

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

Thor is a H? member now and always even when       

un allianced his cities BELONG to H?


ON THE 24/11/2020 Thor collected EVERYTHING that is KNOWN in ILLy he has it all.

The only things i dont have are the 9 unknown items which i am offering a tome for each 1 i dont need to know how you got it i just want it in the collection


Ancient Pattern Armour
Demonheart Battle Mule
Demonheart Battlebred
Demonheart Thoroughbred
Demonheart War Wolf
Dwarven Champion's
Elven Spirit Bow
Orc Marauder's Sword
Master-Crafted Chainmail


Thor is a peaceful player and wishes to fight no one and help all, if you need help ask it will be given freely, I don’t do Illy politics, I help end of story Alliances are great Friends are better.


The only spot i claim is [239|-2827] in Shardlands so that i can help others


Should i offend you in some way please contact me so i can fix the issue.


Please do not harvest,gather or settle within the ten squares of my cities.


If you need assistance in the gathering of items i can help, this is done free of charge.


If you need res i can help but please note it will take time as my vans are always moving they never stop.


If you need help with gathered items such as grapes and other things please ask me and see if i can help, i give for free where possible.


I can also craft everything in city Halla so i offer this service for free as well as long as you supply the rare items


Thor lives in Port Macquarie,NSW, Australia





LAND CLAIMS (last entry 2016)



H? Forum

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NPC Encounter Group Sizes

Size Min Max
A Few 1 3
A Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
A Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
A Gathering 129 227
A Horde 228 462
A Throng 463 815
A Host 816 2,500
A Legion 2,501 9,999
A Myriad 10,000 24,999
A Sea 25,000 49,999
A Cornucopia 50,000+  


Wild Dogs            0.700
Giant Rats          1.200
Golden Monkeys      1.300
Giant Beetles        1.425
Wolves              1.540
Baboons             1.875
Black Bears          2.000
Massive Scarabs      2.050
Simien Wolves        2.075
Brown Bears          2.150
Gharials            2.200
Jaguars              2.200
Coral Snakes        2.225
Snow Leopards        2.250
Arctic Wolves       2.275
Alligators          2.350
Anacondas            2.425
Pumas                2.425
Cobras              2.450
Scritchers          2.525
Polar Bears          2.550
Ice Salamanders      2.575
Leopards            2.575
Giant Spiders        2.700
Lions                2.825
Salamanders          2.825
Poisonous Crawlers  2.875
Fire Salamanders    3.000
Giant Scorpions      3.025
Black Panthers      3.100
Giant Snakes        3.100
Scaled Chargers      3.225
Giant Scuttlers      3.250
Roaming Trolls      3.300
Tigers              3.300
White Tigers        3.575
Cyclopes            4.000
Rhinoceros          7.275
Elephants          12.750
Mammoths            18.100
Saurians            19.250


 Allembine mystery

Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2 Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2
Aldelbrecht -312|717 - Keldar 356|498 -
Asmorn -608|-189 - Lambercht -157|-298 -
Bjander-Thegn 910|-507 - Lindricht 471|228 -711|674
Braynard -102|1 949|-379 Oddric 232|345 -
Burkhardt 429|-931 - Osgaut 761|-892 -39|-973
Eberekt 516|505 - Raedborth -194|-687 -
Ferhonanth -485|-736 669|794 Regindalt 719|365 -
Fridholt 652|-265 -843|-310 Rikert 22|-85 -
Gunthar -4|10 - Tormand -569|-91 136|855
Haestin -377|-104 - Ulvelaik 399|-431 -

Send spies to all locations above and you will receive as reward a Scribe of Allembine for each spied location (6 Scribes require to spied 2 locations, do the first locations before the 2nd ones) .... Scribe of Allembine is a spy unit with low upkeep (2 gold p/h) but high defensive value (120) ..... When a town collect all 20 scribes, that town gain discovery Allembine Research Techniques, which grants +5 research points hourly per Library level. 

