
Zaphod B

Human Male
Human Male Character Portrait


Storehouse Capacities:




Storage Capacity
per Resource Type

Res Req Build Time
1 50 0:30 1,500
2 80 1:30 1,700
3 126 4:00 2,100
4 197 9:00 2,900
5 303 20:00 4,300
6 461 40:00:00 6,500
7 692 1:10:00 9,700
8 1024 2:00:00 14,100
9 1496 3:12:00 19,900
10 2154 4:47:00 27,300
11 3059 7:00:00 36,500
12 4282 9:00:00 47,700
13 5910 11:40:00 61,100
14 8037 15:00:00 76,900
15 10770 19:00:00 95,300
Costs and Capacities
Level Build Cost Upkeep Storage Capacity
per Resource Type
Wood Clay Iron Stone Time Stone per Hour Food per Hour
1 50 50 50 50 0:30 - - - - 1/h 1,500
2 80 80 80 80 1:30 - - - - 1/h 1,700
3 126 126 126 126 4:00 - - - - 2/h 2,100
4 197 197 197 197 9:00 - - - - 3/h 2,900
5 303 303 303 303 20:00 - - - - 4/h 4,300
6 461 461 461 461 40:00 - - - - 5/h 6,500
7 692 692 692 692 1:10:00 - - - - 6/h 9,700
8 1,024 1,024 1,024 1,024 2:00:00 - - - - 7/h 14,100
9 1,496 1,496 1,496 1,496 3:12:00 - - - - 8/h 19,900
10 2,154 2,154 2,154 2,154 4:47:00 - - - - 9/h 27,300
11 3,059 3,059 3,059 3,059 7:00:00 - - - - 10/h 36,500
12 4,282 4,282 4,282 4,282 9:00:00 - - - - 12/h 47,700
13 5,910 5,910 5,910 5,910 11:40:00 - - - - 14/h 61,100
14 8,037 8,037 8,037 8,037 15:00:00 - - - - 16/h 76,900
15 10,770 10,770 10,770 10,770 19:00:00 - - - - 18/h 95,300





Harvest up to 100 ea.

Need  Foraging Researched.

Cotter -w- Grape picking and/or Scavenging Researched


Harvest  1 ea.

Need Butchery Researched



Harvest 1ea.

Need Geology Researched



Harvest 1 ea.

Need Herbalism Researched



NPC Encounter Group Sizes

Size Min Max
A Few 1 3
A Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
A Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
A Gathering 129 227
A Horde 228 462
A Throng 463 815
A Host 816 2,500
A Legion 2,501 9,999
A Myriad 10,000 24,999
A Sea 25,000 49,999
A Cornucopia 50,000+


Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -50 20 40 5
Large Forest -15 5 30 -20
Large Hill -15 0 10 10
Large Mountain -30 0 15 15
Plains 30 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 0 0 0
Small Mountain -20 0 5 10
Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -45 25 30 15
Large Forest -15 5 25 -20
Large Hill -10 10 5 15
Large Mountain -30 20 5 30
Plains 25 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 5 5 5
Small Mountain -15 15 5




Resource Upkeep at Lvl 20
Building Wood Clay Iron Stone
Archers' Field 2700   1100  
Assassins' Abode     3100 1900
Cavalry Parade Ground 1100 2700    
Foreign Office   400 800 1600
Geomancers' Retreat 700 2300   1500
Infantry Quarters     1100 2700
Runemasters' Grounding   900   1700
Saboteurs' Sanctuary 2700 1500    
Scouts' Lookout 700 1500    
Spearmen's Billets   2700 1100  
Spies Hideout 700 1100   1100
Thieves' Den 1700 1100 1700  
Trade Office 2800 690   1580
Chancery of Estates 800 3200   160

















Time Lvl 20 Barracks

Gold Cost P/H



[@i=5|48] Spear Protectors 5.17 1
[@i=5|49] Spear Phalanxes 7.67 2
[@i=5|58] Swords Wardens 6.58 2
[@i=5|59] Swords Wardancers 7.5 3
[@i=5|68] Archers Sentinels 6.25 2
[@i=5|69] Archers Trueshots 10 3
[@i=5|78] Cavalry Swiftsteeds 11.67 3
[@i=5|79] Cavalry Marshals 13.33 4


