8 Spearunit
Adolescent Grizzly 13 0 14 12 12 12 13 Infantry
Enraged Kodiak 14 0 21 20 20 20 21 Infantry
Adult Grizzly 15 0 34 32 25 32 33 Infantry
Wolfpup 16 0 5 5 5 6 5 Spearunit
Grey Wolf 18 0 8 8 8 9 8 Spearunit
White Wolf 19 0 14 14 14 15 14 Infantry
Alpha Wolf 18 0 20 20 20 21 20 Cavalry
Wolfpack Leader 20 0 30 30 30 31 35 Cavalry
Polar Bear Cub 12 0 9 8 9 7 10 Spearunit
Adolescent Polar Bear 13 0 18 25 23 18 17 Infantry
Nanuq 15 0 25 45 40 32 35 Infantry
Isbjørn 13 0 50 72 70 39 58 Infantry
Small Alligator 15 0 9 11 11 10 14 Spearunit
Swamp Gator 14 0 19 18 14 17 21 Infantry
Razor-toothed Alligator 16 0 28 28 29 26 30 Infantry
Bone Crusher 14 0 38 39 40 35 42 Infantry
Green Anaconda 12 0 8 9 9 11 12 Spearunit
Yellow Anaconda 12 0 16 16 17 14 19 Infantry
Dark-spotted Anaconda 11 0 27 28 29 36 30 Infantry
Giant Anaconda 16 0 46 39 40 40 37 Infantry
Small Cobra 15 0 8 9 8 11 9 Spearunit
Large Cobra 18 0 18 16 17 26 20 Infantry
Spitting Cobra 13 0 26 28 30 35 31 Ranged
Naja 14 0 46 39 41 42 37 Cavalry
Small Banded Snake 15 0 9 11 9 11 12 Spearunit
Banded Banded Snake 18 0 18 17 16 26 21 Infantry
Yellow Banded Snake 13 0 27 29 30 34 30 Infantry
Thornscrub Banded Snake 14 0 35 37 38 40 39 Infantry
Small Poisonous Crawler 11 0 12 14 12 15 16 Spearunit
Adult Crawler 12 0 20 17 21 20 21 Infantry
Spitting Crawler 13 0 32 31 29 30 32 Ranged
Crawler Queen 13 0 51 40 50 37 42 Cavalry
Scuttler 24 0 11 13 9 11 10 Spearunit
Adult Scuttler 26 0 21 25 22 21 19 Cavalry
Ravenous Scuttler 30 0 36 25 30 33 34 Cavalry
Elder Scuttler 25 0 62 52 48 50 52 Cavalry
Small Scritcher 16 0 10 7 9 8 9 Spearunit
Adult Scritcher 17 0 18 16 17 16 17 Spearunit
Taloned Scritcher 18 0 37 26 24 34 21 Infantry
Elder Scritcher 16 0 36 38 26 41 32 Infantry
Baby Giant Scorpion 18 0 12 15 5 13 5 Spearunit
Adult Giant Scorpions 19 0 22 27 15 24 14 Spearunit
Barbed Giant Scorpion 19 0 35 41 20 30 19 Infantry
Predatory Giant Scorpion 17 0 52 58 40 56 21 Cavalry
Scaled Charger 12 0 22 10 24 28 15 Infantry
Armoured Charger 10 0 25 28 26 36 17 Infantry
Heavy Charger 8 0 35 34 32 34 21 Infantry
Lightning Charger 15 0 47 37 30 32 23 Cavalry
Young Elephant 8 0 86 54 54 55 66 Cavalry
Adult Elephant 7 0 102 70 72 72 81 Cavalry
Bull Elephant 7 0 138 83 84 86 100 Cavalry
Elder Elephant 5 0 186 95 140 136 142 Cavalry
Young Mammoth 6 0 102 80 86 86 82 Cavalry
Adult Mammoth 6 0 158 112 119 70 130 Cavalry
Enraged Tusker 7 0 196 165 110 168 105 Cavalry
Elder Tusker 5 0 268 238 105 245 100 Cavalry
