
roland bar bender

Human Male
Human Male Character Portrait

 Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I'm just a caveman. I fell on some ice and later got thawed out by some of your scientists. Your world frightens and confuses me! Sometimes the honking horns of your traffic make me want to get out of my car.. and run off into the hills, or wherever.. Sometimes when I get a text on my phone, I wonder: "Did little demons get inside and type it?" I don't know! My primitive mind can't grasp these concepts.  

-Keyrock, The Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

Encounter Group Sizes

Size Min Max
A Few 1 3
A Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
A Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
A Gathering 129 227
A Horde 228 462
A Throng 463 815
A Host 816 2,500
A Legion 2,501 9,999
A Myriad 10,000 24,999
A Sea 25,000 49,999
A Cornucopia 50,000+  

Terrain Modifiers

Spr Rgd Inf Cav << Off || Def >> Spr Rgd Inf Cav
-15 0 0 30 Plains -15 0 0 25
10 -10 30 -10 S. Forest 10 -10 30 -10
5 -20 30 -15 L. Forest 5 -20 25 -15
20 5 40 -50 Buildings 25 15 30 -45
0 0 0 0 S. Hill 5 5 5 0
0 10 10 -15 L. Hill 10 15 5 -10
0 10 5 -20 S. Mountain 15 15 5 -30
0 15 15 -30 L. Mountain  20 30 5 -15

1) Complete the tutorial  

You get a basic understanding of the interface and mechanics of Illyriad and you get a gift from King Sigurd, a most honorable and glorious King. "All Hail King Sigurd!"
2)  Change your tax rate
Taxes generate gold and when you start you do not need a vast income. You need gold to make units and support those units. As a newbie you will NOT be making vast numbers of units for a while yet. Taxes to generate gold reduce your production of basic resources (wood, clay, iron, stone, and food) and early on these basic resources are much more important to you than gold is. I would recommend dropping your tax from the default 25% as a new player to 5% or less. As you grow in the game and start building more and more units you will need to raise your tax rate once again. Keep in mind you can only change it once every 24 hours.
3) Visit Global Chat (GC) 
Introduce yourself and say, "Hi! My name is Manannan and I'm and alcoholic" Oh wait... That what I say at my AA meetings. Regardless of that pop in and say 'Hello.' Most likely veterans like myself will be watching and recognize you as a new player. Many of us routinely send new players resources and goods with no expectations other than you become a worthwhile member of the community. It is probably a different welcome to other nameless games of the same genre most people are used to where the first thing that will happen is to 'beat on the new guy' as soon as his player protection finishes. Veterans for the most part are friendly and welcoming to new players to the Illyriad community. Subjects best avoided discussing in GC are real life politics, history, religion, sex and drugs as they are either offensive to begin with or invariably lead to arguments and the developers prefer to keep a family friendly atmosphere in there. Discussions about Illyriad politics, history and religion are allowed but avoid insulting any players if you want your gaming experience to be enjoyable. On a personal note if you do not want me to be constantly shouting at you please do not spam GC with pointless emoticons or emotispam as I call it. Its worst than having a troll in the room!
4) Upgrade your storehouse
If you visit GC and you see inbound caravans you should upgrade your Storehouse to increase the amount of basic resources you can receive. Resources that exceed your storage capacity are lost forever like over filling a glass of water. If that happens do not worry. Older players are willing to help the new people get a good start in the game but do not abuse their kindness as if you are greedy you will find that the new player packages quickly disappear. Also manners never killed anybody. You'll find demands for resources won't get you very far but polite requests normally get you several people sending. I myself have a limit to how much I will send in one go to new players outside my alliance and arguing with me that a free gift is not enough is more likely to get you a future visit from my diplomats or military than from my caravans.
5) Increase your resource production very early on  
My preference is to increase wood/clay/iron/stone production equally. By this I mean complete one Lumberjack level 1, then a Clay Pit level 1, etc. After I have a level 1 then I make a level 2 on top of that level 1 resource, then a level 3 on the same plot and so on and so forth until I have a single plot of each resource at level 7. Once at level 7 you can research and then build the secondary buildings for the basic resources. These are important for two reasons. Firstly they increase your production of your basic resources (obviously) and secondly they also open up further city upgrades when they reach certain build levels such as city walls and weapon production buildings which you will need to make troops. 

Early in your city's development you will find it difficult to keep food production positive but try to avoid letting food production go negative and make it a priority to correct this when it happens. After I have a level 7 Lumberjack, Clay Pit, Iron Mine and Stone Quarry, I will "back fill" the remaining undeveloped resource plots until I have completed every resource plot to at least level 7. While developing resource production as I just described mix in builds of Paddock, Common Ground, Marketplace, Consulate, Mage Tower and Barracks. Most of these buildings have high food upkeep requirements so be sure to keep an eye on your food production.
6) Barracks and Military
Everyone who starts is tempted into building an army as soon as possible to protect themselves.  Do Not.  Any army you could build at the start is completely insignificant and will only serve to tempt an aggressive player to attack you for points. Whilst I have stated most of us are friendly there are those who aren't and won't hesitate to attack for a handful of extra points to their score. Early in the game you are more likely to be visited by diplomatic units such as thieves than an army. Building an army will also make you raise your tax rates which will hamper your growth early on. Upgrading your barracks though is a good idea when you have a chance. When you do decide to start your army the higher the level your barracks is the more troop types you are able to research and build and the faster the training times. Also the level of your barracks equates to the number of skills you can research for your commanders to allocate when they level up with enough experience. I go more in depth into troops and commanders in my 'Military Guide' which I may post at a later date.
7) Research Arcana and build a Mage Tower
As I just mentioned there are elements of the player base in Illyriad less friendly to newer players and magic is your best defence to start at the start of the game, and even in later stages when you become larger.. Once you have built your Mage Tower you can research your first school of magic. Please note the following magic school order is a guide only and not "Do it this way or you will perish!" That being said myself and others STRONGLY recommend the order given. 

