

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

Please ask permission before using any of my sov squares or within 5 squares of my cities, Thanks.

I'm very generous, and maybe I can help you.  Just ask!  -Kelis


 March 3, 2013 [01:20]<System> * Tournament Medal Valor of the Ancients I awarded to: Kelis by Faction Council of Illyria in recognition of the capture of an Ancient Champion


Army timing calculator:

Gnome Brew

Action: Send 125 Advanced Spies or 150 Basic Spies to -513|-96 on the map.

Reward: Allows you to produce beer at a cheaper food cost (from 25 food to 20 food per beer).

Famine Management

Action: Get 10th city.

Reward: +10% to food production in your Capital city.

Inquisitive Populace

Action: Complete Diplomatic Quests and this can randomly be achieved.

Reward: +2 Visibility for incoming hostile diplomats.

Block and Tackle

Action: Complete Trade Quests and this can randomly be achieved.

Reward: +20% harvesting speed for resources (doesn't say which ones though).

Racial Swords

Action: Build a Swordsmith

Reward: Varies by Race
Human - Traditional Sword
Elf   - Elven Sword
Dwarf - Dwarven Battle Axe
Orc   - Orcish Sword

Racial Steeds

Action: Research 20 Crafting Techs on the Tech Tree

Reward: Varies by Race
Human - Battlebred
Elf   - Elven Throughbred
Dwarf - Dwarven Battle Mule
Orc   - Orc War Wolf

Allembine Research

Action: Gather the names of 20 Royal Ancestors by sending a spy (doesn't matter which level) to each of the statues. Some statues require you to send a spy to them first, and then send a spy to a secondary location to actually get the name.

1. Aldelbrecht    = -312|717
2. Asmorn        = -608|-189
3. Bjandar-Thegn = 910|-507
4. Braynard       = -102|1 then 949|-379
5. Burkhardt      = 429|-931
6. Eberekt        = 516|505
7. Ferhonanth     = -485|-736 then 669|794
8. Fridholt       = 652|-265 then -843|-310
9. Gunthar        = -4|10
10. Haestin       = -377|-104
11. Keldar        = 356|498
12. Lambercht     = -157|-298
13. Lindricht     = 471|228 then -711|674
14. Oddric        = 232|345
15. Osgaut        = 761|-892 then -39|-973
16. Raedborth     = -194|-687
17. Regindalt     = 719|365
18. Rikert        = 22|-85
19. Tormand       = -569|-91 then 136|855
20. Ulvelaik      = 399|-431

Reward: +5 Research Points per hour, per library level.