Terrain Modifiers


Terrain Type Calvary Spears Infantry Ranged


-50 20 40 5
Large Forest  -15 5 30 -20
Large Hill -15  0 10 10
Large Mountain -30 0 15 15
Plains 30 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill     0 0 0 0
Small Mountain   -20 0 5 10


Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings  -45 25 30 15
Large Forest  -15 5 25 -20
Large Hill    -10 10 5 15
Large Mountain    -30 20 5 30
Plains    25 -15 0 0
Small Forest   -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill    0 5 5 5
Small Mountain   -15 15 5



Gathering Units



City No Settlers Population
2nd 1 450
3rd 2 2000
4th 3 5000
5th 4 10,000
6th 5 20,000
7th 6 40,000
8th 7 75,000
9th 8 130,000
10th 9 233,550



Crafted Items 




Tier Two Items

Item Cost
[@i=3|1] Horses  20 [@i=1|1] 5 [@i=1|3] 60 [@i=1|5] 7[@i=4|1]
[@i=3|2] Cows 20 [@i=1|1] 40 [@i=1|5] 5 [@i=4|1] 
[@i=3|12] Beer 10 [@i=1|1] 5 [@i=1|2] 5 [@i=1|3] 25 [@i=4|1]
[@i=3|7] Books 30 [@i=1|1] 5 [@i=4|1] 25 [@i=3|7]
[@i=3|5] Spears 30 [@i=1|1] 5 [@i=1|2] 20 [@i=1|3] 1 [@i=4|1]
[@i=3|3] Swords 30 [@i=1|1] 15 [@i=1|2] 40 [@i=1|3] 5[@i=1|4] 2 [@i=4|1]
[@i=3|4] Bows 50 [@i=1|1] 5 [@i=1|2] 15 [@i=1|3] 2 [@i=4|1]
[@i=3|6] Saddles 2 [@i=3|2] 10 [@i=1|1] 5[@i=1|2] 10[@i=1|3] 5 [@i=4|1]
[@i=3|8] Leather Armour

1 [@i=3|2] 10 [@i=1|1] 5 [@i=1|2] 15 [@i=1|3] 3 [@i=4|1]

[@i=3|9] Chainmail Armour 50 [@i=1|1] 15 [@i=1|2] 60 [@i=1|3] 4 [@i=4|1]
[@i=3|10] Plate Armour 60 [@i=1|1] 20 [@i=1|2] 80 [@i=1|3] 7 [@i=4|1]
[@i=3|11] Siege Blocks 100 [@i=1|1] 40 [@i=1|2] 70 [@i=1|3] 100 [@i=1|4] 12 [@i=4|1] 2 [@i=3|2] 1 [@i=3|7]




Tier 3 Crafted Items


Crafted Horses

Horse Type Cost Stats
[@c=33] Draught Horse 1 [@i=3|1]   5 [@i=4|1] 5 [@c=186] 10 [@c=416] 1 [@c=417] (+25% Move Speed) for Siege Engines
[@c=36] Riding Horse 1 [@i=3|1] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 5 [@c=416] 1 [@c=417]  (+25% Move Speed) for Swordsmen, Archers and Spearmen
[@c=34] Heavy Warhorse 1 [@i=3|1] 20 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=416] 3 [@c=417]  (+5% Attack, -5% Move Speed, +10% Carry, -5% on Hills, -5% on Mountains, -5% in Forests, -5% in Arctic, -5% in Desert, -5% in Jungle) for Cavalry
[@c=37] Steady Warhorse 1 [@i=3|1] 20 [@i=4|1] 3 [@c=186] 1 [@c=416] 1 [@c=417]  (+5% Magic Res)
[@c=35] Nimble Warhorse 1 [@i=3|1] 20 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 3 [@c=416] 1 [@c=417] (-8% Attack, +24% Cav Def, +24% Spear Def, +24% Bow Def, +24% Sword Def) for Cavalry
[@c=422] Elven Thoroughbred 1 [@i=3|1] 20 [@i=4|1] 5 [@c=416] (+15% Move Speed, -20% for Dwarves, -20% for Humans, -20% for Orcs)
[@c=423] Battlebred 1 [@i=3|1] 20 [@i=4|1] 5 [@c=416]
(+20% Cav Def, +20% Spear Def, +20% Bow Def, +20% Sword Def, -5% on Hills, -15% on Mountains, -10% in Forests, -5% in Arctic, -5% in Desert, -5% in Jungle, -20% for Dwarves, -20% for Elves, -20% for Orcs)
[@c=424] Dwarven Battle Mule 1 [@i=3|1] 20 [@i=4|1] 5 [@c=417] (-5% Attack, -10% Move Speed, +20% on Hills, +20% on Mountains, -20% for Elves, -20% for Humans, -20% for Orcs)
[@c=425] War Wolf 1 [@i=3|1] 20 [@i=4|1] 5 [@c=186] (+10% Move Speed, +20% Carry, +20% on Hills, -20% for Dwarves, -20% for Elves, -20% for Humans)


