

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait



I do not tolerate Harvesters, within 5 squares  of my cities without permission.  I will not tolerate Military Encampments nor cities 10 squares or closer of my cities without my permission.




Highest populated Buildings. Population  for towns. Level.      
Archers Field                  1796 450 2
Blacksmith                     1497 2,000 3
Book Binder                   1497 5,000 4
Cav Parade Ground         1796 10,000 5
Carpentry                      1497 20,000 6
Common Ground            1497 40,000 7
Consulate                      1497 75,000 8
Fletcher                        1497 130,000 9
Forge                           1497 233,550 10
Foundry                        1497 263,550 11
Kiln                              1497 294,550 12
Mage Tower                 1497 326,550 13
Paddock                       1497 359,550 14
Saddle Maker                1497 393,550 15
Siege Workshop            1497 428,550 16
Spear Maker                 1497 464,550 17
Stonemason                 1497 501,550 18
Tannery                       1497 .......  
Tavern                         1497    
Merchants Guild             1510    
Trade Office                 2000  


Group   City upgrade Required.
Few 1-3 Tiny Settlement 0-19
Handful 4-8 Growing Settlement 20-49
Several 9-21 Small  Hamlet 50-79
Pack 22-81 Growing Hamlet 80-119
Many 77-128 Large Hamlet 120-199
Gathering 140-227 Small Village 200-349
Horde 205-462 Village 350-499
Throng 561-815 Large Village 500-749
Host 822-2.5k Small Town 750-1099
Legion 3k-10k Town 1.1k-1999
Myriad 10k-25k Thriving Town 2k-2999
Sea 25k-50k Large Town 3k-4999
Cornocopia 50k- ++ Small City 5k-7499
    City 7.5k-9999
    Large City 10k-12999
    Burgeoning City 13k-16999
    Sprawling City 17k-20999
    Huge City 21k-24999
    Legendary City 25k - ++


Terrain Modifiers effective from March 1st, 2015.

ATTACK % % % %   DEFENCE % % % %
Terrain Type Cav Spears Infantry Range   Terrain Type Cav Spears Infantry Range
Buildings -50 20 40 5   Buildings -45 25 30 15
L/Forest -15 5 30 -20   L/Forest -15 5 25 -20
L/Hill -15 0 10 10   L/Hill -10 10 5 15
L/Mount -30 0 15 15   L/Mount -30 20 5 30
Plains 30 -15 0 0   Plains 25 -15 0 0
S/Forest -10 10 30 -10   S/Forest -10 10 30 -10
S/Hill 0 0 0 0   S/Hill 0 5 5 5
S/Mount -20 0 5 10   S/Mount -15 15 5 15




All Cities:

7 farms 
18 basic plots 
common ground p
arch office (destroy after all plots filled)
14(16) empty plots for support buildings/extra military bldgs.



Cavalry City:

3 cav parade 
forge (except Elf)
9 plots, for support buildings/extra military bldgs.



Infantry City:

3 Inf lodge 
forge  (except Elf)
7 plots, for support buildings/extra military bldgs.



Ranged City:

3 arch field 
7 plots, for support buildings/extra military bldgs.



Spear City:

3 spear billets
kiln foundry 
tannery  or forge (for Dwarves )                                            
8 plots, for support buildings/extra military bldgs.


You will want to consider the following buildings:

brewery   depending on how much beer you need.

trade office/merch guild   only needed in cities with Trader and to complete Trade Research in each city 

geomancers   need one city with 2 for every 6-7 that you cluster

runemaster at lvl 20 runemaster to double the effectiveness of your runes


Human Type Attack Def vs spe Def vs bow Def vs inf Def vs cav Carry Speed Xp
Militiaman Spearman 7 11 4 11 13 20 8 1
Pikeman Spearman 16 17 11 17 29 12 6 2
Archer Ranged 16 21 22 20 13 20 7 2
Longbowman Ranged 24 33 32 32 20 27 9 3
Swordsman Infantry 22 13 10 15 14 48 7 2
Man-at-Arms Infantry 35 20 18 21 19 55 5 3
Charioteer Cavalry 37 15 16 20 21 150 18 3
Knight Cavalry 65 20 19 28 28 100 12 4
Elf Type Attack Def vs spe Def vs bow Def vs inf Def vs cav Carry Speed Xp
Protector Spearman 6 11 4 10 13 18 9 1
Phalanx Spearman 15 15 10 15 30 10 7 2
Sentinel Ranged 20 23 24 23 16 25 10 2
Elven Trueshot Ranged 32 36 36 34 25 30 8 3
Warden Infantry 21 14 12 14 14 55 6 2
Wardancer Infantry 33 19 19 20 20 65 8 3
Swiftsteed Cavalry 36 13 13 20 21 130 20 3
Marshal Cavalry 59 19 18 27 28 92 17 4
Dwarf Type Attack Def vs spe Def vs bow Def vs inf Def vs cav Carry Speed Xp
Yeoman Spearman 7 12 4 13 13 22 8 1
Halbardier Spearman 16 17 13 17 29 16 6 2
Slinger Ranged 15 21 22 20 13 35 9 2
Crossbowman Ranged 26 32 31 30 21 30 7 3
Axman Infantry 27 14 11 17 14 70 9 2
Stalwart Infantry 42 20 18 21 17 65 8 3
Packsman Cavalry 32 15 15 10 23 95 15 3
Runerider Cavalry 57 21 20 26 29 75 11 4
Orc Type Attack Def vs spe Def vs bow Def vs inf Def vs cav Carry Speed Xp
Scrawny Wolf Cavalry 8 8 7 7 9 0 15 1
Kobold Cohort Spearman 9 12 6 12 13 25 8 1
Clan Guardsman Spearman 19 18 11 18 33 18 6 2
Clanguard Ranged 17 19 21 20 12 32 9 2
Death Dealer Ranged 26 31 30 30 20 27 7 3
Fang Infantry 22 14 11 15 14 40 7 2
Fist Infantry 36 18 17 18 19 60 5 3
Wolfrider Cavalry 34 14 14 20 24 115 17 3
Death Pack Cavalry 59 21 19 28 29 85 12