[@i=5|46] Spear Militiaman 5 1
[@i=5|47] Spear Pikeman 7.5 2
[@i=5|56] Swords Swordsman 6.42 2
[@i=5|57] Swords Man-at-Arms 7.5 3
[@i=5|66] Archers Archer 6.25 2
[@i=5|67] Archers Longbowman 10 3
[@i=5|76] Cavalry Charioteer 11.67 3
[@i=5|77] Cavalry Knight 13.33 4


[@i=5|50] Spear Yeoman 5.67 1
[@i=5|51] Spear Halbardier 7.33 2
[@i=5|60] Swords Axman 6.5 2
[@i=5|61] Swords Stalwart 8 3
[@i=5|70] Archers Slinger 6.5 2
[@i=5|71] Archers Crossbowman 10 3
[@i=5|80] Cavalry Packsman 11.67 3
[@i=5|81] Cavalry Runerider 13.33 4


[@i=5|52] Spear Kobold Cohort 3.08 1
[@i=5|53] Spear Clan Guardsman 7.42 2
[@i=5|62] Swords Fang 4.25 2
[@i=5|63] Swords Fist 7 3
[@i=5|72] Archers Clanguard 6.33 2
[@i=5|73] Archers Death Dealer 10 3
[@i=5|82] Cavalry Wolfrider 11.67 3
[@i=5|83] Cavalry Death Pack 13.33 4

Illy Spreadsheets:

Resource Locator 

Statue Quests 

Theives Capacity



Tracking Movement 

Stationary Unit = No arrows

1 arrow = 1-7 squares per hour

2 arrows = 8-16 squares per hour

3 arrows = 17-25 squares per hour

4 arrows = 26-41 squares per hour

5 arrows = 41+ squares per hour






Alliance Military Stats Armies
Available Trade Markets Available Trade Markets
Daily Bonus Diplomatic Orders
Mail Medal Cabinet
Mysteries Regional Factions Map
Research Tree Resource Summary
Trade Orders  
Game Overview
Guiding Principles
Races in Illyriad
Dwarves in Illyriad
Elves in Illyriad
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City Building in Illyriad
Diplomacy in Illyriad
Trade in Illyriad
Wars & Tournaments
Magic in Illyriad
Bestiary in Illyriad
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City Planner City Planner 2.0
City Development Magical 7 Food Mountain
New Buildings Moving Cities
Moving Your Capital Teleport vs Exodus
Tier 2 Buildings Where Do I Put My City?
ILLY FORUMS--Diplomacy
Complete Guide to Thieving I’ve Been Robbed!
Step by Step Guide to Using Illy Magic
Advanced Attacking Armies in Illyriad
Basic Military Development Basic Self Defense
Everything you need to know about commanders
How to Make a Bear Skin Rug Military Equipping
Military units: stat per upkeep NPC Difficulty Guide
Step by Step Guide to Starting an Army
Sieging an abandoned town Terrain bonuses
ILLY FORUMS--Miscellaneous
Choosing an Alliance
Effectiveness of Architects Office
Enforced AccountRemoval Guide for Fast Growth
Gypsy Fortune Teller Watch
Illyriad Data Feeds Illyriad Server Status
New Emoticons Overall Ranking and Score
Player and Town Growth Graphs Possible Paths in Illyriad
Profiles & Screenshots Seasons and Lunar Phases
Strategies, Tips and Tricks Workshop Specialization
Quest guide Step by Step Guide to Quests
ILLY FORUMS--Sovereignty
Coastal Sovereignty Guide to Sovereignty
Step by Step Guide to Claiming Sovereignty
Cotter Changes Gathering
Step by Step Guide to Harvesting Resources
Trade Hub Development Trading For Dummies
Building Charts City Buildings
Critters Chart Diplomatic Units
Game Features Humans
Human Units Human Unit Costs
Mysteries Nature (Races)
NPCs (Non-Playable_Characters)
Research Technologies Settler
Settling Requirements Sovereignty Research
Tools: Calculators Trade Research
Travel Calculator/Dispatch Timers
30 Day History Alliances
Close Towns Crafting Codes and Recipes
Illy Gems Maps
Suspended Towns Troops
Battle Calculator Chat Codes
City Pop/Taxes/Sov Calculator Combat Mechanics
Departure/Attack Times DillyTools
General Sov Calc GuideScroll/Illyriad
How Do I Defend Myself? Illyriad Institute
Illyriad Resource Upgrades Learning with LadyLuvs
Moving Your City New Player Tips
Stolen By Suspended Players
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Full Script)