Currently there are three schools of magic you can research, these being Blights, Geomancy and Runes. As I am typing up the rewrite of this guide however, in early July 2011, we are lead to believe by the game developers that there will be an imminent release of up to a further seven schools of magic. For the moment though it is just the three and you should research Runes first, Geomancy second and finally Blights.

Runes are your first cheapest defense against enemy units and are effective at all stages of the game. There are three types of Rune Spells. The first type are horror spells and they scare away hostile diplomatic units,  with the exception of scouts and spies, and sends them packing with their tail between their legs back to their owner without killing them. The second type are killing spells. These will indiscriminately kill any hostile diplomatic force sent against your city, again with the exception of scouts and spies, and leaves their magic scared corpses scattered in front of your city. The final type are seeking spells. These are specialised killing spells allowing you to specify exactly what type of diplomatic unit you want your mages to target if attacked and with these you can kill scouts and spies if you so wish. With seeking spells you get more kills per spell but you can only target one troop type at a time and cool off times for the spells are fairly long if cancelled before you can recast a new one. If you have a seeking spell raised for thieves and you are visited by saboteurs the enemy mission will be successful unless you have sufficient diplomatic troops for defence. Try to stick to the killing spells to start with as destroying enemy units is the best deterrent for attacks. The killing spells in order from weakest to strongest are Mark of Slaying, Death Rune, Killing Glyph, and Ward of Destruction.

Many of you will be tempted to research Geomancy as your first magic school to further boost your basic resource production. DO NOT. Unfortunately with the influx of new players theft attacks on new players in particular are on the increase, much to my and others disgust, and is probably down to the number of new player welcome packages being sent out. Runes are your best choice for your first school and if you want a magical boost to your resource production you will probably find an experienced player willing to cast one for you in GC.

Blights have no use for you early in the game as they are an offensive school of magic used to sabotage other players resource production or resource storage. They are described by some as cowards magic but can be highly effective. I go more in depth into the various magic spells available in my Guide to Magic which I may also post at a later date.
8) Marketplace
You need a marketplace to make caravans. Caravans ship goods to friendly cities, make trades in the market, and harvest resources that spawn on the world map.

Resource harvesting is very useful as you start the game and you can use it to subsidise your resource production. Harvestable resources are shown on the world map as one of a wood, clay, iron, stone, food or gold icon the same as those on the resource bar at he top of the screen surrounded by a white circle. Newly spawned resources can contain amounts exceeding 3000 to be collected by your caravans. To harvest these click on the square on the world map the icon is and select 'Harvest Resources' from the pop-up menu list. On the following screen select how many caravans you wish to send to the node.

When you find resources on the world map you may see another circle to the left of it. This will be a caravan already harvesting and the colour denotes your relationship with its owner. A green circle is one of your own caravans, a blue circle denotes a caravan either belonging to a member of the alliance to which you belong or to which you alliance has positive relations with, a yellow circle will belong to a member of an alliance you have no diplomatic relations with and finally a red circle is a caravan belonging to an alliance you have hostile relations with. 

If you send caravan(s) to nodes where harvesting is already occurring then yours will send those harvesting there already back to their original city without getting a full load allowing you to harvest what remains there or filling your caravan(s). These interruptions are called 'bumping' by the community and although it is accepted that it is part of the game I would not recommend deliberately sending your caravans to locations already being harvested.

9) Diplomatic Defence
Most likely a new player will suffer attacks from diplomatic units before armies. Diplomats are anonymous unless captured and prisoners successfully interrogated unlike armies which identify the attacker when sent. Your first defense against enemy Diplomats are your Runes so ensure you have a powerful one cast (see section 7) at all times. Second build your own force of diplomats. Put simply your diplomatic forces can stop enemy diplomats but your defending force needs to be about 50% the size of the attacking force to be effective. Also only diplomats of the same type stop enemy; i.e. thieves stop thieves, scouts stop scouts etc. If you are being continuously thieved there is no point having hundreds of scouts there to try to defend because it is literally having no effect. You train diplomats in your consulate and much like your barracks the higher the level the more types and the more advanced the diplomat you can research and build. Each diplomat type comes in a basic and advanced tier. The basic tier units are good at defense whilst the advanced ones have better offensive and movement statistics.
10) Attacked
While a new player if you are attacked either by diplomats or military please come on to GC and speak up. Many of the older veterans do not like to see new players attacked and will render aid as they deem appropriate to the situation at the time whether its giving advice, replacing lost resources, talking to other alliance leaders on your behalf or in very extreme circumstances destroying the offending player completely.
11) Alliances
You do NOT need to join an alliance right away. Often people come into global chat ask to join an alliance and within a minute you will receive a half dozen invites without ever having said a word to one another. These are most probably alliances you do not want to join. You will be happier in an alliance that suits your personality so if you are interested in joining an alliance then take your time and learn about the various alliances. See how their members act in GC... It probably speaks volumes as to their ethos.
12) City Relocation
Do NOT move your capital until you are very close to settling your #2 city. This gives you time to become more acquainted with world of Illyriad, its community and your own play style so that you can relocate your capital as wisely as possible. This advice holds even if you have joined an alliance (or especially if you have). There are plenty of people willing to give advice on what makes a good spot but at the end of the day you have to be happy with where you move your capital too. If you join an alliance prematurely and move your city to be next to that alliances cities, you are severely limiting your future options to join other alliances that are a potentially better fit at a later.

