

Dwarf Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Female Character Portrait

Its a long way in this world - more so with a Dwarf with short legs!!!

Will think of something more profound

Here to grow peacefully and assisst new players as I have been assissted since joining the game.

Please respect the 10 square boundry around my cities  and do not harvest settle or encamp within. Message me if you wish to attack animals/underworld armies inside 10 squares and I will consider your request.

Many thanks to Frances of Oz for the following information:

The Illyraid Book link

Attack and Defence Timing Link

War Minister link


Helpful links all should have

Label Minimum Maximum
Few 1 3
Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
Gathering 129 227
Horde 228 462
Throng 463 815
Host 816 2,500
Legion 2,501 9,999
Myriad 10,000 24,999
Sea 25,000 49,999
Cornucopia 50,000 -



Requirements to Settle Towns
# Settlers Population
2nd 1 450
3rd 2 2,000
4th 3 5,000
5th 4 10,000
6th 5 20,000
7th 6 40,000
8th 7 75,000
9th 8 130,000
10th 9 233,550


Terrain Combat Multipliers

Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -50 20 40 5
Large Forest -15 5 30 -20
Large Hill -15 0 10 10
Large Mountain -30 0 15 15
Plains 30 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 0 0 0
Small Mountain -20 0 5 10


Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -45 25 30 15
Large Forest -15 5 25 -20
Large Hill -10 10 5 15
Large Mountain -30 20 5 30
Plains 25 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 5 5 5
Small Mountain -15 15 5 15




Race Troop Cost Time Atck Defense
Spear Bow Sword Cav
Elves Protectors 1 5.17 6 11 4 10 13
Phalanxes 2 7.67 15 15 10 15 30
Wardens 2 6.58 21 14 12 14 14
Wardancers 3 7.50 33 19 19 20 20
Sentinels 2 6.25 20 23 24 23 16
Trueshots 3 10.00 32 36 36 34 25
Swiftsteeds 3 11.67 36 13 13 20 21
Marshals 4 13.33 59 19 18 27 28
Humans Militiaman 1 5.00 7 11 4 11 13
Pikeman 2 7.50 16 17 11 17 29
Swordsman 2 6.42 22 13 10 15 14
Man-at-Arms 3 7.50 35 20 18 21 19
Archer 2 6.25 16 21 22 20 13
Longbowman 3 10.00 24 33 32 32 20
Charioteer 3 11.67 37 15 16 20 21
Knight 4 13.33 65 20 19 28 28
Dwarves Yeoman 1 5.67 7 12 4 13 13
Halbardier 2 7.33 16 17 13 17 29
Axman 2 6.50 27 14 11 17 14
Stalwart 3 8.00 42 20 18 21 17
Slinger 2 6.50 15 21 22 20 13
Crossbowman 3 10.00 26 32 31 30 21
Packsman 3 11.67 32 15 15 10 23
Runerider 4 13.33 57 21 20 26 29
Orcs Kobold Cohort 1 3.08 9 12 6 12 13
Clan Guardsman 2 7.42 19 18 11 18 33
Fang 2 4.25 22 14 11 15 14
Fist 3 7.00 36 18 17 18 19
Clanguard 2 6.33 17 19 21 20 12
Death Dealer 3 10.00 26 31 30 30 20
Wolfrider 3 11.67 34 14 14 20 24
Death Pack 4 13.33 59 21 19 28 29




Unit Vision Ranges:

    • Scouts 1.9
    • Rangers 4.1
    • Agents 2.6
    • Spymasters 3.6
    • Waysmen 1.6
    • Farseers 4.2
    • Trackers 1.6
    • Outriders 2.8
    • Sentries 1.7
    • Watchers 4.4
    • Observers 2.7
    • Keepers of Secrets 4.2
    • Goblin Spies 2.9
    • Listeners In The Dark 3.0
    • Hunters 2.9
    • Stalkers 4.0




Mountains favour ranged units and nimble spearmen, and penalise cavalry heavily. Attacking swordsmen are also hampered by the passes, gulleys and canyons that make frontal assaults more difficult.