Building Pop at Level 20:


Blacksmith: 1497
Book Binder: 1497
Carpentry: 1497
Common Ground: 1497
Consulate: 1497
Fletcher: 1497
Forge: 1497
Foundry: 1497
Kiln: 1497
Mage Tower :1497
Paddock: 1497
Saddle Maker: 1497
Siege Workshop: 1497
Spearmaker: 1497
Stonemason: 1497
Tannery: 1497
Tavern: 1497

Calvary Parade Grounds: 1796

Archers Field:1796

InfantryQuarters  1796

Merchants Guild  1510

Herbalist Guild  1497

Miner Guild 1497

Skinner Guild 1497


Trade Office: 2000

Pop needed for towns+ settlers needed

2nd 450   1

3rd 2,000   2  

4th 5,000


6th 20,000

7th 40,000

8th 75,000

9th 130,000

10th 233,550






NPC Difficulty Guide

  • Alligators          2.350
  • Anacondas           2.425
  • Arctic Wolves       2.275
  • Baboons             1.875
  • Black Bears         2.000
  • Black Panthers      3.100
  • Brown Bears         2.150
  • Cobras              2.450
  • Coral Snakes        2.225
  • Cyclopes            4.000
  • Elephants          12.750
  • Fire Salamanders    3.000
  • Gharials            2.200
  • Giant Beetles       1.425
  • Giant Rats          1.200
  • Giant Scorpions     3.025
  • Giant Scuttlers     3.250
  • Giant Snakes        3.100
  • Giant Spiders       2.700
  • Golden Monkeys      1.300
  • Ice Salamanders     2.575
  • Jaguars             2.200
  • Leopards            2.575
  • Lions               2.825
  • Mammoths           18.100
  • Massive Scarabs     2.050
  • Poisonous Crawlers  2.875
  • Polar Bears         2.550
  • Pumas               2.425
  • Rhinoceros          7.275
  • Roaming Trolls      3.300
  • Salamanders         2.825
  • Saurians           19.250
  • Scaled Chargers     3.225
  • Scritchers          2.525
  • Simien Wolves       2.075
  • Snow Leopards       2.250
  • Tigers              3.300
  • White Tigers        3.575
  • Wild Dogs           0.700
  • Wolves              1.540



Logging Camp - boosts lumberjack production. Requires the Logging research line.

Earthworks - boosts clay pit production. Requires the Clay Firing research line.

Mineshaft - boosts iron mine production. Requires the Square-Set Timbering research line.

Gravel Pit - boosts quarry production. Requires the Soffolding research line.

Farmstead - boosts farmyard production. Requires the Threshing research line.

Cattle Rancher - decreases livestock production time. Requires the Droving research line.

Bladesmith - decreases sword production time. Requires the Billetmaking research line.

Renderer - decreases leather armour production time. Requires Rawhide Preparation research line

Farrier - decreases horse production time. Requires Stablehands research line.

Bowyer - decreases bow production time. Requires Bowyer research line.

Poleturner - decreases spear production time. Requires Poleturner research line.

Bridlemaker - decreases saddle production time. Requires Saddle Trees research line.

Plate Forger - decreases production time on plate armour. Requires Gauntlet Making research line

Armourer - decreases chainmail production time. Requires Coif Making research line.

Papermill - decreases book production time. Requires Pulping research line.

Brewer's Yard - decreases beer production time. Requires Malting research line.

Engineering Yard - decreases siege block production time. Requires Wheelwrights research line.

Training Ground - decreases spearmen production time. Requires Stamina Training research line.

Target Range - decreases range troop production time. Requires Upper Body Conditioning line.

Military Academy - decreases swordsmen production time. Requires Basic Training research line.

Jousting Yard - decreases cavalry production time. Requires Jousting research line.

Assembly Yard - decreases siege engine production time. Requires Welding research line.

Finishing School - decreases diplomat production time. Requires Etiquette research line. 

All info above plundered from others profiles.  