Crafted Spears

Spear Type Cost Stats
[@c=91] Arctic Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=334] 1 [@c=416] (+30% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
[@c=92] Battle Spear 1[@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=359] 1 [@c=416] (-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, +80% Sword Def)
[@c=93] Boar Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 5 [@i=1|1] 10 [@i=1|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=246] 1 [@c=416] (-16% Attack, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +120% vs Animals)
[@c=94] Defender's Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=382] 1 [@c=416] -16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, +80% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
[@c=95] Desert Pike 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=247] 1[@c=293] 1 [@c=416] (+20% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def, +40% in Desert, -16% in Jungle)
[@c=96] Desert Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=357] 1 [@c=416] (-8% in Arctic, +30% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
[@c=97] Dragon Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=246] 1 [@c=290] 1 [@c=416] (-16% Attack, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +150% vs Monsterous)
[@c=98] Dueling Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=311] 1 [@c=416] (-16% Cav Def, +80% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
[@c=99] Ebony Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=232] 1 [@i=2|1] 1 [@c=416]
(-4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +60% vs Undead)
[@c=100] Fang-Barbed Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 5 [@i=1|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=336] 1 [@c=416] (+10% Attack, -8% Cav Def, +60% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -32% Sword Def)
[@c=101] Fang-Tipped Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=388] 1 [@c=416] (-24% Cav Def, +40% Spear Def, +20% Bow Def, -24% Sword Def, +5% Move Speed, +40% vs Animals)
[@c=102] Forester's Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=341] 1 [@c=416] (+20% on Hills, -24% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, +60% in Forests)
[@c=103]Harpoon-Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=293] 1 [@c=308] 1 [@c=416] (-8% Attack, -16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def, +5% Move Speed, +20% in Arctic, -4% in Desert, -4% in Jungle, +100% vs Animals)
[@c=104] Hill-Tribe Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=411] 1 [@c=416] (+60% on Hills, +20% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
[@c=105] Iron-Banded Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 5 [@i=1|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=210] 1 [@c=293] 1 [@c=416] (-4% Attack, +40% Cav Def, +40% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +10% for Orcs, +60% vs Monsterous)
[@c=106] Jungle Hunter's Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=293] 1 [@c=411] 1 [@c=416] (-4% Attack, -12% Cav Def, -12% Spear Def, -12% Bow Def, -12% Sword Def, +10% Move Speed, -4% in Arctic, -4% in Desert, +20% in Jungle, +90% vs Animals)
[@c=107] Jungle Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=304] 1 [@c=416] (-8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, +30% in Jungle)
[@c=108] Light Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=210] 1 [@c=416] (-16% Attack, +10% Move Speed)
[@c=109] Mountain Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=320] 1 [@c=416] (-24% on Hills, -24% on Plains, +60% on Mountains, +20% in Forests)
[@c=110] Obsidian-Tipped Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=207] 1 [@c=293] 1 [@c=416] (-8% Sword Def, +50% Magic Res, -8% vs Monsterous, +20% vs Undead)
[@c=111] Pike 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=415] 1 [@c=416] (+80% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
[@c=112] Plainman's Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=395] 1 [@c=416] (-24% on Hills, +60% on Plains, +20% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
[@c=113] Razor-Edged Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=346] (+10% Attack, +10% Cav Def, +10% Spear Def, +10% Bow Def, +10% Sword Def)
[@c=114] Silversteel Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=212] 1 [@c=293] 1 [@c=416] (+50% Attack, +25% Cav Def, +25% Sword Def)
[@c=115] Trident 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=210] 1 [@c=246] 1 [@c=416] (-4% Attack, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, +60% Sword Def, -2% in Arctic, -2% in Desert, +10% in Jungle)
[@c=116] War Spear 1 [@i=3|5] 10 [@i=4|1] 2 [@c=186] 1  [@c=416] 2 [@c=417]

