
Smoking GNU

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait


Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.
Or steak sauce. I'm not all that picky.

Thou shalt hoist oneself upon thy ship of good sportsman, For thy days of "GG" and "NICE Shot" hath past, "GG" shalt be "BS" thy "Nice Shot" shalt be "AIMBOT!!1!1". - Teh Book of Noob Chapter 8:12

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of dialup, I will fear no lag: for thou art with me; thy lights and thy bandwidth they comfort me. Thou preparest a website before me in the presence of mine boredom: thou anointest my ports with data; my hard drive runneth over. Surely fast surfing and low access rates shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of cisco systems for ever.


My BLOOD cries out for the vengeance of my peoples BLOOD, which can only be repayed with at least TWICE as much blood! or maybe THREE times as much blood! Like if you went to hell, and it was FULL of blood, and that blood was on FIRE, and it was RAINING blood! And maybe THAT would be enough blood! But probably not....








Warning: Recurrent I-D-10-T error in effect! Proceed With Caution!

Tue, Feb 28, 20:40:36

Legendary Battle at [638|59] in Mal Motsha


Many tens of thousands of troops met their end.


Sat 13 Apr 04:58:37

Legendary Battle at [869|166] in Laoshin


Many tens of thousands of troops met their end.


Tue 19 Nov 07:58:00

Legendary Battle at [407|48] in Lucerna


Many tens of thousands of troops met their end.


[23:34]<The_Dude> I'm not touching anyone's nuts


[12:17]*Smoking GNU pokes kine with something pointy

[12:17]*Kinesis giggles.


[12:30]<Kinesis> PFFT.

[12:30]<Smoking GNU> that poor caps lock

[12:30]<Kinesis> I KNOW, RIGHT!

[12:30]<Smoking GNU> it must be crying from all the abuse it's getting from you today

[12:30]<Kasmodian> no, it's not a bad thing

[12:31]<Smoking GNU> kine

[12:31]<Smoking GNU> are you drunk?

[12:31]<Kinesis> yes?

[09:46]<Kinesis> why is GNU making sense?


[10:09]<Bittu> Kinesis+wink.. sounds "kinky"

[11:16]<Kinesis> screwing is also working out.

[08:48]<Kinesis> the imagery of a dorf falling over is just TOO funny.

[08:48]<Smoking GNU> short trip, eh/

[19:10]<MicroMe> LOL poop


[         19:20]< [19:20]<Smoking GNU> twink is a twinker!

[19:20]<Twinklett> yaaaa! 

[19:20]<Twinklett> i am indeed 


[21:53]<Sa'Belle> You're a poopyhead


[22:36]<Rill> carpe herpes?


[17:37]<JoBorg> wank means nothing


[21:28]<GM Stormcrow> @Gnu - Dammit, I've been wrong about mammals too! What else have I been wrong about?!

[21:28]<Smoking GNU> ...

[21:28]<Smoking GNU> AoA

[21:28]<Smoking GNU> obviously

[21:28]<GM Stormcrow> lololol

[21:28]<ScottFitz> LOL

[21:28]<heårtless> LOL


[20:48]<GM Rikoo> Kind Edano, you need to report to Centrum for.... renadjustment.


[11:54]*Gragnog remebers Myr fondly screaming my name


[12:51]<Drizzt Do'Urden> you're not touching my variables


[12:27]<Kojak> No tit can't King G.

[18:11]<PhoenixCory> i finished raping the city 

[17:38]<Lúthien Telrúnya> Welcome to all the bewbies 

[23:16]<Urp the Hand Some> Sorry Marti made it so hard for you.



Martilicious> any sightings of our friends, Urp?

[10:47]<Urp the Hand Some> The leg surgeon?

[10:47]<GNU the Stomper> he legged it

[10:47]<GNU the Stomper> he was feeling a bit of a heel

[10:48]<Martilicious> lol

[10:48]<GNU the Stomper> he apparently has the feet of an athlete

[10:48]<Martilicious> he Kneeded to take some time out?

[10:48]<GNU the Stomper> don't make me shin you, marti, your puns need to be better

[10:49]<Urp the Hand Some> STOP

[10:49]<GNU the Stomper> just toeing the line, urpy

[10:49]<Martilicious> Why oh Thigh would you say that, GNU?

[10:49]<GNU the Stomper> i like to make urp the butt of all our jokes

[10:49]<Martilicious> Think we have discovered Urp's Achilles heel?