Allembine Research :


Scribe Name Location 1 Location 2
Aldelbrecht -312|717 -
Asmorn -608|-189 -
Bjander-Thegn 910|-507 -
Braynard -102|1 949|-379
Burkhardt 429|-931 -
Eberekt 516|505 -
Ferhonanth -485|-736 669|794
Fridholt 652|-265 -843|-310
Gunthar -4|10 -
Haestin -377|-104 -
Keldar 356|498 -
Lambercht -157|-298 -
Lindricht 471|228 -711|674
Oddric 232|345 -
Osgaut 761|-892 -39|-973
Raedborth -194|-687 -
Regindalt 719|365 -
Rikert 22|-85 -
Tormand -569|-91 136|855
Ulvelaik 399|-431



  • Faction Relationships -- Select multiple Factions to see how they feel about other Factions in Illyria. 
  • Faction Ranges -- Click on "Factions" and "Hub Ranges," then "Filters" to see the action radii of hubs according to Faction race. 

NPC Faction List

Links to every Faction in the game are available on the Faction List page, which is denoted with the red fist sub-icon underneath the larger Alliance icon in the user interface. From here, you can jump to any of the Factions’ profile pages, as well as all of the Faction cities/trade hubs.


Faction Profile Features


If you’ve never taken time to read up on the Factions, now is the time to do your homework. Many of the stories and histories of each Faction directly influence two critically important aspects of their profile: the Default Racial Standing (DRS) and Inter-Faction Standings (IFS).


Default Racial Standings

The DRS shows the baseline ranking for players based on their race. Essentally, this is where players’ rankings start with the Factions, before any of their behaviors are factored in. Please note that we recently overhauled all of the DRS rankings to better reflect the profiles of the Factions. It is worth reviewing all of the Factions nearest you to see if your base standing with them has changed.


Inter-Faction Standings


The IFS indicates the rankings that Factions have with one another. Understanding the relationships between Factions is going to be critically important, since actions with or against one Faction will have reciprocal ranking effects with other Factions. 

We’ve also overhauled the IFS rankings for all Factions, and will be expanding them considerably – there will be nearly 200 new relationships! These additional IFS rankings have not gone live yet, but will in the near future.


Ranking Graph


Once Faction AI goes live, you’ll begin to see movement on the standings graphs at the top of each profile. Currently, your player and alliance rankings are mostly stationary – your ranking is largely based on your race and the Faction’s DRS, and your Alliance’s ranking is basically an average of your roster’s DRS rankings. After the launch of Faction AI, the ranking factors for players and alliances will be much more complex.

Also, many of the taxonomies associated with NPC Factions, such as the ones on the graph above (Neutral, Friendly, Hostile, etc.) will be updated as part of the new Faction launch. This is particularly true with the “Standing Meanings” at the bottom of each Faction profile, which we are more recently referring to as the “Action Scale:”

These are the actions that Factions may take on your behalf or against you based on your ranking. Look for these actions to substantially change and increase with the launch, offering all kinds of new benefits (and threats) to players and alliances. 


Faction “Action Radii”

Something you won’t see on current NPC Faction profiles yet are their “Action Radii.” However, these new radii are coming to the game with the Faction AI launch, and will play a key role in how players and alliances interact with Factions. Each Faction will have custom-sized radii around their hubs, based on their Faction characteristics. This means that the Fey-based Factions may have relatively small action radii, whereas the Council of Illyria and various Kingdoms in Elgea and the Broken Lands may have wide-ranging ones. Action radii between Factions will also overlap, meaning that players will have cities that exist in these overlaps and be exposed to their influence. 


At the outset of Faction AI, the average size of the radii will be relatively large, since it is our intention to ensure that there aren’t many “Faction dead zones” on the map. It is more likely that the average action radius will be closer to 200 squares than, say, 20 squares  – imagine a circle that fits into a block of four larger map blocks: 

(Not an actual action radius)

Just as geographical and political boundaries change over time in the real world, these radii are subject to small changes along the way and may shrink or expand according to changes in the lore and political landscape of the Factions, events/tournaments, and other factors. This means that if you are on the periphery of an action radius (either barely in one or barely out of it), you could see shifts.  