(+6% Attack, -15% Move Speed)



Crafted Swords

Sword Type Cost Stats
[@c=40] Adventurer's Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=411] 1 [@c=417] (+60% on Hills, +20% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
[@c=41] Barbarian Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=395] 1 [@c=417] (-24% on Hills, +60% on Plains, +20% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
[@c=42] Battle Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=382] 1 [@c=417] (-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, +80% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
[@c=43] Bone Handled Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=409] 1 [@c=417] (+30% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
[@c=44] Chitin-Crafted Shortsword 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=376] 1 [@c=417]  (-12% Attack, -14% Cav Def, -14% Spear Def, -14% Bow Def, -14% Sword Def, +15% Move Speed, +40% on Mountains, +50% in Forests, -8% for Dwarves, +10% for Orcs)
[@c=45] Dwarven Battle Axe 1 [@i=3|3] 5 [@i=1|1] 5 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=417] (-4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, -4% on Hills, -2% on Plains, -4% in Forests, +6% for Dwarves)
[@c=46] Ebony-Hilt Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=232] 25 [@i=2|1] 1 [@c=417] (-4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +120% vs Undead)
[@c=47] Elven Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 5 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=417] (-2% Attack, -4% on Hills, -2% on Plains, -2% on Mountains, +6% for Elves)
[@c=48] Fang-Barbed Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=336] 1 [@c=417] (+20% Attack, -12% Cav Def, +90% Spear Def, -12% Bow Def, -48% Sword Def)
[@c=50] Light Swords 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=210] 1 [@c=417]  (-16% Attack, +10% Move Speed)
[@c=51] LongSword 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=359] 1 [@c=417] (-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, +80% Sword Def)
[@c=52] Machete 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=409] 1 [@c=417] (-8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, +30% in Jungle)
[@c=53] Mountain-Tribe Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=314] 1 [@c=417] (-24% on Hills, -24% on Plains, +60% on Mountains, +20% in Forests)
[@c=54] Obsidian Blade 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=207] 1 [@c=292] 1 [@c=417] (-8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Sword Def, +125% Magic Res, +50% vs Undead)
[@c=55] Orc Marauder's Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=292] 1 [@c=414] 1 [@c=417] (+80% Attack, -40% Cav Def, -24% Spear Def, -28% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, -24% for Dwarves, -32% for Elves, -24% for Humans, +60% for Orcs)
[@c=56] Orcish Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 5 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=417] (-2% Cav Def, -2% Spear Def, -2% Bow Def, -2% Sword Def, -4% on Plains, -2% on Mountains, -2% in Forests, +6% for Orcs)
[@c=57] Razor-Edged Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=343] (+10% Attack, +10% Cav Def, +10% Spear Def, +10% Bow Def, +10% Sword Def)
[@c=58] Reinforced Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=193] 1 [@c=292] 1 [@c=417] (+10% Attack, -8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def, +140% vs Monsterous)
[@c=59] Sabre 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=415] 1 [@c=417] (+80% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
[@c=60] Scimitar 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=409] 1 [@c=417] (-8% in Arctic, +30% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
[@c=61] Seaxe 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=311] 1 [@c=417] (-16% Cav Def, +80% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
[@c=62] Short Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=341] 1 [@c=417] (+20% on Hills, -24% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, +60% in Forests)
[@c=63] Silversteel 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=212] 1 [@c=292] 1 [@c=417] (+150% Attack, +50% Cav Def, +25% Spear Def, +75% Sword Def)
[@c=64] Spiked Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=210] 1[@c=292] 1 [@c=417]  (+40% Attack, -16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
[@c=65] Traditional Sword 1 [@i=3|3] 5 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=417] (-2% Attack, -2% on Hills, -4% on Mountains, -2% in Forests, +6% for Humans)
[@c=49] War Axe 1 [@i=3|3] 5 [@i=1|1] 10[@i=4|1] 1 [@c=193] 1 [@c=417] (+30% Attack, -8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +30% for Dwarves, -8% for Elves, -4% for Humans, +10% for Orcs)