Hills also benefit ranged units and spearmen to a lesser extent, and still penalise cavalry, but also to a lesser extent. Swordsmen are largely unaffected by hilly terrain.

Forests penalise ranged units and cavalry due to the foliage, but swordsmen and spearmen love all the opportunities for cover and ambush.

Plains provide the opportunity for cavalry to shine - their ability to maneuver makes them the masters of open flat space. Lightly armoured spearmen dislike the open terrain of plains, where they are easier targets for cavalry and archers


Alliance Military Stats Armies
Available Trade Markets Available Trade Markets
Daily Bonus Diplomatic Orders
Mail Medal Cabinet
Mysteries Regional Factions Map
Research Tree Resource Summary
Trade Orders  
Game Overview
Guiding Principles
Races in Illyriad
Dwarves in Illyriad
Elves in Illyriad
Orcs in Illyriad
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City Planner City Planner 2.0
City Development Magical 7 Food Mountain
New Buildings Moving Cities
Moving Your Capital Teleport vs Exodus
Tier 2 Buildings Where Do I Put My City?
ILLY FORUMS--Diplomacy
Complete Guide to Thieving I’ve Been Robbed!
Step by Step Guide to Using Illy Magic
Advanced Attacking Armies in Illyriad
Basic Military Development Basic Self Defense
Everything you need to know about commanders
How to Make a Bear Skin Rug Military Equipping
Military units: stat per upkeep NPC Difficulty Guide
Step by Step Guide to Starting an Army
Sieging an abandoned town Terrain bonuses
ILLY FORUMS--Miscellaneous
Choosing an Alliance
Effectiveness of Architects Office
Enforced AccountRemoval Guide for Fast Growth
Gypsy Fortune Teller Watch
Illyriad Data Feeds Illyriad Server Status
New Emoticons Overall Ranking and Score
Player and Town Growth Graphs Possible Paths in Illyriad
Profiles & Screenshots Seasons and Lunar Phases
Strategies, Tips and Tricks Workshop Specialization
Quest guide Step by Step Guide to Quests
ILLY FORUMS--Sovereignty
Coastal Sovereignty Guide to Sovereignty
Step by Step Guide to Claiming Sovereignty
Cotter Changes Gathering
Step by Step Guide to Harvesting Resources
Trade Hub Development Trading For Dummies
Building Charts City Buildings
Critters Chart Diplomatic Units
Game Features Humans
Human Units Human Unit Costs
Mysteries Nature (Races)
NPCs (Non-Playable_Characters)
Research Technologies Settler
Settling Requirements Sovereignty Research
Tools: Calculators Trade Research
Travel Calculator/Dispatch Timers
30 Day History Alliances
Close Towns Crafting Codes and Recipes
Illy Gems Maps
Suspended Towns Troops
Battle Calculator Chat Codes
City Pop/Taxes/Sov Calculator Combat Mechanics
Departure/Attack Times DillyTools
General Sov Calc GuideScroll/Illyriad
How Do I Defend Myself? Illyriad Institute
Illyriad Resource Upgrades Learning with LadyLuvs
Moving Your City New Player Tips
Stolen By Suspended Players


Statue Spots

01   -312|717
02   -608|-189
03   910|-507
04   -102|1 then 949|-379
05   429|-931
06   516|505
07   -485|-736 then 669|794
08   652|-265 then -843|-310
09   -4|10
10   -377|-104
11   356|498
12   -157|-298
13   471|228 then -711|674
14   232|345
15   761|-892 then -39|-973
16   -194|-687
17   719|365
18   22|-85
19   -569|-91 then 136|855
20   399|-431