Rhino Calf 9 0 48 30 30 32 32 Cavalry
Enraged Rhino 15 0 62 49 50 52 51 Cavalry
Adult Black Rhino 17 0 89 68 71 70 72 Cavalry
Adult White Rhino 17 0 92 71 74 73 75 Cavalry
Adolescent Simien Wolf 17 0 8 10 10 12 8 Spearunit
Adult Simien Wolf 18 0 16 17 16 20 14 Spearunit
Snarling Simien Wolf 18 0 25 27 20 29 22 Infantry
Simien Wolfpack Leader 19 0 34 32 33 35 32 Cavalry
Black Bear Cub 17 0 8 8 7 8 8 Spearunit
Adolescent Short-Face Bear 18 0 15 13 15 14 14 Spearunit
Adult Black Bear 18 0 24 25 21 24 22 Infantry
Moon Bear 19 0 33 32 33 33 32 Infantry
Arctic Wolfpup 17 0 7 7 7 8 8 Spearunit
Adolescent Polar Wolf 18 0 16 14 13 14 13 Spearunit
Frost Wolf 18 0 23 23 22 23 21 Infantry
Permafrost Alpha Wolf 19 0 45 42 37 42 39 Infantry
Adolescent Snow Leopard 17 0 9 9 10 9 10 Spearunit
Rogue Snow Leopard 18 0 17 15 12 16 16 Spearunit
Adult Snow Leopard 18 0 26 28 24 26 25 Infantry
Elder Snow Leopard 19 0 38 33 33 39 37 Infantry
Adolescent Jaguar 24 0 9 8 10 9 9 Spearunit
Rogue Jaguar 26 0 16 16 15 16 16 Spearunit
Adult Jaguars 28 0 28 27 24 28 25 Infantry
Elder Jaguar 24 0 35 36 36 38 36 Infantry
Young Leopard 28 0 14 11 12 12 12 Spearunit
Rogue Leopard 30 0 20 19 19 21 19 Spearunit
Fully-grown Leopard 36 0 31 11 32 38 31 Infantry
Elder Leopard 30 0 38 38 36 38 36 Infantry
Adolescent Puma 20 0 13 11 9 8 11 Spearunit
Wiry Puma 26 0 19 19 19 20 18 Spearunit
Muscular Puma 27 0 29 26 32 36 28 Infantry
Puma Leader 24 0 36 36 31 33 34 Infantry
Adolescent Lion 18 0 16 15 15 13 15 Spearunit
Aggressive Lion 20 0 21 21 19 19 20 Spearunit
Adult Lion 22 0 35 32 33 31 34 Infantry
Long-maned Lion 20 0 41 46 41 40 44 Infantry
Adolescent Tiger 17 0 18 15 17 13 17 Spearunit
Striped Tiger 19 0 25 20 19 19 21 Spearunit
Adult Tiger 21 0 37 32 33 31 33 Infantry
Elder Amur Tiger 19 0 52 46 41 42 44 Infantry
Adolescent White Tiger 16 0 19 15 17 13 17 Spearunit
Spackled White Tiger 18 0 26 20 19 19 21 Spearunit
Adult White Tiger 20 0 38 32 33 31 44 Infantry
Elder White Tiger 18 0 60 46 41 42 60 Infantry
Small Venomous Salamander 17 0 17 16 12 16 17 Spearunit
Large Venomous Salamander 19 0 24 21 19 21 21 Infantry
Venom-spitting Salamander 21 0 32 32 33 30 32 Ranged
Greater Venomous Salamander 18 0 40 41 41 41 43 Cavalry
Small Fire Salamander 17 0 19 17 12 16 16 Spearunit
Large Fire Salamander 18 0 25 22 20 21 20 Infantry
Spitting Fire Salamander 21 0 31 31 31 30 30 Ranged
Greater Fire Salamander 19 0 45 44 43 44 45 Cavalry
Small Ice Salamander 17 0 16 13 12 15 16 Spearunit
