What is better than wisdom? Woman. And what is better than a good woman? Nothing
- Geoffrey Chaucer (1343 - 1400)
War is sweet for those who have never tasted it
- Pindaros (518 - 439 BC)
Group Size
Few 1-3
Handful 4-8
Several 9-21
Pack 22-81
Many 77-128
Gathering 140-227
Horde 205-462
Throng 561-815
Host 822-2.5k
Legion 3k-10k
Myriad 10k-25k
Sea 25k-50k
Cornicopia 50k +
Tiny Settlement 0-19
Growing Settlement 20-49
Small Hamlet 50-79
Growing Hamlet 80-119
Large Hamlet 120-199
Small Village 200-349
Village 350-499
Large Village 500-749
Small Town 750-1099
Town 1.1k-1999
Thriving Town 2k-2999
Large Town 3k-4999
Small City 5k-7499
City 7.5k-9999
Large City 10k-12999
Burgeoning City 13k-16999
Sprawling City 17k-20999
Huge City 21k-24999
Legendary City 25k - ++
Scribes of Allembine Quest
Gather the names of 20 Royal Ancestors by sending a spy to each of the statues listed below. Some statues require you to send a spy to them first, and then send a spy to a secondary location to actually get the name.
Reward is 1 Scribe of Allembine per name (120 spy defence, 2 gold upkeep)
1. Aldelbrecht = -312|717
2. Asmorn = -608|-189
3. Bjandar-Thegn = 910|-507
4. Braynard = -102|1 then 949|-379
5. Burkhardt = 429|-931
6. Eberekt = 516|505
7. Ferhonanth = -485|-736 then 669|794
8. Fridholt = 652|-265 then -843|-310
9. Gunthar = -4|10
10. Haestin = -377|-104
11. Keldar = 356|498
12. Lambercht = -157|-298
13. Lindricht = 471|228 then -711|674
14. Oddric = 232|345
15. Osgaut = 761|-892 then -39|-973
16. Raedborth = -194|-687
17. Regindalt = 719|365
18. Rikert = 22|-85
19. Tormand = -569|-91 then 136|855
20. Ulvelaik = 399|-431
Additional reward after full completion:
+5 Research Points per hour, per library level.
The mighty city of GM4 was built by others, conqured by the mighty armies of Xander, now lies utterly destroyed by the ruthless amies of the Trading Coalition. GM4 will not be forgotten
The fabled city of Greenoak did the most ambitious trade ever !
Trade Units Owned By This City
Best profile I've seen, if you've seen better msg me :)
Helmsman - Great profile
TauCeti - Very helpful profile
Pure - Nice profile
ubluntu - Nice profile
Tachyon - All the guides !