13) Daily Log in Bonus
Thanks to the generosity of the Illyriad staff you can claim a free bonus every 24 hours when you log in. This is claimed from the front page of the Illyriad Herald which is the screen that automatically loads when you log on the game. If the 24 hours has not expired from your last claim when you log in you can always go back to it later via the satellite button off the world map at a later time. You have a choice of claiming:

  • 1 prestige to be credited to your account
  • 500 wood to be delivered to a town of your choice
  • 500 clay to be delivered to a town of your choice
  • 500 iron to be delivered to a town of your choice
  • 500 stone to be delivered to a town of your choice
  • A resource bundle consisting of 100 of each resource to be delivered to a town of your choice

Although the developers will probably hate me for saying this I would recommend claiming the prestige everyday the reason being that you can use it to do a great many things in the game. Please don't let this free prestige stop you from supporting the game and buying extra prestige though. If you are desperate for resources though do consider claiming them, as with distances and travel times in the game it can take a while for even the veteran player to send their surplus to you to aid your construction and gaming experience to reach you. The best thing about this free bonus is that everyone can gather and use prestige even if they do not buy it. 

14 Buiding Your Second City
Once you hit 450 population in your first city you will be ready to settle your second city. To do this you must first have completed 'Pioneering' city research which costs 1200 RP and takes about 12 hours to complete. You can actually complete this research very early in your gaming experience, however you may struggle to do so unless you have been sent a large amount of books. Once you have completed this research you should start training your settler as soon as possible. They cost 15000 gold, 8 horses, 20 beer and 10 saddles each to produce and require 4 days to train! Don't leave yourself having acquired the required population but having to wait a further 4 days to found your second city. Also if your are considering relocation of your capital now would be the time to do it before you send your settler.
15 Population Growth
The common misconception seems to be if you continuously upgrade your farms your population will increase by itself over time... WRONG! Every building has a food upkeep value. This can vary from 0 p/h for low level buildings to nearly 1500 p/h for buildings at their maximum level. Basically the higher a buildings food upkeep the greater the population it provides for your city. High food consumption buildings, therefore high population buildings, include the consulate, mage tower, common ground and paddock. If you are looking for a quick boost in population those are some of the buildings to consider but be sure to keep an eye on your food production though and build farms as needed.
16 Library and Research
You need your library to produce research points and also complete research. If you are lucky an older player will send you some books you can convert to research points in a care package. This will enable you to research at the start without having to wait for points to amass. You should aim to get you library up to about level 12 as quickly as possible. At this level you can produce enough research points to research continuously. If you time your builds and researches completely you can do this after accepting no more than 100 books. You can boost your research points by either visiting the Temple of Reason early in the game or completing the Ancestral Lineage Mystery at any point.

What are Mysteries?
Mysteries are special sites around the world map which when visited correctly can give you an added gaming boost. There are currently five mysteries I am aware of only three of which the community has solved. These mysteries are:

  • The Ancestral Statue Mystery (Solved)
  • The Steamtastic Brewery (Solved)
  • The Temple of Reason (Solved)
  • The Heart of Corruption (Unsolved)
  • The Fortune Teller Mystery (Unsolved)

There may well be further ones out there, in fact I would guarantee there are others hidden somewhere. I will cover mysteries at a later date either with another post myself or links to links to others how have.

Gathering in Illyriad

There are several different types of gathering in Illyriad. This information covers the basic differences and how to take part in each.

1) Caravan Harvesting (aka basic gathering)

Caravans can be used to gather goods outside of your city walls. 

Minimum researches required: Haggling

Buildings required: Marketplace

Units required: Caravans (created in Marketplace)

Items that can be gathered this way: 

   Food  Gold   Wood   Clay   Iron   Stone

Carrying capacity: The carrying capacity of your caravans is determined by your depth of research in the Improved Loading line of research

Gathering speed: The gathering speed of your caravans is determined by your depth of research in the Chain Gang line of research 

Limits: The number of caravans you can have in your town is determined by the level of your marketplace and the depth of your research in the Trading line of research

2) Cotter Harvesting (aka advanced gathering)

Cotters are used to collect certain special items outside of your city.

Minimum researches required: Haggling, Cotters, Foraging, Grape Picking

Buildings required: Marketplace, Cottage

Units required: Cotters (created in Marketplace)

Items that can be gathered this way:

Grapes  Herbs  Hides  Minerals

Carrying capacity: Each cotter can carry 100 items

Gathering speed: Each cotter will harvest at a rate of 5 per hour (7 per hour for humans) and will gather until their inventory is full, or they have exhausted the resource

Limits: The number of cotters you can have is determined by the number of cottages you have in your town. One cotter can be created per cottage and you can have multiple cottages in your town

3) Specialist Harvesting (aka skinning, herbalism, mining)

Specialist gatherers collect rare resources from throughout the world.

Minimum researches required: Haggling, Guilds, then depending on your chosen area of focus, Herbalists' Guilds & Herbalism, Miners's Guilds & Geology, Skinners' Guilds & Butchery

Buildings required: Marketplace, Herbalist' Guild and/or Miner's Guild and/or Skinner's Guild

Units required: Herbalist and/or Miner and/or Skinner (created in Marketplace)

Items that can be gathered this way:

 Rare Herbs (gathered by Herbalists)  Animal Parts (gathered by Skinners)  Rare Minerals (gathered by Miners)

Carrying capacity: Each specialist gatherer can carry 1 rare item

Gathering speed: Time it takes for the herbalist/miner/skinner to gather the items is dependent on the rarity of the item and will vary

Limits: The number of herbalists/miners/skinners you can have is determined by the level of their associated guild building, of which you can have multiples in your town



Step by step to gathering:

  1. Create the type of gatherer unit you'd like to use in your city
  2. Explore the world map for icons that display resources available on those squares (it may be helpful to turn off the map terrain feature to see them better)
  3. Click on the square on the map with a resource icon visible
  4. Choose "harvest resources" and send the appropriate unit to gather the type of resource available, using the information above
  5. The gatherer unit will then travel to the location and begin harvesting (movement speed to and from gathering squares can be sped up using prestige)
  6. Once they have landed on the square and begun harvesting, you will be able to see precisely which type of item your specialist gatherers (herbalists, miners and skinners) are harvesting on the Trade Movements page and in Notifications
  7. View their progress in harvesting on the Trade Movements page
  8. When they are finished, they will return home
  9. Check your notifications screen for important gathering-related information

Bumping, killing, over-harvesting and other useful information

Only one set, consisting of one type of gatherers can be on a single square at a time. This means, gatherers can be bumped off of a square they are working on by incoming gatherers that come in after them. 