Crafted Bows

[@c=67] Arctic Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=334] 1 [@c=416] (+30% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
[@c=68] Chitin-Cored Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=290] 1 [@c=397] 1 [@c=416] (+40% Cav Def, +40% Spear Def, +40% Bow Def, +40% Sword Def, -32% in Arctic, -32% in Desert, -32% in Jungle)
[@c=76] Composite Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 3 [@c=186] 1 [@c=290] 1 [@c=416] 1 [@c=417] (+75% Attack, -10% Cav Def, -10% Spear Def, -10% Bow Def, -10% Sword Def, -20% Move Speed, -32% in Arctic, -32% in Desert, -32% in Jungle)
[@c=69] Desert Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=357] 1 [@c=416] (-8% in Arctic, +30% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
[@c=70] Ebony Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=416] 1 [@c=232] 1 [@c=290] 25 [@i=2|1] 1 [@c=416]  (-8% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +30% at Night, -16% in Day, -12% vs Monsterous, +90% vs Undead)
[@c=71] Elven Spirit Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=226] 50 [@i=2|1] 10 [@i=2|2] 1 [@c=416]  (-24% Attack, -12% Cav Def, -12% Spear Def, -12% Bow Def, -12% Sword Def, +5% Move Speed, -36% in Arctic, -36% in Desert, -36% in Jungle, +30% in Day, +120% for Elves)
[@c=72] Hero's Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=290] 1 [@c=314] 1 [@c=416] 1 [@c=417]  (-4% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +135% vs Monsterous)
[@c=73] High-Power Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=320] 1 [@c=416] (-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, +80% Sword Def)
[@c=74] Hillsman's Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=411] 1 [@c=416] (+60% on Hills, +20% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
[@c=75] Hunter's Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=341] 1 [@c=416] (-4% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +120% vs Animals)
[@c=77] Jungle Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=304] 1 [@c=416] (-8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, +30% in Jungle)
[@c=78] Leopard Gut Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=290] 1 [@c=362] 1 [@c=416] (-8% Attack, +5% Move Speed, -8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, +30% in Jungle)
[@c=79] Light Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=416] (-8% Attack, +10% Move Speed, +3% for Elves)
[@c=80] Long-Draw Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=415] 1 [@c=416]

(+80% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)

[@c=81] Mammoth Tusk Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=290] 1 [@c=370] 1 [@c=416] (+30% Attack, -10% Move Speed, +30% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
[@c=82] Marksman's Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=382] 1 [@c=416] (-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, +80% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
[@c=83] Mountain Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=320] 1 [@c=416] (-24% on Hills, -24% on Plains, +60% on Mountains, +20% in Forests)
[@c=84] Plains Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=395] 1 [@c=416] (-24% on Hills, +60% on Plains, +20% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
[@c=85] Poacher's Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=226] 1 [@c=416] (-8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def, +5% Move Speed, +20% on Hills, -12% on Plains, +20% in Forests, -36% vs Monsterous, +100% vs Animals)
[@c=86] Rapid-Draw Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=311] 1 [@c=416] (-16% Cav Def, +80% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
[@c=87] Three-Wood Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=224] 1 [@c=225] 1 [@c=416] (+25% Cav Def, +25% Spear Def, +25% Bow Def, +25% Sword Def, -32% in Arctic, -32% in Desert, -32% in Jungle, +15% for Elves)
[@c=88] War Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=1|1] 5 [@i=1|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 2 [@c=416] 1 [@c=417] (+6% Attack, -15% Move Speed)
[@c=89] Woodsman's Bow 1 [@c=4] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=341] 1 [@c=416] (+20% on Hills, -24% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, +60% in Forests)