The action radii will be published on every Faction profile page so that players will be able to visualize them and act accordingly. And if/when they change, those changes will also be updated accordingly.


Early Faction Questions & Strategies

Some players are already wondering if they will need to move cities because of the launch of Faction AI. The answer to that will vary from player to player. If a player is within reach of a Faction that is hostile to them, they can either exodus out of the Faction’s action radius, or work toward improving relations with the Faction just enough so that they won’t be a target of any hostilities. 


Conversely, players and alliances might identify Factions that they want to be close to based on the unique benefits that come with a high ranking, and will aggressively seek to settle within their action radius. Not all Factions are created equal, and some will have gifts, items, and assistive military units that will be extremely desireable for players and alliances alike, making some real estate in Illyria extremely valuable!


Overall, NPC Factions are going to be highly active and will factor into virtually every aspect of gameplay. Since the DRS rankings for non-monstrous Factions rarely exceed -35, no player will begin with a Faction ranking that puts them in jeopardy of being attacked by them. However, players and alliances will need to be mindful of their relationships with neighboring Factions. If you’re not looking for to have major conflict with them, then you will need to ensure that you keep your rankings in a safe range. Fortunately, there will be lots of fun and interesting ways to do this that will very much align with the things that players already do in the game – trading, crafting, hunting, city building/positioning, etc.

Illyriad Slack Server for Faction Play 

The long-used, player-managed Slack Server for Faction Play is now an official platform for Illyriad, and will serve as a complementary feature to the game’s upcoming Faction-related features. Having an account on the Illy Slack Server for Faction Play is not a requirement to play with and enjoy Faction AI. It is simply a new and alternative platform for global chat and the forums for the player base to use for all things related to Factions, whether that be role playing, sharing insights into the system, or just social chatting.


You can join and enter the Slack server here.


Slack will run in your browser of choice, but there are fantastic desktop and mobile apps that make it very easy to interact with on the go.


Are you a Discord user? Other social media user? Don’t worry: we’ll be exploring additional social media platforms in the future.

Faction Content in Search Bar

In case you didn’t know, you can search for Faction profile pages, hub locations, special places on the map, and the link to the Slack server in the game’s search bar:

This will give you quick access to key links for everything related to in-game Faction features. 


“Faction Play” Versus “Faction AI”

With the new excitement surrounding upcoming in-game “Faction AI” features, many are wondering how bringing the NPC Factions to life will relate to “Faction Play.” It’s important to remember that Faction Play was not created by Illyriad Games Ltd. and is not an official set of rules for the game. Faction Play is a set of rules and an algorithmic ranking system that was created by Illyriad players to mimic a Faction AI system. Faction Play is a voluntary, opt-in gaming style for Illyriad, and players will not be required to opt into Faction Play in order to enjoy and interact with Faction AI and the game’s own features.


You also won’t need to change alliances or join an alliance to enjoy the new Faction AI features. (However, in the future, alliances will have additional, cool Faction-related features that you might not want to miss out on.)


It is up to Faction Play stakeholders to decide if and how the Faction Play rules can interface with Faction AI. The game developers do not officially endorse or control Faction Play content (I had a major role in Faction Play's development but am no longer managing it). That being said, we certainly celebrate whenever Illy players look to enhance the game with their own content, and we are comfortable with intertwining the term “Faction Play” with our own development efforts, since we feel that it is a term that can safely encompass the entire Faction experience in Illyriad.


Players are welcome to use the Illyriad Factions & Lore forum and Slack server as platforms for their own Faction-related, player-led initiatives.


Faction AI Roadmap

As stated previously, we have an exciting roadmap planned out for rolling out new in-game Faction features. While we’re not able to post specific dates for when the features will go live, we can give you a preview into what to expect. At the time of this posting, this is the current order of what we’ll be working on and releasing:


  • Faction AI for Players: This will be the “1.0” system for Faction AI that will allow players to interact with the Factions and affect their rankings. Doing so will dictate the types of actions that Factions will take with or against players. System design and most of the content is already completed, and coding and testing is underway.

  • Faction AI for Alliances: This iteration will introduce additional ranking factors and ranking actions for how NPC Factions interact with Alliances. The system will look at Alliance members’ own player rankings, but also additional, Alliance-specific factors. A good portion of the design is done for this, and additional design is in process.

  • Second-generation Features: Once we have both the player and alliance features running, we’ll be doubling back to both to add even more sophisticated ranking factors and new actions and behaviors for the Factions.


Rather than spending eons to design, code and test everything we have planned, we thought it best to release Faction AI in stages and get the entire gaming community into the fun and action as soon as possible. Stay tuned – we’ll be sure to keep you posted along the way!


Final note: All of the details discussed in this post related to Faction AI features are subject to change in the future. While we are giving you insights into what we are planning for the system, coding and testing may bear out new findings that will alter some of these design plans. We will be sure to communicate any of these changes to the player community as needed.


Edited by GM Jejune - 28 Feb 2022 at 00:16