Gatherers harvest in parallel. So if you send 3 cotters to a square instead of 1, in the same amount of time the group will harvest 300 items rather than just the 100 that one cotter can carry. 

Interrupted cotters will bring home what items they've completed gathering that are in their inventory.

Interrupted miners/skinners/herbalists will not bring home any items, because they are each only able to carry 1 item and will return home only after it is finished gathering. 

Check your notification screen for all information about gatherer units including interruptions, notifications if they have died, items that they have gathered and information about what remains on the square after they've finished harvesting there. 

Gatherer units can be attacked and killed by hostile armies. They can also be protected by NAP-ed armies on the same square. 

Scout squares with resource icons on them to learn more about precisely what type of resource is present and in what quantity.

Herbs, rare herbs and grapes are living items, meaning once depleted from a square, they will not return. They will spawn again elsewhere. Harvest these items with care if you want them to stay put.

Minerals and rare minerals live at fixed locations. If the square is depleted they will respawn at that same square. 

Hides and animal parts appear on squares where animals have been killed and will disappear once depleted. 

Trading in Illyriad (for dummies)

There are 2 ways to trade goods in Illyriad. They function for different purposes and are used to sell different types of items.

Universal terms and features to be aware of:

Caravans: These move your goods from one place to another

Buy Orders: This is an order placed by a buyer who decides a price they are willing to pay for an item, and places an order on the market stating the price they are willing to pay, and how many of an item they want to purchase

Sell Orders: This is an order placed on the market by a seller who has an item and wants to sell it at a certain price and quantity

1) Marketplace Trading (aka Ebay w/o auctions)

Marketplace trades are sales that take place between one player to another directly to/from their towns. There is no middle-man in the transaction.

Minimum researches required: Haggling

Buildings required: Marketplace

Units required: Caravans (created in Marketplace)

Items that can be sold this way: Wood, Clay, Iron, Stone, Food, Horses (basic), Livestock, Beer, Books, Spears (basic), Swords (basic), Bows (basic), Saddles, Leather Armor (basic), Chainmail Armor (basic), Plate Armor (basic), Siege Blocks

Market visibility: As of August 9, 2012, all marketplace orders can be seen anywhere on the map by anyone. There are no visibility limits. This will change eventually.

Taxes paid: 7.5% paid by the person with the goods (not the person with the gold). Tax is not refunded if the order is cancelled.

Quantity purchasable: Buy and sell orders must be accepted in full

2) Trading Via Trade Hubs (aka the Mall)

Trade Hubs are buildings controlled by NPC factions, placed throughout the map. You can use these hubs to set up a store (like at the mall) to sell specialty items to people within a limited area.

Minimum researches required: Guilds, Merchant’s Guild, Faction Markets, Trader, Trade Office, Procurement, Selling

Buildings required: Merchant’s Guild, Trade Office, Marketplace

Units required: Caravans and Traders (created in the Marketplace)

Items that can be sold this way: All items in game (basic resources, advanced resources, gatherables, crafted items, wine, everything)

Market visibility: You can see all trade hub offers on the nearest friendly/neutral faction hub to your town, all hubs that fall into your marketplace’s visibility range (with which you have > -35 faction standing) as well as all trade hub offers placed within hubs that you have a trader present. 

Taxes paid: A percentage of tax is paid based upon your standing with the faction at the hub, paid by the person with the goods (not the person with the gold). Tax is not refunded if the order is cancelled.

Quantity purchasable: Buy and sell orders can be accepted in full or as partial orders



Step by step to using a trade hub:

  1. Research the required technologies
  2. Build a trader in your marketplace
  3. Choose a trade hub in which you’d like to place your trader (Important factors to consider are distance and faction standing)
  4. Click on the trade hub on the map and choose “send trader”
  5. Click on the trade hub on the map and choose “send resources” to send the items you’d like to sell on the market (Also send along gold to pay tax)
  6. Review the “Faction Trade Hubs” page in game to see your items stored at hubs
  7. Visit the “Markets and Prices” page to see available offers and place either a buy or sell order
  8. Choose “place sell order” or “place buy order,” select the items you like to sell/buy, choose hub or town, set quantity and price per item, select “check”
  9. Review the order, tax rate and caravans required, then select either “confirm” or “cancel”
  10. Visit the “Faction Trade Hubs” page (or locate your items in the “Markets and Prices” page) to review or cancel any of your orders




An example of a trade empire set-up using multiple towns:

Town A (Your Trading Town) researches all relevant trade technologies, builds a Trader (or Traders) and places them in hubs. This town becomes your center of commerce. Towns B (Mining), C (Herbalism), D (Crafting) all research only the Merchant’s Guild and Faction Market technologies (with relation to advanced trade). They then harvest or craft their specialty goods and send them directly to the hubs that Town A has Traders within. Then the Trader(s) from Town A manage the sale of these goods on behalf of the towns that sent them. All of your towns then work together in a seamless trade operation.