Graphic Name Crafting Products
  Arterium War Axe, Reinforced Sword, Thick-Ring Chainmail, Dwarven Champion's
  Iceheart Light Sword, Spiked Sword, Iron-Banded Spear, Light Spear, Trident, Splintmail, Vanguard's Armour, Extra Light Chainmail, Light Chain Armour, Master-Crafted Chainmail, Reinforced Chainmail, Light Platemail, Reinforced Platemail
  Obsidian Obsidian Blade, Obsidian-Tipped Spear, Obsidian Platemail
  Silversteel Silversteel Sword, Silversteel Spear, Silversteel Chainmail, Dwarven Champion's, Silversteel Platemail
  Ancient Oak Boar Spear, Dragon Spear, Trident
  Brascan Seeds Extra Heavy Armour, Hardened Leather, Master-Crafted Chainmail
  Ebony Wood Ebony-Hilt Sword, Ebony Bow, Ebony Spear
  Giant Palm Leaves Desert Armour, Desert Chainmail, Master-Crafted Chainmail, Desert Platemail
  Larken Wood Elven Spirit Bow, Poacher's Bow
  Lemonwood Bough Three-Wood Bow
  Pale Cedar Wood Three-Wood Bow
  Queen's Hair Leaves Over-Padded Armour; Over-Padded Chainmail; Under-Padded Platemail
  Spidertree Leaves Cloth-Backed Leather, Cloth-Backed Chainmail
  Air Salt Chitin-Cored Bow, Ebony Bow, Hero's Bow, Composite Bow, Leopard Gut Bow, Mammoth Tusk Bow, Dragon Spear
  Earth Salt Extra Heavy Armour, Midnight Armour, Sun-Burnished Armour, Extra-Heavy Chainmail, Silversteel Chainmail, Ancient Pattern Armour, Dwarven Champion's Armour, Obsidian Platemail, Silversteel Platemail
  Fire Salt Obsidian Blade, Orc Marauder's Sword, Reinforced Sword, Silversteel Sword, Spiked Sword
  Water Salt Desert Pike, Harpoon-Spear, Iron-Banded Spear, Jungle Hunter's Spear, Obsidian-Tipped Spear, Silversteel Spear
  Anaconda Skin Jungle Bow, Jungle Spear
  Arctic Wolf Fur Fur-Lined Chainmail
  Arctic Wolf Tooth Harpoon-Spear
  Baboon Fur Seaxe, Rapid-Draw Bow, Dueling Spear
  Black Bear Fur Mountain-Tribe's Sword, Hero's Bow
  Black Panther Fur Midnight Armour
  Brown Bear Fur High-power bow; Mountain Bow; Mountain Spear
  Fire Salamander Skin Arctic Bow; Arctic Spear
  Gharial Tooth Fang-Barbed Sword; Fang-Barbed Spear; Spiked Platemail
  Giant Beetle Carapace Animal-Scale Armour; Highland Armour; Highland Chainmail; Highland Plate Mail
  Giant Rat Fur Short Sword; Hunter's Bow; Woodsman's Bow; Forrester's Spear
  Giant Scorpion Exoskeleton Plainsman's Armour; Plainsman's Platemail
  Giant Scuttler Exoskeleton Razor-Edged Sword; Razor-Edged Spear
  Golden Monkey Fur Jungle Armour; Jungle Platemail; Jungle Chainmail
  Ice Salamander Skin Desert Bow; Desert Spear
  Jaguar Fur Longsword; Battle Spear
  Leopard Entrail Leopard Gut Bow
  Mammoth Tusk Mammoth Tusk Bow
  Poisonous Crawler Exoskeleton Animal-Scale Armour; Upland Armour; Hillsman's Chainmail; Upland Platemail
  Poisonous Crawler Mandible Chitin-Crafted Shortsword
  Polar Bear Fur Fur-Lined Platemail
  Puma Fur Battle Sword; Marksman's Bow; Defender's Spear
  Salamander Fang Fang-Tipped Spear
  Scaled Charger Scale Animal-Scale Armour; Forester's Armour; Plainsman's Chainmail; Woodsman's Chainmail; Forester's Platemail
  Scaled Charger Vertebra Barbarian Sword; Plains Bow; Plainsman's Spear
  Scritcher Carapace Chitin-Cored Bow
  Simien Wolf Fur Extra Light Armour; Light Leather
  Snow Leopard Fur Fur-Lined Armour
  Wild Dog Bone Bone Handled Sword; Machete; Scimitar
  Wild Dog Fur Adventurer's Sword; Hillsman's Bow; Hill-Tribe Spear; Jungle Hunter's Spear
  Wolf Tooth Orc Marauder's Sword
  Wolf Fur Sabre; Long-Draw Bow; Pike
Alliance Military Stats