Crafted Leather Armour

Type Cost Stats
[@c=120] Animal-Scale Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 50 [@i=2|1] 1 [@c=338] 1 [@c=375] 1 [@c=394] (-4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +10% Move Speed, +15% for Orcs, +120% vs Monsterous, +120% vs Animals, +120% vs Undead)
[@c=121] Cloth-Backed Leather 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=249]  (-12% Cav Def, -12% Spear Def, +120% Bow Def, -12% Sword Def)
[@c=122] Desert Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=251] (-8% in Arctic, +40% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
[@c=123] Extra Heavy Arour 1 [@i=3|8] 20 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=250] 1 [@c=291] (-8% Attack, +100% Cav Def, +100% Spear Def, +100% Bow Def, +100% Sword Def, -40% Move Speed)
[@c=124] Extra Light Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 20 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=399] (-10% Attack, -10% Cav Def, -10% Spear Def, -10% Bow Def, -10% Sword Def, +15% Move Speed, +5% for Elves, +15% for Orcs)
[@c=125] Forestor's Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=394] (+20% on Hills, -24% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, +60% in Forests, +40% for Elves)
[@c=126] Fur-Lined Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=401] (+40% in Arctic, -24% in Desert, -24% in Jungle)
[@c=127] Hardened Leather 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=250] (-12% Cav Def, +120% Spear Def, -12% Bow Def, -12% Sword Def)
[@c=128] Heavy Leather 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 2 [@c=186] 1 [@c=416] (-2% Attack, +10% Cav Def, +10% Spear Def, +10% Bow Def, +10% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed)
[@c=129] Highland Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [ @c=338] (-24% on Hills, -24% on Plains, +60% on Mountains, +20% in Forests, +40% for Orcs)
[@c=130] Jungle Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=354] (-8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, +40% in Jungle)
[@c=131] Light Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=399] (-4% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +10% Move Speed, +10% for Elves, +30% for Orcs)
[@c=132] Midnight Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=291] 1 [@c=314] (+10% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +90% at Night, -12% in Day)
[@c=133] Over-Padded Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=248] (-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +140% vs Animals)
[@c=134] Plainman's Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=343] (-24% on Hills, +60% on Plains, +20% on Mountains, -24% in Forests, +40% for Humans)
[@c=135] Reinforced Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 20 [@i=1|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] (+24% Cav Def, -6% Spear Def, -6% Bow Def, -6% Sword Def)
[@c=136] Splintmail 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=210]  (-12% Cav Def, -12% Spear Def, -12% Bow Def, +120% Sword Def)
[@c=137] Sun-Burnished Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=291] 50 [@i=2|1] (+10% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, -12% at Night, +90% in Day)
[@c=138] Upland Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=375] (+60% on Hills, +20% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, -24% in Forests, +40% for Dwarves)
[@c=139] Vanguard's Armour 1 [@i=3|8] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186]  1 [@c=210] 1 [@c=417] (+100% Attack, -12% Cav Def, -12% Spear Def, -12% Bow Def, -12% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed)


Crafted Chainmail Armour

Tpye  Cost Stats
[@c=141] Cloth-Backed Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=249] 1 [@c=417]

(-8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, +80% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def)

[@c=142] Desert Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=251] 1 [@c=417] (-8% in Arctic, +30% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
[@c=143] Double-Weave Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=1|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 3 [@c=417]  (-4% Cav Def, +16% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def)
[@c=144] Extra Heavy Chainmail  1 [@i=3|9] 20 [@i=1|3] 20 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=291] 3 [@c=417] (-4% Attack, +30% Cav Def, +30% Spear Def, +30% Bow Def, +30% Sword Def, -40% Move Speed, -8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
[@c=145] Extra Light Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 20 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=210] 1 [@c=417]  (-10% Attack, -10% Cav Def, -10% Spear Def, -10% Bow Def, -10% Sword Def, +15% Move Speed, +25% in Desert, +25% in Jungle)
[@c=146] Fur-Lined Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=307] 1 [@c=417]  (+30% in Arctic, -24% in Desert, -24% in Jungle)
[@c=147] Heavy Chain Armour 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=1|3]  10 [@i=4|1] 2 [@c=417] (-2% Attack, +4% Cav Def, +4% Spear Def, +4% Bow Def, +4% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, -4% in Arctic, -4% in Desert, -4% in Jungle)
[@c=148] Highland Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=4|1] 1[@c=338] 1 [@c=417] (-24% on Hills, -24% on Plains, +60% on Mountains, +20% in Forests)
[@c=149] Hillsman's Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=375] 1 [@c=417] (+60% on Hills, +20% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
[@c=150] Jungle Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=354] 1 [@c=417]  (-8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, +30% in Jungle)
[@c=151] Light Chain Armour 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=210] 1 [@c=417] (-4% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +10% Move Speed, +5% in Desert, +5% in Jungle)
[@c=152] Master-Crafted Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 50 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=210] 1 [@c=250] 1 [@c=251] 1 [@c=417] (-10% Attack, +25% Cav Def, +25% Spear Def, +25% Bow Def, +25% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +50% for Humans)
[@c=153] Over-Padded Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=248] 1 [@c=417]  (-10% Move Speed, +50% vs Animals)
[@c=154] Plainsman's Chainmail  1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=394] 1 [@c=417] (-24% on Hills, +60% on Plains, +20% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
[@c=155] Reinforced Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=210] 1 [@c=417] (+80% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def)
[@c=156] Silversteel Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186] 1 [@c=212] 1 [@c=291] 1 [@c=417] (+40% Attack, +75% Cav Def, +75% Spear Def, +75% Bow Def, +75% Sword Def)
[@c=157] Thick-Ring Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=1|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=193] 1 [@c=417]  (-8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, +80% Sword Def)
[@c=158] Vanguard's Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=4|1] 2 [@c=186] 1 [@c=416] 1 [@c=417]  (+5% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def)
[@c=159] Woodsman's Chainmail 1 [@i=3|9] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=394] 1 [@c=417] (+20% on Hills, -24% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, +60% in Forests)