Things to know about Trade Hub Trading:

Once you have researched Faction Markets, you can send goods to trade hubs. Find the locations of the hubs on the Faction page. BUT if you do not have a Trader present at the hub, the goods will sit there unretrievable and un-usable by you until you get a Trader there to interact with it. Storage is not limited.

Anyone who can see an offer on a Trade Hub can accept it. You can purchase sell orders and fill buy orders without a Trader in any hub.

You must have a Trader present in a Hub to make your own sell or buy orders on that market. Send a Trader to a hub by finding it on the map, clicking and choosing “send Trader.”

The cost to recruit additional Traders is account-based, not city based. Your first Trader, in the first town to create one, will not require Wine. The second trader (and any additional) will require Wine to produce, increasing with each trader. As Wine requires effort to produce, and may be scarce, choose the city placement of your traders wisely.

If you have a faction standing of -35 or lower with a faction at a hub, they will not trade with you. Choose hubs with higher faction standing for better tax rates. Visit the individual faction pages to see your standing and any hubs connected to that faction. There is currently (as of August 9, 2012) no way to change your faction standing.

Trader units have hourly gold upkeep costs.

Caravans are used to transport your goods to the trade hubs. They can then drop off the goods and come home. The person who purchases the goods from you will then use their own caravans to retrieve the goods from and transport gold to the hub.

Caravans can be sent to a hub to await orders.

Traders and caravans can be transferred from hub to hub directly, without having to come home first.

The number of buy orders you are able to place in trade hubs is determined by your Trade Office building level and the depth of your research in the Procurement line of research.

The number of sell orders you are able to place in trade hubs is determined by your Trade Office building level and the depth of your research in the Selling line of research.

These first two grids of information are borrowed froE Alliance profile page


Tracking Movement 

Stationary Unit = No arrows

1 arrow = 1-7 squares per hour

2 arrows = 8-16 squares per hour

3 arrows = 17-25 squares per hour

4 arrows = 26-41 squares per hour

5 arrows = 41+ squares per hour


Alliance Military Stats Armies
Available Trade Markets Available Trade Markets
Daily Bonus Diplomatic Orders
Mail Medal Cabinet
Mysteries Regional Factions Map
Research Tree Resource Summary
Trade Orders  
Game Overview
Guiding Principles
Races in Illyriad
Humans in Illyriad
Human Diplomats Human Military
Human Unit Costs Human Unit Stats
Dwarves in Illyriad
Dwarf Diplomats Dwarf Military
Dwarf Unit Costs Dwarf Unit Stats
Elves in Illyriad
Elf Diplomats Elf Military
Elf Unit Costs Elf Unit Stats
Orcs in Illyriad
Orc Diplomats Orc Military
Orc Unit Costs Orc Unit Stats
City Building in Illyriad
Diplomacy in Illyriad
Trade in Illyriad
Wars & Tournaments
Magic in Illyriad
Blights Geomancy
Bestiary in Illyriad
Mercenary Monstrous
Nature Undead
Forum Home Announcements
Help Topics Tutorial Videos
City Planner City Planner 2.0
City Development Magical 7 Food Mountain
New Buildings Moving Cities
Moving Your Capital Teleport vs Exodus
Tier 2 Buildings Where Do I Put My City?
ILLY FORUMS--Diplomacy
Complete Guide to Thieving I’ve Been Robbed!
Step by Step Guide to Using Illy Magic
Advanced Attacking Armies in Illyriad
Basic Military Development Basic Self Defense
Everything you need to know about commanders
How to Make a Bear Skin Rug Military Equipping
Military units: stat per upkeep NPC Difficulty Guide
Step by Step Guide to Starting an Army
Sieging an abandoned town Terrain bonuses
ILLY FORUMS--Miscellaneous
Choosing an Alliance
Effectiveness of Architects Office
Enforced AccountRemoval Guide for Fast Growth
Gypsy Fortune Teller Watch
Illyriad Data Feeds Illyriad Server Status
New Emoticons Overall Ranking and Score
Player and Town Growth Graphs Possible Paths in Illyriad
Profiles & Screenshots Seasons and Lunar Phases
Strategies, Tips and Tricks Workshop Specialization
Quest guide Step by Step Guide to Quests
ILLY FORUMS--Sovereignty
Coastal Sovereignty Guide to Sovereignty
Step by Step Guide to Claiming Sovereignty
Cotter Changes Gathering
Step by Step Guide to Harvesting Resources
Trade Hub Development Trading For Dummies
Building Charts City Buildings
Critters Chart Diplomatic Units
Game Features Humans
Human Units Human Unit Costs
Mysteries Nature (Races)
NPCs (Non-Playable_Characters)
Research Technologies Settler
Settling Requirements Sovereignty Research
Tools: Calculators Trade Research
Travel Calculator/Dispatch Timers
30 Day History Alliances
Close Towns Crafting Codes and Recipes
Illy Gems Maps
Suspended Towns Troops
Battle Calculator Chat Codes
City Pop/Taxes/Sov Calculator Combat Mechanics
General Sov Calc GuideScroll/Illyriad
How Do I Defend Myself? Illyriad Institute
Illyriad Resource Upgrades Learning with LadyLuvs
Moving Your City New Player Tips
Stolen By Suspended Players
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Full Script)

Posts from Ten Kulch's blog, Warmongering in Illyriad:

Interesting spots on the map

Duraz Karag
Fortress of Shadows
Heart of Corruption
Misted Lands
The Rift
Steamtastic Brewery
Temple of Reason

Heroic Human Statue

Scribe Name

Location 1

Location 2






























































Send spies to all locations above and you will receive, as reward, a Scribe of Allembine for each spied location (a spy unit with low upkeep [2 gold p/h] but high defensive value [120]).

