

Dwarf Male
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Dwarf Male Character Portrait


Chronicles of Nchuleft                                                                                                             

23.The Death of Lord Ihlendam

It happened in Second Planting(P.D.1220)that Lord Ihlendam,on a journey in the Western Uplands, came to Nchuleft; and Protector Anchard and General Rkunsthunch met him there, and Dalen-Zanchu also came to the meeting.They talked together long by themselves; but this only was known of their buisness, that they were to be friends of each other.They parted, and each went home to his own colony.

Bluthanch and her sons came to hear of this meeting, and saw in this secret meeting a treasonable plot against the Councils; and they often talked of this among themselves.When spring came, the Councils proclaimed, as usual, a Council Meet, in the halls of Bamz-Amschend.The people accordingly assembled, handfasted with ale and song, drinking bravely, and much and many things were talked over at the drink-table, and, among other things, were comparisons between different dwarves, and at last among the Councilors themselves.

One said that Lord Ihlendam Excelled his fellow Councilors by far, and in every way.At this Councilor Bluthanch was very angry, and said that she was in no way less than Lord Ihlendam, and that she was eager to prove it.Instantly both parties were so infamed that they challenged each other to battle, and ran to their arms.But some citizens who were less drunk, and more understanding, came between them, and quieted them; and each went back to his colony, but nobody expected they would ever meet in peace again together.

But then, in the fall, Lord Ihlendam received a message from Councilor Bluthanch, inviting him to a parlay at Hendor-Stardumz.And all Ihlendam's kin and citizens strongly urged him not to come, fearing treachery, but Lord Ihlendam would not lister to counsel, not ever to carring with him his honor guard.And sadly, it came to pass that, while traveling to Hendor-Stardumz, in Chinzing Pass, a host of foul creatures set upon Lord Ihlendam and killed him, and all of his party.And many citizens said thereafter that Bluthanch and her sons had conjured these beasts and set them upon Lord Ihlendam, but nothing was proven.Lord Ihlendam lies buried at a place called Leftunch.

Dwarves and mountains have one thing in common: it takes an almighty hammer and a tremendous persistence to overcome them.(traditional saying from the Murk region, northeast Idoslane)

Fleeing from an angry dwarf requires fleetness of foot.For consider this: the target of dwarven wrath must be capable of outstripping the irate warrior's ax. Those lucky enough to escape with their lives should take pains to alter their appearance.The dwarven memory is dangerously good. Evan after twenty cycles the threat remains and no one can predict when the chamber might ring with vengeful dwarven laughter as a tankard smashes against the offender's head.

From "Notes on the Races of Girdlegard:Singularities and Oddities"from the archive of Viransiensis, Kingdom of Tabain, compiled by the Master of Folklore M.A.Het in the 4299th Cycle

Death came for the dwarf and tried to take him, whereupon the warrior squared his shoulders, dug his heels against the granite floor, and told him to go.Death turned around and left.

Apologue from the southern provinces of Sangpur

Impressive height or exceptional length of a limb is not the be all and end all of a creature.What I say is: the taller you are, the more likely you are to get hit!

Boindil "Ireheart", Doubleblade of the Firstling Clan of the Swinging Axes

The Formation of Prince Ulther's Dragon Company

King Ulfar Stonehammer of Karak-Ungor lay dying.Relatives and retainers were gathered round his bed with its four dragon-topped posts, chewing their beards in grief.

"Where is my son?" he croaked.A servant hurried to the Prince's apartments, and after a few minutes Prince Ulther entered the chamber, whistling cheerfully.

"Hello, father, "he said, "Still here, then?"

"My son, "croaked the king, "I leave to you the rulership of Karak-Ungor"-there was an uncomfortable shuffling among the retainers-"And I leave you my war-axe, with the dragon-etched blade..."

"Not the hammer?"interrupter the Prince.

"Watch it or you won't get the axe."


"That's better.And I leave you a duty.Years ago, I swore never to rest until the Chaos Dwarves were no more.I pass that oath to you.And my oath to exterminate the Goblins and their kin.You shall not rest until your task is done, and Karak-Ungor shall be ruled in your absence by my Chancellor, Gorm the Wise..."

The king was interrupted by a collective sigh from his retainers.

"You shall be called the Dragon Company."he continued, "Take for a standard a dragon-carved post from your father's deathbed..."


"Not now!"spluttered the king, from beneath the fallen canopy of his bed, "Oh,what's the use?"And with that, he died.