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Medal Cabinet
Regional Factions Map
Research Tree
Resource Summary
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Game Overview
Guiding Principles
Races in Illyriad
Humans in Illyriad
Human Diplomats
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Human Unit Costs
Human Unit Stats
Dwarves in Illyriad
Dwarf Diplomats
Dwarf Military
Dwarf Unit Costs
Dwarf Unit Stats
Elves in Illyriad
Elf Diplomats
Elf Military
Elf Unit Costs
Elf Unit Stats
Orcs in Illyriad
Orc Diplomats
Orc Military
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Orc Unit Stats
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Trade in Illyriad
Wars & Tournaments
Magic in Illyriad
Bestiary in Illyriad
Forum Home
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City Planner
City Planner 2.0
City Development
Magical 7 Food Mountain
New Buildings
Moving Cities
Moving Your Capital and Why Not To Do It Now
Teleport vs Exodus
Tier 2 Buildings
Where Do I Put My City? A Guide to Real Estate
ILLY FORUMS--Diplomacy
Complete Guide to Thieving
I’ve Been Robbed!
Step by Step Guide to Using Illy Magic
Advanced Attacking
Armies in Illyriad
Basic Military Development for New Players
Basic Self Defense for New Players
Everything you need to know about commanders
How to Make a Bear Skin Rug
Military Equipping
Military units: stat per upkeep
NPC Difficulty Guide
Step by Step Guide to Starting an Army
Sieging an abandoned town
Terrain bonuses
ILLY FORUMS--Miscellaneous
Choosing an Alliance
Effectiveness of an Architects Office
Enforced AccountRemoval
Guide for Fast Growth
Gypsy Fortune Teller Watch
Illyriad Data Feeds
Illyriad Server Status
New Emoticons
Overall Ranking and Score
Player and Town Growth Graphs
Possible Paths in Illyriad
Profiles & Screenshots
Seasons and Lunar Phases
Strategies, Tips and Tricks
Workshop Specialization
Quest guide
Step by Step Guide to Quests
ILLY FORUMS--Sovereignty
Coastal Sovereignty
Forbidden Sovereignty (Discussion)
Guide to Sovereignty
Step by Step Guide to Claiming Sovereignty
Cotter Changes
Step by Step Guide to Harvesting Resources
Trade Hub Development
Trading For Dummies
Building Charts
City Buildings
Critters Chart
Diplomatic Units
Game Features
Human Units
Human Unit Costs
Nature (Races)
NPCs (Non-Playable_Characters)
Research Technologies
Settling Requirements
Sovereignty Research
Tools: Calculators
Trade Research
Travel Calculator/Dispatch Timers
30 Day History
Close Towns
Crafting Codes and Recipes
Illy Gems
Suspended Towns
Battle Calculator
Chat Codes
City Pop/Taxes/Sov Calculator
Combat Mechanics
General Sov Calc
How Do I Defend Myself?
Illyriad Helper (Forum)
Illyriad Helper (Site)
Illyriad Institute
Illyriad Resource Upgrades
Learning with LadyLuvs
Moving Your City
New Player Tips
Stolen By
Suspended Players
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Full Script)



Town Settler Population
2nd 1 450
3rd 2 2000
4th 3 5000
5th 4 10000
6th 5 20000
7th 6 40000
8th 7 75000
9th 8 130000
10th 9 233550
11th 10 263550
12th 11 294550
13th 12 326550
14th 13 359550
15th 14 393550
16th 15 428550
17th 16 464550
18th 17 501550
19th 18 539550
20th 19 578550
21st 20 618550
22nd 21 659550
23rd 22 701550
24th 23 744550
25th 24 788550
26th 25 833550
27th 26 879550
28th 27 926550
29th 28 974550
30th 29 1023550
31st 30 1073550
32nd 31 1124550
33rd 32 1176550
34th 33 1229550
35th 34 1283550
36th 35 1338550
37th 36 1394550
38th 37 1451550
39th 38 1509550
40th 39 1568550
41st 40 1628550
42nd 41 1689550