6 Scribes required to spy 2 locations, do the first locations before the 2nd ones,

When a town collects all 20 scribes, that town gains discovery Allembine Research Techniques, which grants +5 research points hourly per Library Level.    





Selected Information Links:

City Development:
Building Charts:
Battle Calculator:


Here are instructions on how to send timed, coordinated attacks:

Go to and input as follows to find out when to send your army.

Under From, enter the X and  Y coordinates of the city you are sending from.

Under To, enter the X and Y coordinates of the target.

Under timezone offset, enter – or + and a number until the Server Time equals the Server Time in your game interface (top right below the mail icon).

Under movement Speed, enter the Travel Speed of your army (click on the target in the map and choose Send Army, below the order you will see your army Travel Speed (do not sent the army at this time).

Under Target Time, set the date and time of the desired arrival to the target.

If you did all this correctly, below the Target time you will start to see a clock counting down. The clock must be in black, if it is in red – there is something wrong.

When the clock counts down to zero you send your army.

Different armies with different speeds require different timers. You can open several timers that run simultaneously.

 Remember to give your armies an occupy order with maximum time: 14 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes. (unless ordered otherwise).

Always make sure you have messengers in every city to recall the armies once an operation ends.



The Crafting Quest

This quest begins after visiting the Fortune Teller and receiving a fortune that says you are seeking a racial-specific crafted item.

  • master-crafted chainmail

  • elven spirit bow

  • dwarven champion armour

  • orc marauder sword

In order to receive this quest from the Fortune Teller, complete all of the crafting research in one city and send advanced spies to the Fortune Teller before midnight server time, when her 4 locations change for the new day. There is only a 24 hour window for spies to reach the Fortune Teller, so they must be sent as soon as possilbe when the time changes to 00:00:00.

The number of times that a player needs to reach the Fortune Teller is at least once, but more likely at least twice. Confirmation of this would be appreciated.

Fortune Teller Locations

The 1st NPC message received from a visit to the Fortune Teller

From: System
Subject: FW: Fortune told for your mission from [city name]
Received: 28 Mar 2015 14:00
Original Message:
Your diplomatic mission from [city name] arrives at [14|594] in Wolgast.

The fortune teller's eyes go wide.

"I see you...

And I see your exceedingly skilled crafters.

Wait a moment."

She pauses in meditation, for what seems like hours, before suddenly jerking her head up and looking directly into your spies' eyes.

"You seek to learn the mystery of Master-Crafted Chainmail.

The next time I am with your kith, I will ask.

It will, however, cost you. Be prepared. I will be in touch."

Your diplomatic mission is heading home, alternately pondering and dismissing these words of wisdom

The 2nd NPC Message - Old Crone / Wizened Old Woman arrives – Prove Your Ability

This message is received a few days after the visit to the Fortune Teller.

From: System
Subject: FW: An old crone arrives at [city name]
Received: 05 Apr 2015 06:17
Original Message:
Your gatekeepers report that a wizened old woman arrived earlier in the day at [city name].

She did not enter the city but instead pressed a note into the hands of the gate officer, saying "Give this to your master. He is expecting it."

She left immediately without further word; shuffling off down the road with surprising speed.

The note reads:

"I have spoken with those whom I mentioned; those who guard the secret ways of Duraz Karag.

They may be willing to share their secret, if you prove yourself worthy.

If you still seek this knowledge then there are three tasks you must complete to prove your worth.

Firstly, you must prove your ability to collect unusual materials.

Procure the following items in the following quantities:

When you have at least these quantities of these items in your town's inventory, send a messenger   from [city name] to the great hall of Duraz Karag at [-203|-122] in Tor Carrock.

Do not fail in this, for your reputation is at risk." 

There is no signature on the note.

The 3rd NPC message – messenger visits Duraz Karag

Once all of the tentacles are collected, a messenger is sent to the ruins of Duraz Karag, which was a great kingdom of Dwarves who ruled during the Platinum Century of the Second Age. The dwarves claim a heritage that traces back 2000 years to the First Dwarf, however the great kingdom fell at the hands of the orcs who invaded their ancient homeland and drove them out and into the tunnels.

From: System
Subject: FW: Diplomats from [city name] visit The Ruins of Duraz Karag.
Received: 17 Apr 2015 18:42
Original Message:
Your diplomat walks quietly around the empty halls, his footsteps echoing in the silence underneath the arches of the ruined cathedral ceiling.

Spotting a gentle glow emanating behind a ruined pillar, he carefully and quietly peers behind the rubble.

His initial trepidation is replaced by a sense of wonderment as he sees the vague, shimmering outline of a great Dwarven warrior, resplendent in ancient armour. Despite the ghostly shape's clearly unnatural nature, he feels nothing but calm.

The translucent figure speaks with a deep, slow voice; although it appears his lips do not move.

" You have done well thus far, and may yet prove yourself worthy.

You must keep these terrible boils of corrupted flesh safe in your town.

I warn you. Do not send them out, do not transfer them away. Keep them safe whilst you prepare yourself.

When the dread corruption rises again, [city name] will be in dire peril. Secure this town as best you can; you may wish to seek assistance from your compatriots, as the onslaught will be swift and ruinous when the time comes.

Survive this test, and you will have but a single trial ahead of you before the secret will be yours. "

The mysterious figure fades into the background, and after searching the ruins thoroughly, your diplomat returns home.

NPC message received after sending a spy to the Heroic Human Statue at 761|-892 in Larn

He’s a warrior, you know, related to a great king. He’s on a sacred quest or something, on that mountain.

NPC message from visiting the mountain the elf described-39|-973 on Stormstone Island

... a heavily armed nobleman, looking out towards the west ...