Large Ice Salamander 18 0 21 20 19 18 21 Infantry
Spitting Ice Salamander 20 0 29 21 27 29 28 Ranged
Greater Ice Salamander 17 0 37 31 32 34 30 Cavalry
Adolescent Giant Spider 17 0 15 16 12 16 17 Spearunit
Giant Spider 20 0 25 21 19 20 20 Infantry
Spitting Spider 22 0 31 31 33 30 32 Ranged
Elder Giant Spider 20 0 42 45 25 47 46 Cavalry
Greater Spinner 18 0 22 56 54 10 35 Ranged
Adolescent Serpent 15 0 14 11 12 4 12 Spearunit
Adult Serpent 16 0 24 19 21 20 18 Infantry
Spitter 16 0 32 27 28 28 28 Ranged
Deathbite 15 0 39 45 45 48 45 Ranged
Elder Serpent 14 0 46 45 42 41 46 Cavalry
Ratling 24 0 6 4 4 4 6 Spearunit
Rat 28 0 12 9 8 8 8 Spearunit
Diseased Rat 26 0 14 11 10 11 12 Spearunit
Elder Buck 20 0 16 14 14 14 16 Spearunit
Swarming Greenback 14 0 6 4 4 4 6 Spearunit
Teeming Beetle 14 0 12 9 8 10 10 Spearunit
Venomous Beetle 13 0 17 16 16 10 16 Spearunit
Giant Beetle 16 0 22 20 17 18 21 Spearunit
Young Golden Monkey 14 0 6 4 4 5 6 Spearunit
Adult Golden Monkey 14 0 11 9 9 10 9 Spearunit
Cunning Golden Monkey 13 0 15 14 16 10 16 Spearunit
Golden Monkey Elder 16 0 20 20 17 18 20 Spearunit
Young Baboon 14 0 9 9 9 11 10 Spearunit
Adult Baboon 14 0 19 19 19 20 20 Spearunit
Aggressive Baboon 13 0 22 33 32 15 32 Spearunit
Sacred Baboon 16 0 25 38 34 26 40 Spearunit
Small Scarab 18 0 11 9 8 10 10 Spearunit
Aggressive Scarab 19 0 19 16 16 10 16 Spearunit
Adult Scarab 17 0 22 20 17 18 21 Spearunit
Elder Scarab 18 0 30 34 34 36 32 Spearunit
Scrawny Wolf 15 0 8 8 7 7 9 Cavalry
Ferocious Black Panther 19 0 17 16 14 16 15 Spearunit
Snarling Panther 21 0 24 20 18 21 21 Infantry
Territorial Panther 23 0 33 32 36 36 29 Infantry
Massive Black Panther 20 0 45 42 42 42 43 Cavalry
Spike-backed Saurian 7 0 83 70 72 82 80 Spearunit
Long-necked Saurian 6 0 142 136 124 138 121 Infantry
Saurian Raptor 11 0 244 196 184 160 201 Infantry
Saurian Lord 6 0 301 272 286 284 280 Cavalry
Snaptooth 13 0 10 13 12 13 13 Spearunit
Spindly Gharial 14 0 17 22 18 20 21 Spearunit
Vicious Gharial 12 0 26 30 31 32 28 Infantry
Brooding Gharial 10 0 35 39 39 39 38 Infantry
Argeian Cyclops 10 0 25 22 20 16 18 Spearunit
Brontian Cyclops 10 0 35 38 26 28 29 Spearunit
Steropean Cyclops 12 0 45 35 34 32 35 Infantry
Polyphemian Cyclops 11 0 55 48 52 40 50 Infantry
Young Troll 7 0 18 21 17 13 17 Spearunit
Troll Wanderer 8 0 29 22 23 24 24 Spearunit
Troll Devourer 7 0 38 35 34 35 35 Infantry
Hunting Troll 7 0 47 42 42 44 43 Infantry
Sslipentin Spear-carrier 9 25 8 11 10 11 10 Spearunit