Crafted Plate Armour

Type Cost Stats
[@c=161] Ancient Pattern Armour 1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=186]1 [@c=291] 50 [@i=2|1] 1 [@c=417] (+50% Cav Def, +50% Spear Def, +50% Bow Def, +25% Sword Def, +5% Move Speed, -16% in Arctic, -16% in Desert, -16% in Jungle)
[@c=162] Chain-Edged Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 20 [@i=1|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1  [@c=186] 1 [@c=417] (-4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, +16% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def)
[@c=163] Desert Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 1  [@c=251] 1 [@c=417] (-12% in Arctic, +30% in Desert, -12% in Jungle)
[@c=164] Dwarven Champion's 1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 1  [@c=186] 1 [@c=193] 1 [@c=212] 1 [@c=291] 1 [@c=417] (+20% Attack, +50% Cav Def, +70% Spear Def, +70% Bow Def, +50% Sword Def, -50% Move Speed, +30% on Hills, +10% on Mountains, -20% in Arctic, -20% in Desert, -20% in Jungle, +40% for Dwarves, -24% for Elves, -24% for Humans, -24% for Orcs)
[@c=165] Forester's Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=394] 1 [@c=417] (+20% on Hills, -24% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, +60% in Forests)
[@c=166] Fur-Lined Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=378] 1 [@c=417] (+30% in Arctic, -36% in Desert, -36% in Jungle)
[@c=167] Heavy Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 40 [@i=1|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=417] (-2% Attack, +4% Cav Def, +4% Spear Def, +4% Bow Def, +4% Sword Def, -20% Move Speed, -5% in Arctic, -5% in Desert, -5% in Jungle)
[@c=168] Highland Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=338] 1 [@c=417] (-24% on Hills, -24% on Plains, +60% on Mountains, +20% in Forests)
[@c=169] Jungle Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 1  [@c=354] 1 [@c=417] (-12% in Arctic, -12% in Desert, +30% in Jungle)
[@c=170] Light Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 1  [@c=210] 1 [@c=417] (+30% in Arctic, -36% in Desert, -36% in Jungle)
[@c=171] Obsidian Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 1  [@c=186] 1 [@c=207] 1 [@c=291] 1 [@c=417] (-4% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -6% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +200% Magic Res, +35% vs Undead)
[@c=172] Plainsman's Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=343] 1 [@c=417]  (-24% on Hills, +60% on Plains, +20% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
[@c=173] Reinforced Platemail  1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=210]  1 [@c=417] (+80% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def)
[@c=174] Silversteel Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 1  [@c=186] 1  [@c=212] 1 [@c=291] 1 [@c=417] (+40% Attack, +75% Cav Def, +75% Spear Def, +75% Bow Def, +75% Sword Def)
[@c=175] Spiked Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 30 [@i=1|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=336] 1 [@c=417] (+10% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +90% vs Monsterous, +50% vs Animals)
[@c=176] Thickened Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 50 [@i=1|3] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=417] (-4% Cav Def, +16% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def)
[@c=177] Under-Padded Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 1  [@c=248]  1 [@c=417]  (-8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, +80% Sword Def)
[@c=178] Upland Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 1 [@c=375] 1 [@c=417] (+60% on Hills, +20% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
[@c=179] Vanguard's Platemail 1 [@i=3|10] 10 [@i=4|1] 2 [@c=186] 2 [@c=417] (+5% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def)