"I have a duty to stay," the stranger announces. "My nephew hopes to found a dynasty, and prophecy tells that my great nephew will be a King.

That’s all very well. But this evil has been here for over a thousand years, and there are more important things than politics.

Our lands must be protected, not just conquered. So, I wait here, and I watch.

I have been here… oh, I don’t remember… it seems like a long, long time.

Sometimes I think that the evil stares back at me, that he watches me just as I watch him. For as long as that menace remains, I will keep guard here."

The first part tells us there is a quest. The second part tells us what to do. Osgaut is looking to the west, and due west of the volcano on Stormstone Isalnd is the Heart of Corruption. He tells us to look there. His nephew is King Sigurd's grandfather, who was the most likely culprit of caling for the cleansing. The 2 grandfathers and uncles who are honored with statues are the ones who estabished the kingdom, and to do that, they had to deal with the barbarians, northmen, greenskins, hobgoblins, giants, monstrous spieders, outlaws, and all kinds of things that threatened their homeland. They also expanded the kingdom into Kal Tirikan, and changed the politcal map.

At the foundation of the current dynasty, some 800 years ago, it is known that statues were erected across Illyria to the first King’s two Grandfathers and 18 Great Uncles, all of whom carried arms in the struggle to establish the dynasty.

The 'some 800 years ago' does not seem to coincide with the timeline of events, but it actually does make perfect sense. The Order of Allembine probably made a declaration that they were establishing a kingdom, crowned a king, and tnen proceeded to protect their lands from threats coming at them from all directins.

The Barbarians, Northmen and other tribes in the north raided villages and took prisoners. The hobgoblins need the prisoners for an annual event they call The Proving. The Centaurs did not take prisoners, although they trampled and stampeded over armies sent from by the Kings of Illyria, incuding Duke Viljamir of Norweld. Orcs and other monstrous races threaten their existance also, and oftne sent raids from the east and the northeastern parts of Elgea. To the south, the great kingdom of Duraz Karag had been destroyed by invading orcs and greenskins. And even farther south, the elves warred amongst themselves and their great empire also fell apart, and they continue to  war and hate each other to this day.

It makes sense that dealing with these issues and conflicts would take 200 years. So, they established the dynasty in the year 1, and then spent 200 years claiming and protecting their lands from varous menaces and threats.

In The Meeting, the current age we are in was declared to be the Age of Conquering, and that is the first mention of a name for it. Osgaut says we must protect, not just conquer. That tells us something ... but what exactly? We can't conquer the HoC so we protect ourselves from it? How do we do that?

And, is it even talking about the HoC?

Rulers wishing to assist might start by considering the statues of the King’s antecedents, which can be seen scattered about the lands.

The Order are hoping to confirm, from multiple sources, the names and any life details of these 20 royal forbears.

We have all 20 names, and a few details from the visits to the secondary locations. But some believe we need to figure out more about these men, and look back at the clues from the Heroic Human Statues quest.




Heroic Human Statue

Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2 Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2
Aldelbrecht -312|717 - Keldar 356|498 -
Asmorn -608|-189 - Lambercht -157|-298 -
Bjander-Thegn 910|-507 - Lindricht 471|228 -711|674
Braynard -102|1 949|-379 Oddric 232|345 -
Burkhardt 429|-931 - Osgaut 761|-892 -39|-973
Eberekt 516|505 - Raedborth -194|-687 -
Ferhonanth -485|-736 669|794 Regindalt 719|365 -
Fridholt 652|-265 -843|-310 Rikert 22|-85 -
Gunthar -4|10 - Tormand -569|-91 136|855
Haestin -377|-104 - Ulvelaik 399|-431 -

Send spies to all locations above and you will receive as reward a Scribe of Allembine for each spied location (6 Scribes require to spied 2 locations, do the first locations before the 2nd ones) .... Scribe of Allembine is a spy unit with low upkeep (2 gold p/h) but high defensive value (120) ..... When a town collect all 20 scribes, that town gain discovery Allembine Research Techniques, which grants +5 research points hourly per Library level.


Abandoned Towns


Heroic Human Statue

Chat Codes

Rare Minerals, Herbs, Animal Parts & Crafting Items

Building Charts

Sov Claims

Tavern Quest

Vote for Illy

Account Removal

Heart of Corruption

Misted Lands


Duraz Karag

Steamtasic Brewery

Temple of Reason

Fortress of Shadows


Some info



Highest population Buildings:

Archers Field 1796
Blacksmith 1497
Book Binder 1497
Cavalry Parade Grounds 1796
Carpentry 1497
Common Ground 1497
Consulate 1497
Fletcher 1497
Forge 1497
Foundry 1497
Kiln 1497
Mage Tower 1497
Paddock 1497
Saddle Maker 1497
Siege Workshop 1497
Spearmaker 1497
Stonemason 1497
Tannery 1497
Tavern 1497