[10:50]<Urp the Hand Some> Quiet, Martrill

[10:50]<GNU the Stomper> we may have hamstringed him with this one

[10:50]<Urp the Hand Some> That is enough.

[10:50]<GNU the Stomper> will you not stand for this, urp?

[10:50]<Martilicious> *can't think of any more parts of a leg*

[10:51]<GNU the Stomper> looks like marti has gone pun-lame

[10:51]<GNU the Stomper> it'll be-hoove you to study up more for this kind of thing, amrti

[10:51]<GNU the Stomper> ok, that one was a leg-strech

[10:51]<GNU the Stomper> *stretch

[10:52]<GNU the Stomper> and i'm done


[14:01]<Erista> BALLS


[06:33]<Silent Sword> Ooh rill got a TUF medal.

[06:33]*Rill shines spear

[06:33]<Smoking GNU> kinky

[06:33]<Rill> yes GNU, that was awesome


[21:39]<Ulinki> 69

[21:39]<Ulinki> O.o


[22:01]<Ulinki> time for me to get off, later

[22:01]*Ulinki bites her tongue...


[19:39]<Bimoda> ACK.... 20 PM windows at once, It's like a DOS attack

[19:39]<Stukahh> Forest spears? anyone looking to buy them?

[19:39]<Lemac of Orbolram> @bimoda LMAO

[19:39]<TomR> LOL @ Bimoda...

[19:40]<Smoking GNU> Quick! Everyone PM Bim!

[19:40]<TomR> If anyone is interested.... in less than 10 minutes I'll have my second city!

[19:41]<Bimoda> Can't.... CLose... Windows Fast... Enough

[19:41]<Smoking GNU> LOLZ

[19:41]<TomR> LOL

[19:41]<Lemac of Orbolram> ROFL

[19:41]<TomR> That is FUNNY!

[19:41]<TomR> a PM attack... whod a thought it.

[19:41]<Smoking GNU> and now it's a DDOS

[19:42]<Mac Soith> direct denial of sanity?

[19:42]<Verminæ> hey why microsoft didn't do immediately windows 10?

[19:42]<Ulinki> gratz on your second city TomR

[19:42]<Smoking GNU> HAH! nice one, mac


Rumiliating: The act of ruminating over ones humiliations.


[16:24]<PublicRelations> they'll suck it right off, make a funny face, and ask for more


[19:38]<Fiona> I give the best hugs. I bite hehehe

[19:15]<Pellinell> I make most of my golgotradingraf


[17:35]<Dreamflight> MistyShadow can be my Yellow Pee


[12:51]<The Beer Wench> He likes to touch my empties XD


[07:15]<HATHALDIR> its difficult being so fat in front of the rest of Illy


[18:40]<Smoking GNU> he put viagra in the water supply

[18:40]<MicroMe> NICE!


[07:02]<Joshua> Hey guys sorry to interrupt but could you guys send nudes over to my cities and preferably extra books as well to Tixia if you have idle vans thanks! 


[18:28]<Pink Camo> Dick likes Pink too

[18:29]*Pink Camo volunteers to be poked by Dick.

[18:30]*Pink Camo admires Dick.


[18:30]*Pink Camo licks Dick

[18:31]*Pink Camo loves Dick

[18:31]<Pink Camo> Dick is gonna get me in trouble.

[18:34]<Pink Camo> Yes, I can introduce Dick to Arse.



[18:18]<GM Cerberus> Congrats Lil Dingus


[10:33]Urp the Hand Some> That is the biggest penis I have ever seen.


[13:00]<Kodabear> I am doing Kimmyeo

[19:56]<BillCipher> whenn did fiona buy glitter o.O

[19:56]<MyNameIs...> rolls in fiona's glitter

[19:56]<Smoking GNU> when did fiona interact with strippers?

[19:56]<Fiona> Yesterday


[18:20]<Captain Kindly> and I am too nice to lick people out


[18:11]<StickyBuns> UwU


[13:32]<Dogstar> Monkey is gonna dick your pay


[15:37]<GM Stormcrow> * censored * [15:37]<System> **** <GM Stormcrow> has been auto-silenced until 10NOV22 16:36. Please don't use profanity. You can block a player in chat by clicking on their name and choosing that option from the popup ** [15:40]<System> Is this thing still on? [15:41]<System> I can't believe I banhammered myself. This is epic fail.