Trade Office 2000




  Claristine Prestige Parchment 
  Deepsilver Prestige Page 
  Earthblood Prestige Tome
  Iceheart Light Sword, Spiked Sword, Iron-Banded Spear, Light Spear, Trident, Splintmail, Vanguard's Armour, Extra Light Chainmail, Light Chain Armour, Master-Crafted Chainmail, Reinforced Chainmail, Light Platemail, Reinforced Platemail
  Obsidian Obsidian Blade, Obsidian-Tipped Spear, Obsidian Platemail
  Pyrestone Prestige Scrap
  Rainbow Stone Prestige Scroll
  Silversteel Silversteel Sword, Silversteel Spear, Silversteel Chainmail, Dwarven Champion's, Silversteel Platemail
  Svelaugh Sand Prestige Book 
  Trove Prestige Codex
  Ancient Oak Boar Spear, Dragon Spear, Trident
  Brascan Seeds Extra Heavy Armour, Hardened Leather, Master-Crafted Chainmail
  Brownback Moss Prestige Scroll
  Ebony Wood Ebony-Hilt Sword, Ebony Bow, Ebony Spear
  Furzion Seedpod Prestige Page
  Giant Palm Leaves Desert Armour, Desert Chainmail, Master-Crafted Chainmail, Desert Platemail
  Ironstem Root Prestige Tome
  Larken Wood Elven Spirit Bow, Poacher's Bow 
  Lemonwood Bough Three-Wood Bow 
  Pale Cedar Wood Three-Wood Bow 
  Rahan Palm Desert Pike
  Queen's Hair Leaves Over-Padded Armour; Over-Padded Chainmail; Under-Padded Platemail 
  Sharproot Prestige Scrap
  Silverthorn Prestige Parchment 
  Spidertree Leaves Cloth-Backed Leather, Cloth-Backed Chainmail
  Suntree Haft Prestige Codex
  Vistrok Flowers Prestige Book
  Air Salt Chitin-Cored Bow, Ebony Bow, Hero's Bow, Composite Bow, Leopard Gut Bow, Mammoth Tusk Bow, Dragon Spear
  Earth Salt Extra Heavy Armour, Midnight Armour, Sun-Burnished Armour, Extra-Heavy Chainmail, Silversteel Chainmail, Ancient Pattern Armour, Dwarven Champion's Armour, Obsidian Platemail, Silversteel Platemail
  Fire Salt Obsidian Blade, Orc Marauder's Sword, Reinforced Sword, Silversteel Sword, Spiked Sword
  Water Salt Desert Pike, Harpoon-Spear, Iron-Banded Spear, Jungle Hunter's Spear, Obsidian-Tipped Spear, Silversteel Spear 
  Anaconda Skin Jungle Bow, Jungle Spear
  Arctic Wolf Fur Fur-Lined Chainmail
  Arctic Wolf Tooth Harpoon-Spear
  Baboon Fur Seaxe, Rapid-Draw Bow, Dueling Spear
  Black Bear Fur Mountain-Tribe's Sword, Hero's Bow
  Black Panther Fur Midnight Armour
  Brown Bear Fur High-power bow; Mountain Bow; Mountain Spear
  Brown Bear Heart Prestige Scroll
  Fire Salamander Skin Arctic Bow; Arctic Spear
  Gharial Tooth Fang-Barbed Sword; Fang-Barbed Spear; Spiked Platemail
  Giant Beetle Carapace Animal-Scale Armour; Highland Armour; Highland Chainmail; Highland Plate Mail
  Giant Rat Fur Short Sword; Hunter's Bow; Woodsman's Bow; Forrester's Spear
  Giant Rat Heart Prestige Scrap
  Giant Scorpion Exoskeleton Plainsman's Armour; Plainsman's Platemail
  Giant Scuttler Exoskeleton Razor-Edged Sword; Razor-Edged Spear
  Giant Scuttler Heart Prestige Codex
  Golden Monkey Fur Jungle Armour; Jungle Platemail; Jungle Chainmail
  Ice Salamander Skin Desert Bow; Desert Spear
  Jaguar Fur Longsword; Battle Spear
  Leopard Entrail  Leopard Gut Bow
  Mammoth Tusk Mammoth Tusk Bow
  Poisonous Crawler Exoskeleton Animal-Scale Armour; Upland Armour; Hillsman's Chainmail; Upland Platemail
  Poisonous Crawler Mandible Chitin-Crafted Shortsword
  Polar Bear Fur Fur-Lined Platemail
  Puma Fur Battle Sword; Marksman's Bow; Defender's Spear
  Salamander Fang Fang-Tipped Spear
  Scaled Charger Heart Prestige Tome
  Scaled Charger Scale Animal-Scale Armour; Forester's Armour; Plainsman's Chainmail; Woodsman's Chainmail; Forester's Platemail
  Scaled Charger Vertebra Barbarian Sword; Plains Bow; Plainsman's Spear
  Scritcher Carapace Chitin-Cored Bow
  Scritcher Heart Prestige Book
  Simien Wolf Fur Extra Light Armour; Light Leather
  Snow Leopard Fur Fur-Lined Armour
  Wild Dog Bone Bone Handled Sword; Machete; Scimitar
  Wild Dog Fur Adventurer's Sword; Hillsman's Bow; Hill-Tribe Spear; Jungle Hunter's Spear
  Wild Dog Heart Prestige Parchment
  Wolf Heart Prestige Page
  Wolf Tooth Orc Marauder's Sword
  Wolf Fur Sabre; Long-Draw Bow; Pike






Wild Dogs


Dogs, Wild

Giant Rats


Rats, Giant

Golden Monkeys


Monkeys, Golden

Giant Beetles


Beetles, Giant







Black Bears


Bears, Black

Massive Scarabs


Scarabs, Massive

Simien Wolves


Wolves, Simien

Brown Bears


Bears, Brown







Coral Snakes


Snakes, Coral

Snow Leopards


Leopards, Snow

Arctic Wolves


Wolves, Arctic
















Polar Bears


Bears, Polar

Ice Salamanders


Salamanders, Ice




Giant Spiders


Spiders, Giant







Poisonous Crawlers


Crawlers, Poisonous

Fire Salamanders


Salamanders, Fire

Giant Scorpions


Scorpions, Giant

Black Panthers


Panthers, Black

Giant Snakes


Snakes, Giant

Scaled Chargers


Chargers, Scaled

Giant Scuttlers


Scuttlers, Giant

Roaming Trolls


Trolls, Roaming




White Tigers


Tigers, White

















Illyriad City Planner

City Planner Example


Google Doc Sheet with several useful Illary info and tools


last 30 day growth

crafting excel



